M i n u t e s August 5, 2008

Core Representatives
Michael Absher
Judy Young
Tom Clark
John Nahlen
Gerald Shimada
Dale Wagoner
Judy Young
August 5, 2008
2:00 - 3:30 p.m., Room 2345
The meeting was convened by Dr. Celia Barberena. Dr. Celia
Barberena introduced John Nahlen, Fiscal Consultant to Budget
Discussed process for chairs and membership
 Discussed budget and planning as it currently exists.
 Global priority of IPBC
1000 accounts - CEMC
2000 accounts - classified priority hiring by Administrators
3000 accounts – District
Faculty Association
4000 and 5000 accounts Budget Committee and Units
Joseph Kuwabara
6000 accounts Budget Committee
Classified Senate
 Reviewed ways to improve communication i.e., develop a
Kari McAllister
Roger Noyes
 Discussed IPBC reporting relationship with Budget
Classified Union
 Reviewed Charter “edited Budget Committee Governance
Document and charge of Committee to match reality.
Associated Students
 Change in core membership.
Aldolf Agus
Advised of $12,000 Increase for Budget allocations for 4000
accounts to unit Supply Budgets increased approximately
Rosie Mogle
 Review Bond requisition packets by next meeting (August
26). Co-Chairs are directed to e-mail budget managers to
submit additional equipment requests and requisitions.
Academic Senate
Michael Absher
Dan Raveica
Rachel Aziminia
Tim Dave
Distributed hand out from budget training meeting held on August 1, 2008 for managers.
District consultant agreed to approve Web for Finance and Banner access for all
committee members.
Summary amounts discussed for VTEA, Instructional Block Grant and Bond current
balance committed to allocation.
Budget Committee – Minutes
August 5, 2008
Pg. 2
Meetings for 2008/2009 year are on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month, at
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in Room 2345.
Next meeting: August 26, 2008