ENGINEERING-10 Midterm Examination Name Example Questions from Previous Exams From the Syllabus Exams Note that since students earn 20% for attendance the exams are DESIGNED to TEST what the students DO during class time. What a GOOD student does is LISTEN-CAREFULLY to what is said. A student who listens carefully, and studies the presentations and guest-biographies posted to the course webpage usually scores at least a "B" on the Exams. Exams will primarily consist of a combination of: o True/False Questions o Multiple Choice Questions o Short-Answer Questions o Reading Charts and/or Graphs o Solving problems using a calculator A set of EXAMPLE Questions taken from previous MidTerm and Final Exams is Posted to the Course WebPage o Students are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to review the examples prior to the MidTerm Exam to become familiar with the general-content and format of the Exams. Subject matter covered in the reading assignments may be included in exams although not specifically covered during lecture All exams will be CLOSED-BOOK Make-up exams will NOT be given except in very rare circumstances and only at the discretion of the instructor. Please do NOT miss ANY of the Exams. o MakeUp exams are only offered in those cases where the student can provide 3rd party justification (e.g., a note from a medical doctor) for the absence. o Any MakeUp exam must be taken the NEXT day, at a time & location determined by the instructor. o All MakeUp exams are subject to a 15% score-penalty. MakeUp exam takers have extra study time, and that is NOT FAIR to those students who make the (sometimes extraordinary) effort to come to the exam ontime. © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 1 of 14 Examination Procedures and Rules 1. CLOSED Book Exam; NO reference materials permitted 2. Examination Duration = 50 minutes (The Class Period) 3. Permitted Tools Pen or Pencil Straight-Edge Ruler Calculator (NO CellPhones or Laptop Computers allowed) 4. Partial Credit Awarded so SHOW ALL WORK NoWork = NoCredit 5. Identify FINAL Answer by BOXING IT or by Placing it in the Answer SLOT 6. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated Section-1 Short-Answer and Calculations For the questions in this section WRITE the answer in the space provided below the question. Please show work when a calculation is required 1. (2 pts) There are VERY FEW Academic Fields where a student can move into PRIVATE INDUSTRY with a Bachelor’s Degree an immediately start USING what they learned at the university. THERE are basically TWO such fields of study, one is ENGINEERING. NAME the OTHER Field 2. (3 pts) Recently ManPower Inc. conducted a survey to determine which types of jobs are HARDEST to fill. The survey contained a total of 10 types of jobs List THREE of these Hard-to-Fill positions: 3. (6 pts)The instructor described 13 Study-Skills Rules for Engineering Students. Name at Least three of them: 4. (6 pts) The Figure below shows the results of the National Association of Colleges and Employers Starting-Salary Survey of College students who received Bachelor’s Degrees in 2010. Use this Chart to determine the approximate average starting salary for New Graduates in Liberal Arts and Chemical Engineering: Liberal Arts Starting Salary → Chemical Engineering Starting Salary → © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 2 of 14 Bachelors Degree Field Teacher, k-8 Psychology Fitness/Recreation Hospitality Services Foreign Language Liberal Arts Teacher, 9-12 History Communications Criminal Justice Political Sci Agricultural Mgmnt Business Admin Marketing Human Resources Accounting MIS/DP Logistics/Matl-Mgmnt Nursing Finance Civil Engineering Construction Mgmnt Aero Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Computer Science Computer Engineering Chemical Engineering NACE Bachelor's Degree New-Grad Salaries Jul2010 0 Salary-Survey-2010_1007.xls 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Average Starting Salary ($k/yr) 50 55 60 65 70 5. (3 pts) Former Chabot College student Robert Irwin was the Steering & Suspension Design-Team Leader for the UCBerkeley Solar-Car. What is the NAME of this Solar Car? 6. (3 pts) Name THREE California universities to which a Chabot College engineering student might transfer. 7. (3 pts) Name the person who is generally regarded as the inventor of the moveable-type printing press. 8. (3 pts) Name the CalTech Engineering Professor who is generally regarded as the “Father of AeroSpace/AeroNautical Engineering” 9. (3 pts) During his discussion of his experience as a new-employee recruiter at University Engineering Schools the ENGR10 instructor described FIVE criteria that Watkins-Johnson © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 3 of 14 Company used to assess the suitability of a new graduate. List TWO of these 5 factors that were MOST important to WJ. 10. (2 pts) Guest Speaker and former Chabot Engineering Student Mr. Yong Yin Chuah joined an Engineering Club-Team at his transfer university. What Engineered-Object did Mr. Chuah’s club design, build, and test during Multiple-University competitions? 