Estimering av sikkerhet – En sikkerhetseksperts syn på saken Security for smart Electricity GRIDs Hordan estimere vi risk ? Prestasjoner og planer 1 Hvordan estimerer vi risk i SEGRID prosjektet? Innhold § Hva er SEGRID? § SEGRID Steps i risikoanalyse § Hvordan estimerer vi risk i SEGRID? Hva har vi gjort Hva har vi lært Hva har vi tenkt å jobbe med videre 2 Security for smart Electricity GRIDs Topic: Project type: Grant agreement no: Thematic Priority: Start date of project: Duration: Coordinator: 3 SEC-2013.2.2-3 Protection of smart energy grids against cyber attacks Collaborative project – small or medium scale focused research project 607109 FP7-SEC-2013-1 October 1st, 2014 36 months TNO, The Netherlands SEGRID is supported by the EU FP7 Programme under Contract No. 607109 The main objective of the SEGRID project is to enhance the protection of smart grids against cyber-attacks § We do this by applying a risk assessment approach to a number of smart grid use cases enhancing risk assessment methodologies § Based on the results of the risk assessments we Likelihood define security requirements determine gaps in current technologies, standards and regulations develop novel security measures for smart grids Very likely Minor Major Critical Highly Critical Highly Critical Likely Very Minor Minor Major Critical Highly Critical Possible Very Minor Minor Major Critical Critical Unlikely Very Minor Minor Minor Major Critical Very Unlikely Very Minor Very Minor Minor Major Major Medium High Very High Very low 4 Low Impact SEGRID Partners Distribution System Operators Manufacturers Knowledge institutes Universities 5 SEGRID Work package structure WP 2 (ABB) Application & Enhancements of Risk Assessment M1 WP 3 (KTH) Enhancements of Vulnerability Assessment techn. WP 4 (SICS) Novel Security Solutions T4.1 System & Platform T4.2 Comm. protocols T4.3 Resilient Comm. infra WP 6 (TNO) Dissemination & Exploitation WP 7 (TNO) Project management 6 M1 M3 M1 WP 5 (ENCS) Testing and evaluation WP 1 (EDP) Use cases and security goals M1 T4.4 Privacy by design M1 M1 SEGRID Maturity Storyline Current state of security is insufficient Gaps in available security technology for the Smart Grid SOLL Smart Energy Grid New threats 5) Automatic reconfiguration 4) Load balancing regionally Known threats 3) Dynamic power management 2) Load balancing centrally IST 1) Smart Metering Current Energy Grid Time 7 SEGRID Maturity Use Cases and security goals Current state of security is insufficient Gaps in currently available security technology for the Smart Grid SOLL Smart Energy Grid New threats 5) Automatic reconfiguration 4) Load balancing regionally Known threats 3) Dynamic power management 2) Load balancing renewable energy IST ents/xpert_group1_reference_architecture.pdf 1) Smart Metering Current Energy Grid Time 8 Functional architecture for UCs using SGAM Steps in SEGRID Approach to Risk Assessment Vision Security Trends Technology Regulation Stakeholder Analysis Regulation Values Expectations Vision smart grid Technology Architecture Processes 1. Define scope 2. Impact assessment 3. Threat assessment 4. Estimate risk Identify stakeholders Choose relevant assets Identity threat actors Determine risks per stakeholder Identify stakeholder processes Define impact values stakeholders Identify threat scenarios Overall risk per threat scenario Identify assets Identify and assess threat sources Estimate likelihood Define impact Estimate impact Link assets & stakeholder processes 9 Prioritise threat scenarios Step 1: Scope of the Risk Assessment § Use case scope Identify Stakeholders and assets Link stakeholder processes & assets using the SGAM functional view 10 Use Case 1 Scenario 2: Remote power switching RA Step 1: Define Scope - Summary Use Case 1 Smart meter used for on-line reading of consumption and technical data Scenario 2 - Remote power switching System Assets 2 1 11 Monitoring Data Energy Supplier System Safety Legal and regulatory Financial Reputation Operations Safety Legal and regulatory Financial 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 