WV Northern Community College Fall 2013 Fall Satisfaction Survey Summary INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Fall Student Satisfaction Survey is to gather data and feedback from undergraduate students from all three of WV Northern Community College campuses about their engagement at the institution, their overall satisfaction with their experiences, their satisfaction level and use of the various student services that WV Northern Community College has to offer, and their individual campus involvement. This survey provides the institution with valuable information about our students, the effectiveness of our services and helps us gain a better understanding of our student’s personal experiences with WV Northern Community College. This in turn, will assist the institution in our decision making abilities and allow us to make needed improvements. The Institutional Research office is responsible for the creation and administration of the survey instrument. The survey is opened from early November through early December. In Fall 2013, 2086 students received an email invitation to partake in the survey. Of those 2086 students,383 responded to give us an overall response rate of 18%. Created by the Institutional Research Department Page 1 of 15 Student Demographics and Distribution New Martinsville Weirton Wheeling Distance Ed. New Martinsville 17.1% 2% 17% Weirton 27.7% Wheeling 53.3% 53% 28% Distance Ed. 1.9% The Wheeling campus had the highest response rate with 53% of students responding (See figure A) and 68% were returning students (See figure B). Figure A. 68% 1st time student 25% 68% Returning 5% student 1% Transfer student 5% Returning Early1% EarlyTransfer entrance student student student entrance student 2% Other (please specify) 25% 1st time student 2% Other (please specify) Figure B. Full-time Part-time Full-time 1% 1% Hispanic 3% Non-Hispanic 97% 3% Prefer Not to Respond 96% Hispanic Under 18 18-24 25-39 1% 40 and above Under 18 Non-Hispanic 40% Figure C. 29% 71% of respondents were full-time (See figure C). Figure D. 71% 70.7% 29.3% Part-time The majority of respondents reported an ethnicity of Non-Hispanic (97%), a race of White (See figure D) and were between the ages of 18 and 24 (See figure F). Prefer Not to Respond -1% Indian or Alaska -1%or1% 4% American Indian Alaska Native American 6% Native 1% Asian 1% Asian Figure F. 1%30% 40% 30% 4% Black or African American Black or African American Native Hawaiian or1% Other Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 89% White 30% White 30% 18-24 25-39 6% Prefer not to respond 40 and above 89% Prefer not to respond Figure E. 32% of respondents are taking at least one developmental course. 64% of those taking at least one developmental couser are taking developmental math. (See figure G) Developmental Reading 13% Developmental Writing Developmental Math64% Developmental Math Developmental Writing 23% 32% Developmental Reading 14 68 24 106 306 258 296 64% 13% 327 Created by the Institutional Research Department 320 326 320 23% Figure G. Page 2 of 15 FINDINGS Percent that would choose WVNCC again 68% of students stated they would definitely enroll in WVNCC again (See figure H) and 93% of students responded that they were very satisfied (47%) or satisfied (45%) with their overall experience at WVNCC. (See figure I). Definitely not Maybe not I don't know Maybe yes Definitely yes Overall Experience at WVNCC Very Dissatisfied 3% 4% Dissatisfied 50% Very Satisfied 47% 40% 45% Satisfied 30% 2% 3% 10% 17% 68% 93% Definitely not Maybe yes Maybe not Definitely yes I don't know Figure H. 20% 10% Figure I. 0% Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very Satisfied Satisfied 56% of respondents reported their experience at WVNCC was much better than expected (22%) or better than expected (34%). (See figure J) Much worse than2% expected 7% Worse than expected 36% About what I expected 34% Better than I expected Much better than22% I expected 0% 5% Much better than I expected 10% 15% Better than I expected Figure J. 20% 25% 30% About what I expected 35% Worse than expected 40% Much worse than expected Financial Aid and Cost of the institution had the highest level of importance with respondents when considering their decision to enroll in WVNCC. Not very important Somewhat important Important Very Important Please rate the level of importance for the following, when considering your decision to enroll at WVNCC: Cost Financial Aid Size of institution Recommendations from family/friends Personalized attention prior to enrollment 1 7 46 31 17 10 7 39 47 37 68 55 94 106 100 223 219 116 101 126 Other responses included travel time and location Created by the Institutional Research Department Page 3 of 15 3% 3% 