11. (2 pts) Guest Speaker and former Chabot Engineering Student Mr. Yong Yin Chuah earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering. Name the Branch/Type of Engineering in Which Mr. Chuah earned his Bachelor’s Degree. 12. (2 pts) Guest Speaker and former Chabot Engineering Student Mr. Yong Yin Chuah earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from a Fine University. Name the University. 13. (3 pts) During Guest Speaker and Chabot Engineering Student Mr. Yong Yin Chuah’s guest lecture he made this statement: “One Thing I wanted to share with you guys is MURPHY’S LAW”. In the space the below write “Murphy’s Law”. 14. (2 pts) NAME The VERY BEST website that a Chabot Engineering student can consult when making his/her plans for transfer to a UC/CSU School of Engineering. Note that is site was suggested by Guest Speakers: Mr. Chuah, Mr. Jagoda, and Ms. Eva Shiorring. 15. (2 pts) Guest Speaker and former Chabot Engineering Student Mr. Joshua Merritt transferred to a fine university Engineering program to pursue his Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering. Name The University 16. (2 pts) Guest Speaker Mr. Tom Pye Earned Bachelor of Science and Master of Science Degrees at Which Fine University? 17. (2 pts) Guest Speaker and former Chabot Engineering Student Mr. Tomasz Jagoda earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering from this fine University. 18. (2 pts) Name the World’s MOST FAMOUS ENGINEER (Living, Dead, or OtherWise): 19. (2 pts) Your Instructor and Guest Speaker Mr. Joshua Merritt both attended A Community College other than Chabot. Name this Community College © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 4 of 14 20. (2 pts) During his Engineering Practice Career your instructor used to recruit New Graduate Engineers to work for his company. Your Instructor Made numerous recruiting visits to “Top Notch” Universities. OTHER than CAL (UCBerkeley) & Stanford, NAME one of these Universities. 21. (2 pts) A good student taking a 5-Unit Physics course (e.g., PHYS4A) at Chabot College will spend at least this amount of study-time each week for this class: 22. (3 pts) Name the person who is generally regarded as the inventor of the TELEPHONE 23. (3 pts) Name the person who is generally regarded as the inventor of the moveable-type printing press. 24. (4 pts) During Lecture the instructor mentioned a number of Organizations at which current and/or former Chabot Engineering students earned INTERNSHIPS. Name at least TWO of these organizations 25. (2 pts) Guest Speaker Ms. Nancy Grossman is currently employed by this fine Company 26. (2 pts) Guest Speaker Ms. Nancy Grossman earned her Engineering Bachelor’s degree from this fine university. 27. (2 pts) According to Guest Speaker Ms. Nancy Grossman: Project Management Begins with __________________ Fill in the Blank above 28. (2 pts) Guest Speaker Dr. Linabing Hu earned his Ph.D. in physics from this fine university. 29. (2 pts) After transferring from Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) Guest Speaker Mr. Bryan Jones went on to earn his Bachelor’s degree from this fine university. 30. (3 pts) Guest Speaker Mr. Robert Murillo Attended a COMMUNITY COLLEGE before he transferred to his university. Name the Community College: 31. (3 pts) Guest Speaker Dr. Nilgun M. Ozer earned her Ph.D. in Applied Physics from a university in a city in a foreign country. NAME the CITY and Country © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 5 of 14 32. (3 pts) Guest Speaker Mr. Bernhard Stonas Earned BS and MS degrees from this fine University 33. (3 pts) Guest Speaker Bernhard Stonas Attended a COMMUNITY COLLEGE before he transferred to his university. Name the Community College: 34. (3 pts) Which Guest Speaker designed the automatic Medication-Pill Dispensing system shown below: Section-2 MultiChoice → CIRCLE the BEST answer (1 Point Each) 1. Long Engineering Reports (>1 page) to Company Management should begin with this: a. An Introduction b. A Picture c. An Executive Summary d. An Equation (whenever possible) e. A Graph f. A Cartoon 2. In the USA the Percentage of Working Engineers who Hold State Professional Engineer’s Licenses is most nearly: a. 5% b. 20% c. 50% d. 70% 3. Mr. Yong Yin Chuah earned a very cool Engineering Internship at a Company that manufactures components for the Boeing 747-800 AirCraft. In what COUNTRY is this firm located? © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 6 of 14 a. b. c. d. e. f. Canada Brazil Taiwan Malaysia The Philippines Germany 4. Which type of engineer would typically design the ventilation and air-conditioning system for a building a. Civil Engineer b. Industrial Engineer c. Manufacturing Engineer d. Mechanical Engineer