Name of program or course: Name & title of presenter: 1st or 2nd reading? Date: West Virginia Northern Community College - Curriculum Proposal Form (Revised 8/15) Please provide the following information (indicate if this is a new course, revision of an existing course, change in a program, curriculum, etc.). Attach all required documentation and appendices in ONE document, as specified in the instructions for each change you are proposing(you do not have to do a separate curriculum proposal form for each one), including: Completed Curriculum Proposal form listing all changes Completed Justification sheet New master course guide(s) showing all proposed changes OLD and NEW catalog/curriculum layout pages (if applicable) OLD and NEW program description page (if applicable) List Program(s) affected by these changes here: 1. 2. 3. Proposed Changes - provide specific details of all of the changes that apply it sections A-E below: A. If you are making changes to AN EXISTING COURSE THAT WILL CONTINUE check each column applicable to what you are proposing. You must provide a new master course guide which reflects all changes. (IF YOU ARE NOT CHANGING ANY EXISTING COURSE DESCRIPTIONS, TITLES, CREDIT HOURS, OR PRE/CO REQUISITES, GO TO B) Department Changing Changing Changing Changing Changing anything (PSYC, ENG, HIT) Credit course Course Title? Pre, else? (specify) and Course # Hours? description? pre/co, or corequisites? B. If you are proposing to DELETE any courses from the current program and/or the catalog altogether, list preferably in numerical order by course #. (IF YOU ARE NOT DELETING ANY COURSES, GO TO C) Department/ Credit Course Title(s) Deleting from Deleting from the catalog (PSYC, ENG, Hours your program altogether? Y or N? HIT) but not the By when? Are there students Course catalog? Y or who need to finish & course Number(s) N? will need to continue it? What course(s) will replace it or be acceptable substitutions? Page | 1 Name of program or course: Name & title of presenter: 1st or 2nd reading? Date: C. If you are proposing to ADD any courses (brand new or existing but not in the program) to the current program(s), list and specify whether this should be a first level or second level course (omit course # - this will be assigned by the registrar) if the course is approved. (IF YOU ARE NOT ADDING ANY NEW COURSES, GO TO D) New courses Credit 1st level or Course Title(s) Department (PSYC, Hours 2nd level ENG, HIT) course? D. If you are changing the sequence of courses in the program (fall to spring, 1st or 2nd year, etc), total credit hours for the program, or want any special notations or comments on the curriculum layout page, specify those changes below. (IF YOU ARE NOT CHANGING ANY OF THESE, GO TO E) PROGRAM(S) Changing Changing total credit Changing anything else? NAME & TYPE(S) OF Sequence of when hours for the (Special notations, DEGREE(S) (AA,AAS, CP) offered? program? comments?) E. If you are changing ANY of the above mentioned (A, B, C, OR D) you must also provide a current curriculum layout page using strikeouts to indicate things that are being changed or removed (program or course titles, credit hours to courses or programs), and a new curriculum layout page with ALL proposed changes highlighted by bold italics and underlined so we can clearly see ALL changes that are being proposed. F. If you are making any changes to your PROGRAM DESCRIPTION page (program outcomes, job placement or employment outlook information, licensing or certification examinations, etc.), you must also provide a current program description page using strikeouts to indicate things that should be removed, and a new program description page with ALL proposed changes highlighted by bold italics and underlined so we can clearly see ALL changes that are being proposed. ARE YOU MAKING CHANGES TO THE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE? Y N Proposed Implementation Date: Fall, 2014 Page | 2 Name of program or course: Name & title of presenter: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Faculty Member or Program Director Submitting Proposal 1st or 2nd reading? Date: __________________ Date Division Chair or Program Director comments/endorsement ________________________________________________________ Signature of Division Chair/Program Director (if not the same person submitting the proposal Curriculum Committee Recommendation: ( ) Approval ( ) Disapproval _________________ Date ( ) Approval with Modifications (attached) _________________________________________________ Signature of Curriculum Committee Chair _________________ Date Vice President, Academic Affairs (or designee) Recommendation: ( ) Approval ( ) Approval with Modifications (attached) ( ) Disapproval _________________________________________________________ Signature President’s Action: ( ) Approval ( ) Disapproval ___________________ Date ( ) Approval with Modifications (attached) _________________________________________________________ Signature of President (Updated 9/13) ___________________ Date Page | 3 Name of program or course: Name & title of presenter: 1st or 2nd reading? Date: WVNCC – CURRICULUM COMMITTEE PROPOSAL APPENDIX I - JUSTIFICATION SHEET Please answer the following questions related to your curriculum proposal: 1. Why are you recommending these changes? (courses outdated, recommendation of advisory committee, results of assessment activities and data, better attainment of program/course outcomes) 2. What impact will these changes have on other courses or programs? (List impacted programs and comments or input you have gathered from other faculty, program directors, or Division Chairs) 3. What impact will these changes have on institutional resources? (Budget, faculty, equipment, labs, etc.) Have you already discussed this impact with appropriate personnel (financial aid, administration, division chair, other faculty)? 