11% 12% 4% Certificate Associate Degree74% 16% Transfer Program18% (2+2) Upgrading Skills 5% 4% Personal Enrichment 3% Job related training 4% Other (please specify) 63% 63% of respondents reported attaining an Associate Degrees as their current educational goal. 16% reported transfer program and 11% reported attaining a Certificate as their current educational goal. (See figure K) Certificate Associate Degree Transfer Program (2+2) Upgrading Skills Personal Enrichment Job related training Figure K. The majority of respondents reported taking their classes prior to 5:00 p.m. 68% preferred daytime classes and over half of the respondents preferred traditional courses. When are the majority of your classes taken? Please select all that apply. Day (before 5pm) Night (after 5pm) Both Saturdays Online 67.6% 13.6% 20.9% 0.5% 16.8% 253 51 78 2 63 When taking traditional courses, when would you prefer to have your classes? Select all that apply: Day (before 5pm) Night (after 5pm) Both Saturdays 68.2% 12.0% 23.3% 4.5% 255 45 87 17 60.6% 6.4% 33.0% 226 24 123 Which type of delivery do you prefer for your courses? Traditional Online Both 62% of respondents reported working while attending school; 21% full-time and 41% part-time. (See figure L) 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 21% 21% Employed full-time 41% Employed full-time 41% Employed part-time 30% Employed part-time Not currently employed 30% 8% Not currently 8% employed Stay at home caregiver Stay at home 0% Figure L. Created by the Institutional Research Department caregiver Is your current employment related to your current course of study? Yes 22% No 78% Whether you are working or a stay at home caregiver, approximately how many hours per week do you spend working? 1-15 hours 16-30 hours 31-40 hours 40+ hours 28% 33% 17% 22% Page 4 of 15 Students were asked about their overall satisfaction with the numerous services offered by WVNCC. Figure M. Admissions: 400 Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 7 17 Admissions personnel are knowledgeable 200 Admission process 8 is easily understood 15 Overall 91% of respondents reported being satisfied or very satisfied withe the knowledge of admissions staff and 92% listed satisfied or very satisfied when asked if the admissions process is easily understood. (See figure M) 300 Satisfied Very Satisfied Very Satisfied 144 Satisfied 172 167 Dissatisfied 143 100 Very Dissatisfied 0 Admissions personnel Admission process is are knowledgeable easily understood Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 144 167 172 143 Please answer the following concerning Admissions: Admissions personnel are knowledgeable Admission process is easily understood 7 8 17 15 Registration: 400 Answer Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 300 11 is easy 19 Registration process 200 11 is convenient 24 Registration process 100 Dissatisfied 0 Figure N. Satisfied Very Satisfied 91% of respondents were satisfied or very Very 167 Satisfied 149 satisfied with ease of registration while Satisfied 155 138 89% were satisfied or very satisfied with Registration process is easy Very Dissatisfied Registration process is convenient the convenience of the registration process. (See figure N) Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 167 155 149 138 Please answer the following concerning Registration: Registration process is easy Registration process is convenient 11 11 19 24 11% Yes No 89% 89% 11% Yes No 89% of respondents felt that the current schedule of classes met their needs. Figure O. Created by the Institutional Research Department Page 5 of 15 Academic Advising: Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Please answer the following concerning Academic Advising: 13 10 11 28 17 19 122 123 119 172 173 175 Academic adviser is knowledgeable about my program requirements 9 8 130 178 Academic adviser is knowledgeable about the transfer requirements 10 8 127 145 Academic adviser is available and approachable Academic adviser helps set attainable goals Academic adviser is concerned about my success Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 28 approachable 122 172 Academic adviser13 is available and 17 173 Academic adviser10 helps set attainable goals123 119 175 Academic adviser11 is concerned19 about my success 8 130program requirements 178 Academic adviser 9is knowledgeable about my 8 127transfer requirements 145 Academic adviser10 is knowledgeable about the 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Academic adviser is available and approachable Academic adviser helps set attainable goals Academic adviser is concerned about my success Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Academic adviser is Academic adviser is knowledgeable