e. Structural Engineer 5. During his Time at his Bachelor-Degree university Mr. Chuah was an Undergraduate Research Assistant. In this capacity Mr. Chuah assisted his professor with research into: a. Composite Materials b. Advanced Temperature Sensors c. Energy Efficient Air Conditioners d. DriverLess AutoMobiles e. Robotic Pipe-Welding Machines 6. Guest Speaker Mr. Joshua Merritt transferred to University which has most nearly this number of students: a. 15,000 b. 25,000 c. 40,000 d. 50,000 e. 65,000 7. A Computer SCIENCE Engineer would most likely be engaged in this task: a. Designing Computers b. Writing Software Code c. Testing Computers d. Building Computer Networks e. Writing Computer Repair Manuals 8. According to Guest Speaker Mr. Tom Pye the expected LifeTime of Solar Panels is most nearly this number of years: a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 30 e. 40 f. 50 9. Guest Speaker Mr. JOSHUA MERRITT Joined the Student Section of THIS Engineering Society at his Transfer University. © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 7 of 14 a. b. c. d. e. f. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) 10. Speaker Mr. TOMASZ JAGODA Joined the Student Section of this Engineering Society at his Transfer University. a. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) b. Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) c. Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) d. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) e. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) f. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) 11. Former Chabot Engineering Students Alvin Lee and Melissa Quemada earned summer internships with this organization. a. LBNL b. INSET c. SLAC d. LLNL e. NASA f. SANDIA 12. In the course of her research into Engineering Transfer, Ms. Eva Shiorring surveyed 4219 students at 19 universities who had earned engineering degrees. Of these 4219 students, what percentage were Women: a. About 5% b. About 10% c. About 20% d. About 30% e. About 40% f. Greater than 50% 13. Guest Speaker Dr. William Mickelson earned his Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics at this fine University a. UCBerkeley b. University of Texas c. UCLA d. Cal Tech e. Arizona State University f. Stanford University 14. According to Guest Speaker and San Jose State University Professor Stacy Gleixner San Jose State Engineering has about this many Student Engineering-Clubs a. 5 b. 15 c. 25 © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 8 of 14 d. 35 e. 45. f. More than 50 15. Guest Speaker Dr. William Mickelson Worked as Device Engineer at this Emeryville, CA Start-Up Company a. Pixar, Inc. b. UltraSolar MacroPanels c. FireWire Wind Company d. CoVentor BioMatics e. NanoMix, Inc. f. OptiPuter Systems 16. Guest Speaker Dr. William Mickelson is currently the Executive Director of the “COINS” research operation at UCBerkeley. “COINS” Stands for: a. CoOperation In NanoScale research b. Continuous Operations In Nuclear Systems c. Community Operations In Numerical Simulation d. Center of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems e. Compound Optical Intelligent NanoSystems 17. Guest Speaker Mr. Tomasz Jagoda was an undergraduate research assistant at his transfer university. In this capacity he assisted his professor with research related to: a. Cadimum Telluride PhotoVoltaic Cells b. Mercury-Phosphate Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells c. HydroCephalous Valves d. Robotic Surgery Systems e. MicroElectroMechanical AcceleroMeters f. Sterling-Cycle Heat-Engines 18. The engineering field which “designs solutions” to problems that have critical biological components” best describes a. Environmental Engineering b. Chemical Engineering c. Biosystems Engineering d. Materials Engineering e. Electrical Engineering 19. The engineering field most closely associated with product-production, manufacturing, human factors, and operations research is a. Industrial Engineering b. Chemical Engineering c. Biosystems Engineering d. Electrical Engineering e. Biomedical Engineering 20. This person, who earned a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, has been called “The CEO of the Century” for his/her tremendous Business & Technical Leadership at the General Electric (GE) Company. The name of this person is: © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 9 of 14 a. b. c. d. e. f. Meg Whitman Lee Iacocca Bill Gates Jack Welch T. J. Rodgers Steve Jobs 21. Guest Speaker Dr. Linabing Hu used this type of “ink” to make paper electrically conductive which can then be used to construct “SuperCapacitors”: a. Carbon NanoTube b. Gold Grain c. Gallium Arsenide d. TetraFluoroEthylene e. Germanium MicroCrystal f. Tin Oxide NanoWire 22. According to Guest Speaker Mr. Dale Masterson the UCBerkeley College of Engineering has about this many students: a. 1500 b. 2500 c. 3500 d. 4500 e. 5500 f. More than 6000 23. In the USA, Which of these Engineering Professional Societies is the OLDEST a. