Tenn/101B/fall 2011 Essay #4: Catfish and Mandala (first half) Assignment: Develop a thesis around ONE of the following questions: 1. Why does Andrew call himself a “pilgrim”? What is he searching for on his journey? 2. Andrew also uses the term “exile.” Does he deliberately send himself into exile? What is he trying to leave behind him? 3. How or why is the idea of “home” complicated for Andrew Pham? Reminder: To explain your ideas and support your analysis effectively, you’ll need, as always, plenty of support: examples, information, and quotes from the book. Quote or paraphrase at least a couple of times in each body paragraph, citing page #s, and analyze the words closely. The analysis following the quotes is the most important part of the paper. Will my essay be graded as before? Yes. Content: Does your essay respond directly to the topic, show a strong understanding of Catfish and Mandala, and use the text effectively to develop and support a specific thesis? Structure and Organization: Is your essay organized and easy to follow? Does the introduction engage the reader and present your thesis clearly? Are ideas separated into paragraphs appropriately, with a topic sentence for each paragraph? Do the paragraphs flow? Does the essay end in a way that makes it feel complete? Language and Mechanics: Did you proofread well? Are your words chosen carefully? Are your sentences structured correctly, and is the essay mostly free of language errors (spelling, punctuation, and grammar)? With your final draft you must include in your folder: At least one page of pre-writing a copy of a rough draft. The essay checklist from peer review (recording the feedback you got on your draft). The “author’s note” commenting on how this assignment went for you. Essay length: 4-5 pages MIN. (no filler, no repetitions, just the good stuff) Rough Draft Due for Peer Review: _____________ (bring 3 copies) Final Draft Due: _____________