about knowledgeable about my program the transfer requirements requirements Figure P. Financial Aid: Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Please rate the quality of service received from the Financial Aid Office if you have had any of the following types of communication: On campus or in person visit Written correspondence Telephone communication 9 12 29 16 21 38 124 116 104 149 109 94 Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 9 124 149 On campus or in person visit 16 Telephone communication 400 300 200 100 0 Written correspondence Very Dissatisfied 12 Written correspondence Dissatisfiedcommunication Satisfied 29 Telephone Created by the Institutional Research Department 21 Very 38Satisfied 116 104 On campus or in person visit Figure Q. 109 94 Page 6 of 15 Counseling Services: Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 136 129 143 135 Please answer the following concerning Counseling: 7 7 Counseling staff care about me as a student Counseling staff is knowledgeable 16 12 Answer Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 7 about me16 143 Counseling staff care as a student136 400 Counseling staff is7knowledgeable 12 129 135 300 Very Satisfied Satisfied 200 Dissatisfied 100 Very Dissatisfied 0 Counseling staff care about me as a student Figure R. Counseling staff is knowledgeable Career Services: The career service office provides students with The college offers services and resources to help Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied me decide upon a career. the help they need to get a job. Satisfied Very Satisfied 3% 4% to 2% 107 73 upon a career. The college offers 4services and7resources help me decide 4% 38% 38% 7 students with 95 the help 65 The career service5office provides they need to get a job. 3 service office 6 96 70 The staff of the career are accessible and knowledgeable. 55% 56% Figure S. The staff of the career service office are accessible and knowledgeable. 40% 2% 3% Legend: Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 55% Satisfied Very Satisfied Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Please answer the following concerning Career Services: The college offers services and resources to help me decide upon a career. 4 7 107 73 The career service office provides students with the help they need to get a job. 5 7 95 65 The staff of the career service office are accessible and knowledgeable. 3 6 96 70 Created by the Institutional Research Department Page 7 of 15 Overall Customer Service: 200 150 100 50 0 200 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied I seldom get the run-around when seeking information on 5 13 145 152 Campus staff are kind and accommodating campus II feel welcome on campus 8 149 154 feel welcome on 4 campus 143 151 The administrators7are friendly 10 and approachable 145 152 I feel respected as6a student 13 15 33 seeking information 134 129 I seldom get the run-around when on campus 200 150 100 50 0 The administrators are friendly Campus staff are kind and and approachable accommodating Figure T. 200 Legend: 150 Very Dissatisfied 100 Dissatisfied 50 Satisfied 0 Very Satisfied I feel respected as a student Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Please answer the following concerning Customer Service: Campus staff are kind and accommodating I feel welcome on campus The administrators are friendly and approachable I feel respected as a student 5 4 7 6 13 8 10 13 145 149 143 145 152 154 151 152 I seldom get the run-around when seeking information on campus 15 33 134 129 Created by the Institutional Research Department Page 8 of 15 Overall Satisfaction with Specialized Services Offered to Students: WV Northern Community College offers many specialized services to our students. Students were asked about their overall satisfaction with these specialized services. These overall averages and results are listed below. Veterans Services: 150 100 Answer Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 3 are friendly, 1 warm and 69 64to military veterans. Degree to which you feel welc People at the school approachable Very 2 1 65 61 through facilities and programs, School resources provide opportunities for student veterans, to learn and gro Satisfied Satisfied 56 51 understood. School attempts to2make credit 4transfer for veterans easily Dissatisfied 50 0 People at the school are friendly, warm and approachable to military veterans. Degree to which you feel welcome on campus. School resources provide opportunities for student veterans, through facilities and programs, to learn and grow. School attempts to make credit transfer for veterans easily understood. Figure U. Very Dissatisfied Disability Services: 140 120 100 80 Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 1 effective support 2 65 for disabilities 60 My campus provides services 0 easily available. 