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) b. The American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) c. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) d. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) e. National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) 24. At a 4-year University such as UCBerkeley or San Jose State an Engineering student should expect to put in this much STUDY-TIME for EVERY CLASS-LECTURE HOUR a. 30 minutes b. 1.5 hours c. 3 Hours d. 5 Hours e. 8 Hours 25. According to Guest Speaker Mr. Dale Masterson of the UCBerkeley College of Engineering the percentage of Engineering TRANSFER students who eventually GRADUATE with Engineering Degrees is most nearly: a. 6% b. 25% c. 33% d. 50% e. 75% f. 94% © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 10 of 14 g. 99% 26. According to Guest Speaker Mr. Dale Masterson of the UCBerkeley College of Engineering (CoE) has about this many Alumni (people who have graduated from the CoE) a. 1 000 b. 10 000 c. 25 000 d. 50 000 e. 75 000 f. 100 000 27. The person(s) who invented the AirPlane is generally regarded to be a. Thomas Edison b. Eli Whitney c. Samuel B. Morse d. The Wright Brothers e. Alexander Graham Bell f. Albert Einstein g. Robert Fulton h. Henry Ford 28. Which of the following would an practicing engineer typically NOT do a. Write Patent Applications b. Write Financial Statements c. Write Technical Test Reports d. Write Articles for Technical Journals 29. Technical Mistakes are to be: a. Learned From b. Avoided at all Cost c. Forgotten d. Used to Assign Blame 30. In most Rankings of Engineering Schools in the USA UCBerkeley is usually ranked ( 1 = Best) a. In the Top 5 b. 6-10 c. 11-20 d. 20+ 31. Dr. Andrew Grove, the retired CEO of INTEL, earned a Ph.D. degree in this Engineering discipline: a. Nuclear Engineering b. Electrical Engineering c. Computer Engineering d. Civil Engineering e. Chemical Engineering f. Industrial Engineering © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 11 of 14 32. The main negative environmental impact for Wind Turbine generated Electricity is: a. Release of Air Pollants b. Killing large birds such as Raptors c. Thermal Pollution d. A Large “Carbon FootPrint” e. Global Warming f. Release of RadioActive ByProducts 33. In the USA this engineering discipline has more practitioners than any other a. AeroSpace b. Civil c. Chemical d. Electrical e. Industrial f. Mechanical 34. Engineering Internships typically last for this period of time: a. About 1 month b. 2-3 months c. 4-6 months d. 8-10 months e. About 1 year 35. Former Chabot College student, and UCBerkeley Mechanical Engineering Graduate Robert Irwin Took a Professional Position as a Mechanical Engineer with this fine organization: a. Intel b. Applied Materials c. Lawrence Livermore Lab d. Solyndra e. Boston Scientific f. JPL at CalTech g. Hot Chips 36. Guest Speaker Mr. James Murray Discussed the Gigantic Mining Truck shown at left. The Carrying capacity of this truck is: a. 10 tonne (22,000 lbs) b. 17 tonne (37,500 lbs) c. 40 tonne (88,000 lbs) d. 100 tonne (220,000 lbs) e. 170 tonne (375, 000 lbs) f. 225 tonne (500,000 lbs) g. 450 tonne (1,000,000 lbs) © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 12 of 14 37. (4 points) During his Presentation Guest Speaker Mr. James Murray showed the photograph at right depicting a Gigantic Machine used in the mining operation in El Abra, Chile. In the space below write the NAME of this Machine. 38. The National Academy of Engineering named This technology as having the GREATEST impact on improving Human Lives: a. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration b. Electrification c. Automobile d. Water Supply & Distribution e. Radio and Television f. Agricultural Mechanization g. Computers 39. Guest Speaker Dr. Nilgun Ozer is the MESA 1 Engineering Program Director a nearby university. Name the University: a. UCBerkeley b. UC Santa Cruz c. San Francisco State d. San Jose State e. CSU - East Bay f. UCDavis g. Cal Maritime (in Vallejo) 40. While at his university Guest Speaker Mr. Elijah Rosas worked on a special project that he analyzed using MATLAB software. The Nature of this project was: a. A Self-Driving Automobile b. A Rugged Wheel Chair c. A Fuel Cell Motorcycle d. A Earthquake-resistant Building e. Hard Disk Drives f. Solar Cells g. An Electricity Generating Windmill 1 Math Engineering and Sciece Education © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 13 of 14 41. The Photo at right was part of which Guest Speaker’s presentation? a. Ms. Baoying (Stephenie) Zhang b. Mr. Elijah Rosas c. Mr. Mr. Berhard Stonas d. Mr. Dale Masterson e. Mr. Robert Murillo f. Dr. Nilgun Ozer g. Ms. Hayat Tazir h. Mr. Jose Luis Casillas Print Date/Time = 29-May-16/03:56 © Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • 282217436 • Page 14 of 14