Problem set 1 FYS9130 – Week 35

Problem set 1 FYS9130 – Week 35
1. Variation of action
An action integral is given by
µ 2
S = d x −g
R + Lm
where Lm = − 41 F µν Fµν = − 14 g µα g νβ Fαβ Fµν and Fµν = Aν;µ − Aµ;ν depends
only on the field Aµ and not the metric gµν .
a) Show that when variating the action with respect to the metric gµν the
resulting equations of motion are
MP2 Eµν = Fµα Fν α − gµν Fαβ F αβ
b) Show that when variating the action with respect to the field Aµ the
resulting equations of motion are the source-free Maxwell equations
F µν ;ν = 0
2. Variation of Riemann tensor
Show that
δRαµβν = δΓαµν;β − δΓαµβ;ν
3. Contracted Bianchi identities
Use the Bianchi identity
Rµν[ρσ;τ ] = 0
and that for a symmetric tensor Sµν we have
Sµν;αβ − Sµν;βα = Sµσ Rσναβ + Sσν Rσµαβ
to find
a) Rµνρσ;µ = Rνσ;ρ − Rνρ;σ
b) Rµν;ν = 12 R;µ
c) Rαν;βν = 12 R;αβ + Rασ Rβσ − Rµν Rαµβν
d) Rµανβ;µν = 2Rαβ − 12 R;αβ − Rασ Rβσ + Rµν Rαµβν
e) Rµν;µν = 12 2R
4. Extra problem
Prove equation (6).