5 66 61 Accommodations are 0 2 50 The space in the Wheeling campus Resource Room are 48 adequate to my needs. 5 58 There is adequate1assistive technology and 61 software available on my campus. Very Satisfied 60 Satisfied 40 Dissatisfied 20 Very Dissatisfied 0 My campus Accommodations The space in the There is adequate provides effective are easily available. Wheeling campus assistive technology support services for Resource Room are and software disabilities adequate to my available on my needs. campus. Tutoring Services: Created by the Institutional Research Department Figure V. Page 9 of 15 Tutoring Services: Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 500 400 300 200 100 Tutors and tutoring staff are friendly and approachable. Satisfied Very Satisfied Tutoring Center resources, such as information on study skills and critical thinking, are helpful 4 readily available 5 88 103 Tutoring services are in promoting my success. 3 hours of 10 The Tutoring Center’s operation are93convenient.90 The Tutoring Center offers a sufficient number of tutors trained in various subject areas. 5 offers a sufficient 15 85 of tutors trained 89 The Tutoring Center number in various subject areas. 4 89 on study90 Tutoring Center resources, such5 as information skills and criticalCenter’s thinking, helpful are in promoting m The Tutoring hoursare of operation convenient. 2 1 88 104 Tutors and tutoring staff are friendly and approachable. Tutoring services are readily available 0 Figure W. Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Students were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with orientation courses that WV Northern Community College provides, the add/drop policy as well as our early warning procedure. Orientation: Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied If you have attended an Orientation course at WVNCC, please answer the following concerning the Orientation: The foroforientation was convenient. The time length time for orientation worked well for my schedule. 4 5 9 5 86 89 72 71 The information provided at orientation helped me navigate my first semester at Northern. 6 7 79 72 The staff at orientation were friendly, approachable, and helpful. 5 2 83 81 I would recommend that new students participate in orientation. 8 4 79 81 Add/Drop Policy and Early Warning Procedure: Very Very 300 Answer Options Dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied 200 7 reasonable 166 111 Add/Drop policies 3for classes are 100 25 if you were 108doing poorly 63 in a course. You were alerted 16 early in the term Figure X. 0 Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Add/Drop policies for classes are You were alerted early in the reasonable term if you were doing poorly in a course. Created by the Institutional Research Department Page 10 of 15 Overall Satisfaction with Facilities: Students were asked to rate their level of satisfaction concerning the bookstore, library, classrooms, labs and facilities. Bookstore: Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Bookstore hours are sufficient to your needs 26 sufficient to 36your needs 128 118 Bookstore hours are 8% 12% 14 23 140 127 Service at the bookstore is appropriate 38% 42% Figure Y. Service at the bookstore is appropriate 5% 7% 42% Legend: 46% Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Students were asked to rate their satisfaction on how their campus demonstrates a commitment to meeting the needs of various sectors of student. (See figure Y) Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 250 200 150 100 50 8 Part time students6 11 Evening students 7 6 8 Non-traditional students Under represented4populations 2 4 5 Students with disabilities Satisfied Very Satisfied 127 128 109 97 100 94 87 80 62 67 Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 0 Part time students Evening students Non-traditional students Under represented populations Figure Z. Students with disabilities Parking Lot: Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Parking lots are safe, secure and have sufficient lighting 17 33 170 104 Parking spaces available for students is sufficient 33 50 157 84 Created by the Institutional Research Department Page 11 of 15 Classroom Environment and Classroom Technology: Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 153 174 123 120 111 71 Please rate the effectiveness of the following aspects of classroom technology: 7 6 6 Technology enhanced classrooms Projectors Epop/Telecom Classrooms 400 300 Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 7 20 Technology enhanced classrooms 6 15 Projectors 6 22 Epop/Telecom classrooms 20 15 22 