4. What impact will these changes have on current students? How will you ensure that current students are not penalized by these changes? 5. What impact will these changes have on transferability, national/regional association standards, etc.? 6. What impact will these changes have on the institution’s mission and student’s achievement of general education outcomes/requirements? Page | 4 Name of program or course: Name & title of presenter: 1st or 2nd reading? Date: APPENDIX II – MASTER COURSE GUIDE(S) for course level changes Obtain current master course guide and revise according to instructions) Page | 5 Name of program or course: 1st or 2nd reading? Date: Name & title of presenter: Appendix III CURRICULUM LAYOUT SHEET FOR CATALOG (Can be copied and pasted from the online catalog and then use strikethroughs for what is being removed, and bold, underlined italics for what you are adding or changing, although formatting may need to be changed; if you can’t change formatting, retype using this as a template. Remove the sample before submitting. (SAMPLE) WVNCC catalog curriculum layout sheet – (PROGRAM NAME) First Year - Fall Semester Second Year - Fall Semester ENG 101 College Composition I 3 HUM Humanities Core Requirement 3 PSYC 105 Introduction to Psychology 3 HPE Physical Education Requirement 1 HIST History Core Requirement 3 SCI Science Core Requirement 4 MATH Mathematics Core Requirement 3-5 SOC SS Introduction to Sociology Social Science Core Requirement 3 Fundamentals of Speech Communication OR Interpersonal Communication 3 Concentration Elective* 3 Elective 3 SPCH 105 OR 101 125 15-17 First Year - Spring Semester ENG ENG 102 OR 115 College Composition II Or Technical Writing 17 Second Year - Spring Semester 3 HPE Physical Education Requirements 1 (3) HUM Humanities Core Requirement 3 MATH Math Core Requirement Or 4(5) POLS 102 American National Government & Politics 3 SCI Science Core Requirement (4) SS 255 The Global Community 3 Social Science Core Requirement Introduction to Sociology 3 Concentration Elective* 3 Elective 36 Elective 3 SS SOC 125 1613 16 Total Hours in Program 61-63 * Concentration electives (9 credit hours) should be chosen from: ENG 200, ENG 201, ENG 210, ENG 211, ENG 225, ENG 226 Concentration and General Electives should be selected in consultation with an advisor and/or the college to which the student intends to transfer Refer to Core Requirements for the Associate in Arts Program for acceptable core requirements in HUM, HIST, SS, MATH, and SCI. HPE requirements can be chosen from any HPE course. (Note: Courses used to fulfill core requirements may not also be used as concentration hours – it is recommended that students in this program choose their 6 hours of HUM core requirements from ART, MUS, or PHIL) Page | 6 Name of program or course: Name & title of presenter: 1st or 2nd reading? Date: APPENDIX IV SAMPLE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE If you are making a change to the PROGRAM DESCRIPTION page, copy and paste from the current catalog, using STRIKETHROUGHS to remove parts of the old description you don’t want anymore, and using bold, italics, underlined to indicate the new wording: CATALOG PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PAGE (SAMPLE) Human Services Associate in Applied Science Degree - Early Childhood: Care & Education Option (Paraprofessional Educator) Academic Advisor(s): WH - Herrington (A-L), Hupp, (M-Z); WT - Davis; NM – Ferrell This program is designed for those who want to work with children from birth-adolescence. Graduates can be expected to fill paraprofessional or professional positions in private or public agencies that provide early care and/or education services. This program exceeds meets the requirements of the WV Department of Education’s paraprofessional educator’s certificate, therefore individuals with this degree should also be eligible for positions as teacher’s aides in the public school systems. Students who eventually plan to complete a bachelor’s degree in a related field can use this degree as a foundation for transfer, but it is recommended that students who plan to complete a bachelor’s degree before beginning employment pursue an Associate in Arts 2+2 or transfer degree in Elementary Education, Secondary Education, or Early Childhood Education to maximize transferability of courses. Upon completion of the program, graduates will be able to: *Demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts, theories, & strategies used in early childhood care & education; *Demonstrate knowledge of curriculum development, and how to implement activities for children of different ages *Demonstrate knowledge of infant, toddler, pre-school, and school-age child development; *Demonstrate the ability to assist with designing developmentally appropriate practice activities for children; *Demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to follow ethical standards and guidelines for the profession; *Apply the skills and abilities related to assist planning and implementing therapeutic, learning, or social activities that are appropriate for children with diverse needs and abilities and for their families; * Demonstrate knowledge cultural, family, and individual influences on a child’s development & service delivery; * Demonstrate an understanding of their role, abilities, and limitations in a relevant work setting. *Demonstrate understanding of general education goals of WVNCC for all students Employment outlook is currently above average, but is dependent upon changing local, regional, and national needs. Salaries tend to be low-moderate for graduates, depending on location, type of facility, and the prospective employee’s level of education and work experience. This program is designed to prepare individuals for entry-level positions in day care, preschools, and public school systems Page | 7