4 3 4 2 3 3 2 4 3 3 3 4 1 Information 3 Integrity asset Privacy Operations Switch Data Reputation 1 Stakeholder Customer Financial Information Assets Confidentiality Stakeholder Energy Supplier Assurance of Supply Stakeholder DSO Stakeholder Availability 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 Confidentiality 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Integrity 3 3 4 2 3 3 2 4 1 3 2 2 1 Availability 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 Confidentiality 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Integrity 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 1 2 2 4 1 Availability 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 System 1 asset 1 Step 2: Stakeholder Impact Assessment Stakeholder Impact Assessment What kinds of threats have critical impact on stakeholders? 12 Use Case 1: Smart meter used for online reading of consumption & technical data Scenario 2: Remote power switching SEGRID RA Step 2: Stakeholder impact assessment Legenda Level 4 Enterprise Energy Supplier System Monitoring Operate Maintenance IT DSO: Smart Metering Information System (AMI) Maintenance Functional layer Level 3 Operation Data Hub: Exchange System SCADA Make Data available Make Data available Meter Data Concentrator Information layer Communication Level 2 Station layer Make Data available RTU Level 1 Field Component Switch Data Household Smart Meter Display Monitoring Data layer Level 0 Process 13 Sensors Actuator (Switch) Use Case 1: Smart meter used for online reading of consumption & technical data Scenario 2: Remote power switching SEGRID RA Step 2: Stakeholder impact assessment Level 4 Enterprise Level 3 Operation Energy Supplier System Monitoring Operate Maintenance IT DSO: Smart Metering Information System (AMI) Data Hub: Exchange System SCADA Make data available Make data available Meter Data Concentrator Stakeholder x Level 2 Station Make Data available Level 1 Field - Confidentiality - Integrity Household - Availability Smart Meter Switch Data 14 Legal & regulatory Compliance Display Financial Monitoring Data Level 0 Process Reputation Operations Sensors Actuator (Switch) Safety Use Case 1: Smart meter used for online reading of consumption & technical data Scenario 2: Remote power switching SEGRID RA Step 2: Stakeholder impact assessment Use Case 1 Smart meter used for on-line reading of consumption and technical data Scenario 2 - Remote power switching 1 15 Monitoring Data Energy Supplier System Financial 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 Integrity 3 3 4 Availability 2 2 3 Assessed 2 3 3 impact 1 2 2 Confidentiality 1 1 1 1 1 Integrity 3 3 4 2 Availability 3 3 2 1 1 1 - Confidentiality 1 1 -1 Integrity -1Availability 1 1 Privacy Legal and regulatory 1 Impact category stakeholder Assurance of Supply Safety 1 Availability Operations 1 Integrity Reputation 1 Confidentiality Financial Confidentiality Stakeholder Customer Legal and regulatory Operations 2 Switch Data Reputation 1 Financial System Assets Information Assets Stakeholder Stakeholder Energy Supplier Safety Stakeholder DSO 1 4 2 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 4 1 3 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 Step 3: Threat Assessment § In the scope of the Use Case Identify Threat Actors Potential attacks Threat scenarios Motivation Capacity Opportunity 16 Use Case 1: Smart meter used for online reading of consumption & technical data Scenario 2: Remote power switching SEGRID RA Step 3: Threat assessment Motivation Capacity Opportunity IT DSO: Smart Metering In formation System (AMI) IT DSO is impacted by a law suit for violating the privacy directive Medium DSO Legal and regulato ry compliance Self-satisfaction, thrill Insufficient Data Miner/ access control Software Hacker 17 Hacker Penetrates the System and extracts customer data from the systems data (readout) that the customer shall be switched off and publishes it [Unlikely] Theft of information about the customer to be switched off High Customer Privacy Step 4 – Risk Estimation Very many customers lose power Estimate