Satisfied Very Satisfied 153 120 174 111 123 71 Very Satisfied Satisfied 200 Dissatisfied 100 Very Dissatisfied 0 Figure A-1. Technology enhanced classrooms Projectors Epop/Telecom classrooms Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Please answer the following concerning classroom environment: Class size Temperature of classroom Furnishings (desk, chair, etc.) Noise control (The classroom is a distraction free environment) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 2 21 7 8 76 21 174 161 206 149 77 102 13 34 182 101 Satisfied Very Satisfied 2 8 174 149 Class size 21 76 161 77 Temperature of classroom 206 102 Furnishings (desk,7chair, etc.) 21 182 101 Noise control (The13classroom is34a distraction free environment) Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Figure B-1. Class size Very Dissatisfied Temperature of Furnishings (desk, Noise control (The classroom chair, etc.) classroom is a distraction free environment) Lab Classroom Environment: Created by the Institutional Research Department Page 12 of 15 Lab Classroom Environment: Students were asked to choose their level of satisfaction with lab equipment in specific labs. Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied 48 16 19 47 14 10 12 19 11 7 10 25 12 8 9 6 Satisfied Very Satisfied 34 15 17 42 17 11 15 17 12 8 10 25 12 10 7 8 Satisfied Very Satisfied 43 19 21 45 16 12 14 19 19 10 15 29 15 11 11 10 The equipment is in good working condition Nursing/CNA Respiratory Surgical Sciences (Bio, Chem, Micro) Culinary HVAC Radiography Medical Assistant 4 2 1 2 0 0 0 1 8 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied There are adequate supplies available Nursing/CNA Respiratory Surgical Sciences (Bio, Chem, Micro) Culinary HVAC Radiography Medical Assistant 5 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 15 3 4 3 3 2 2 4 Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied There is adequate space to perform activities Nursing/CNA Respiratory Surgical Sciences (Bio, Chem, Micro) Culinary HVAC Radiography Medical Assistant 3 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 5 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 Library: Created by the Institutional Research Department Page 13 of 15 Library: 29% of respondents stated they use the library frequently and 26% reported frequently using the online resources. (See figures B-1 and C-1) How often do you use the library's online Occasiona Frequently Rarely resources? lly 13% 89 the library? 122 67 How often do you use 82 the library's 120 online resources? 67 How often26% do you use Never 30 42 How often do you use the library? 22% 10% Figure B-1. Frequently 29% 39% Occasionally Rarely Never 22% 39% Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never Figure C-1. Yes No 8% Yes No 92% When asked if satisfied with the hours of operation, 92% stated they were. (See figure D-1) 92% 8% Figure D-1. 95% of respondents felt the library met their needs. (See figure E-1) Yes5% No Yes No 95% 5% 95% Figure E-1. Student Activities: Created by the Institutional Research Department Page 14 of 15 Student Activities: Have you ever attended an event sponsored by Student Activities? Students were asked questions pertaining to student activities. Have you ever attended an event sponsored by Student Activities? 43.7% Yes 56% 56.3% No Do you look for extracurricular activities to participate in on your campus? 44% Figure F-1. o you look for extracurricular activities to participate in on your campus? 30% 30.2% Yes 69.8% No Yes No 70% Figure G-1. Yes 34% of Wheeling students stated they do use Centre Town fitness while 23% of New Martinsville students utilize Prodigy Wellness. No Yes No Do you66% use Centre Town 34% Fitness77% if66% you are a Wheeling Campus student? Do you use Prodigy Wellness 23% Center 77%if you are a New Martinsville Campus student? 34% Do you use Centre Town Fitness if you are a Wheeling Campus student? 23% Do you use Prodigy Wellness Center if you are a New Martinsville Campus student? Yes No 16% When asked if they would take advantage of free wellness programs if they were offered, 84% of respondents stated yes. Yes No Yes 84% 84% 16% No Figure H-1. Students were asked rate their satisfaction with specific student activities services. Dissatisfied Satisfied Not Applicable Please indicate your level of satisfaction concerning Student Activities? The number of events held on your campus The sports that are offered at WVNCC Promotion of Student Activities events 11 35 21 189 100 178 92 152 90 Educational entertainment programming (Diversity programs, Women's history presentations) Entertainment programming (Hypnotist, Chicken Fest) 22 137 129 16 176 100 Created by the Institutional Research Department Page 15 of 15