College of Education th Early Childhood-6 Grade Teacher Certification 2014-2015 Certification Texas Tech University Degree Requirements will be completed with the College of Human Sciences- Consult your HS Advisor Courses below are required as part of Core Requirements to complete certification: Undergraduate Degree Program Early Childhood-6th Grade (EC-6) Teacher Certification * EC-6 Generalist The TTU Core requirements with the exception of U.S. History and Political Science and the College and Major requirements are shown with Texas Common Course Numbering System values only when TTU offers equivalement courses. There may be other courses in transfer that apply toward the specific degree requirement, but those listed are known to apply. TTU Core: Communication TTU Core: Foreign Language ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 Can be fulfilled by 2 years H.S. of Foreign Language or 1 year COMS 1300, 2300 or CFAS 2300 A grade of "c" or better is required on courses applied college level of the SAME language TTU Core: Writing Intenstive toward this requirement Will be fulfilled by ENGL or EDUC courses TTU Core: Mathematics MATH 1320 and MATH 2370 These courses fulfill core and Teacher Certification requirements TTU Core: Life and Physical Sciences BIOL, GEOL or PHYS Teacher Education Program, EC-6 Certification: Program Requirements: ENGL 2351 fulfills both core and program requirements Lab Science required Two courses required for core - additional science required to complete certifcation requirements TTU Core: United States History HIST 2300 and HIST 2301 TTU Core:United States and Texas Government MATH 3370 fulfills program requirements Program requires one each Earth/Life/Physical Science (BIOL, GEOL, PHYS courses below fulfill both Life and Physical Sciences core and program requirements) BIOL 1401, BIOL 1402, CHEM 1307 &1107, PHYS 1401, PHYS 1403, GEOL 1303 &1101 POLS 1301 and 2302 HDFS 2303 fulfills both core and program requirements TTU Core: Creative Arts MUSI 2301 MUSI 2301 will meet core requirements and is required for teacher certification TTU Core: Language, Philosophy & Culture One course chosen from ENGL 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308 2351, 2388 or 2391 ENGL 2351 is recommended for best preparation for state certifcation exams and core requirement HIST 2310 fulfills program requirements GEOG 2351 fulfills program requirements ESS 3335 or HLTH 3313 fulfills program requirements ART 3372 fulfills program requirements EDEL 2300 fulfills University and Program requirements TTU Core: Social and Behavioral Sciences One course from current TTU Catalog Preferred courses HDFS 2303 recommended for best preparation for state certification exams.