High Customer Assurance of Supply Likelihood Impact Data Hub: Exchange System Political Insufficient Cyberwarrior / Software access control Hacker Hacker Penetrates the System and sends <switch off> commands to very many customers [Unlikely] High IT DSO is impacted due to false <switch off> commands Data Hub systems integrity breach DSO Operations Medium High Medium Energy supplier is not able to supply customers 18 DSO Legal and Regulatory Compliance Data Hub Operations High High Data Hub Legal and Regulatory Compliance Medium Energy Supplier Operations Energy Supplier Financial Step 4 – Risk Estimation Based on ETSI TS 102 165 & ISO/IEC 18045 – enhanced for SEGRID § Likelihood estimation Motivation With TVRA we score what an attacker has to be able to do in terms of Time, Expertise, Knowledge, Opportunity, and Equipment higher score means that the attacker has to have a higher attack potential Scores are used as a metric for likelihood Capacity Opportunity § Impact estimation Intensity of the attack is a factor of the Impact Threat Group Manipulate, Integrity Threat Description Vulnerability: Data Hub: Exchange System has software vulnerabilities, accessible Scenario: Attacker penetrates the system and sends switch off commands to very many customers. The attack can be carried out by exploiting a vulnerability to install a malicious process that tries to influence Factor Time Expertise Knowledge Opportunity Equipment Asset Impact Intensity Opportunity 19 What about Motivation? Attack Notes Range Attack requires some planning <= 1 week Expert in these systems (insider, state sponsored)Expert Knowledge of AMI internals is not publicly known Restricted Remote access, inside access Difficult PC Standard Very many customers lose power, ES, DSO High Attacking large number of customers at once High intensity Value 1 5 1 12 0 4 2 Potential Likelihood High Unlikely Impact Risk Very high Critical Capability Risk = likelihood X impact Business Blackout Report «Erebos Cyber Blackout Scenario – extreme event» § Threat source – unidentified highly motivated group § Threat actors – highly knowledgeable hackers – highly skilled § Time to prepare 1 year to research, develop malware, penetrate systems 9 months to map networks, disable safety systems, plan attack launch § Attack on 50 generators Sophisticated attack involving a range of different techniques social engineering («Phishing»), physical intrusions, hacking of remote access to the control systems § Incident – massive outage – 15 states, including NYC and DC § Economic impact estimated at $ 1 trillion... 20 SEGRID Risk Assessment Challenges § Risk assessment of cyber attacks with physical impact do we have good enough tools, methods to estimate risks taking into account the attacker motivation, opportunity and capability? § How do we estimate threats and risks for the Smart Grid 2020? it’s not even built yet... § Assessing threats from the viewpoints of different stakeholders emerging sophisticated attacks, threats can impact a wide range of stakeholders § What about societal impact? national black-out malicious disruption of electricity grid Business Blackout Report analyses economic impact 21 Risk Assessment - Challenges Vision Security Trends Technology Regulation Stakeholder Analysis Regulation Values Expectations Vision smart grid Technology Architecture Processes How to include Motivation? 2. Impact assessment 3. Threat assessment 4. Estimate risk stakeholders Choose relevant assets Identity threat actors Determine risks per stakeholder Identify stakeholder processes Define impact values stakeholders Identify threat scenario’s Overall risk per threat scenario Identify assets Identify and assess threat sources Estimate likelihood Define impact Estimate impact 1. Define scope How to determine Societal Impact? Identify Link assets & stakeholder processes 22 Assessing attacks/attack Prioritise threat paths onscenarios SG 2020 Questions Mail: Website: Telephone: +31 8886 67758 Judith E. Y. Rossebø, PhD Cyber Security Specialist ABB AS Phone: +47 22874725 Mobile: +47 41563062 E-mail: 23