Online/Hybrid Course Proposal Committee On Online Learning (COOL), Chabot College PLEASE READ . This proposal was created by submitting the Online/Hybrid Course Proposal form and responses submitted (which you can edit) are in blue font . Any changes you make to this Google document are saved automatically. Please be sure that any changes made to your proposal are done so using this “live” proposal link/document, as this is what the COOL will use to post feedback. When you are done making changes, simply close the browser tab and/or browser. You can return to this document at any time using the proposal link sent to your email inbox (Learn more: Google Docs Getting Started Guide ). Faculty, Course, & Delivery Format Information Faculty Name: Maritez Apigo Course: English 102, Reading, Reasoning, and Current Faculty Status for Online Teaching/Proposal Approval at Chabot College (Fast Track or New): New ­­ however, I am Writing Units: 4 Delivery Method: Hybrid (partially taught online certified to teach online via @One’s Online and partially taught in­person) Teaching Certification Program. Feel free to (If Hybrid: 40% online) view my ePortfolio here: First Semester To Be Offered: Spring 2016 ortfolio/ Date of Initial Proposal Submission: 10/19/2015 Need/Justification/Benefits to Students How will the online/hybrid delivery of this course meet student needs? Currently, there are no English 102 hybrid or online course offerings at Chabot. A hybrid (60% face­to­face/40% online) delivery of this course will provide an opportunity for “basic skills” students who face challenges coming to campus for twice a week class meetings to complete English 102. Students in particular include those working full time, caregivers, and parents. Currently our English 102 courses meet twice a week for 5 hours, so I envision this hybrid course meeting once a week face­to­face for 3 hours, and the remaining 2 hours/week will be conducted online. Are there learning opportunities made possible in an online or hybrid online course that might not be available in a traditional course? The learning opportunities would generally be the same as a face­to­face course offering, with added opportunities for autonomous learning. Page 1 of 8 Online/Hybrid Course Proposal Committee On Online Learning (COOL), Chabot College Preliminary Research and Input from Colleagues Colleagues and Administrators I have consulted with my Division Dean and subdivision colleagues to secure preliminary support for offering this course in online/hybrid format., I have reviewed online teaching resources & tools at (includes resources for Blackboard)., I have reviewed "What Distance Education Instructors Need to Know About Library Services" at Develop Proposal and Consult with Colleagues Consult with faculty who are experienced teaching in online/hybrid delivery,and if required, review your completed proposal with subdivision colleagues to secure preliminary support for offering this course in online/hybrid format. Comments, feedback & recommendations provided by colleagues: Since the most of the instruction (60%) will be conducted face to face, then it would only require 40% of it to be online, which is part of the lab portion of the course. Carmen Johnston suggested that I may want to transfer the lab activities in my face­to­face classes to an online format. Name(s) of faculty with whom you consulted: TJ Puckett, Lisa Ulibarri, Carmen Johnston, Stephanie Zappa Course Content Delivery ­ Contact Hour or “In­Class” Activities Contact hours are those segments of instructional time where the student is actively engaged in learning activities and would reflect the same type of instruction implemented in a traditional face­to­face classroom. For example, a 3­unit course typically meets on campus for 54 contact hours of instruction, assessment, discussion and group activities. Explain how the instructional contact hours will be implemented for each week of instruction. Please list and describe each activity as well as the contact hours for each activity (you may not use all fields). More explanation regarding contact hours can be found at and examples of proposals submitted by faculty can be viewed at . Delivery Mode online Activity and Description participation on VoiceThread (mobile­friendly also) Contact Hours 8 hours Page 2 of 8 Online/Hybrid Course Proposal Committee On Online Learning (COOL), Chabot College online viewing instructional videos and reading content 7 hours online participating in online discussion forums 8 hours online assessments (quizzes and surveys) on Blackboard 8 hours online participating in peer review 4 hours in­person community­building activities 2.5 hours in­person collaborative writing 15 hours in­person Socratic Seminars 10 hours in­person group work/collaborative projects 15 hours in­person presentations 10 hours TOTAL CONTACT HOURS: 87.5 Course Content Delivery ­ Preparatory or “Outside of Class” (Homework) Activities (Note: These are NOT part of Contact Hours) reading assigned texts and applying reading strategies writing assignments practice exercises journaling preparing presentations conducting research on Chabot’s online library databases (link will be provided) Nature and Frequency of Student­Instructor Interactions Describe the nature & frequency of how you will interact with the entire class and individual students, especially in terms of providing feedback on assignments, interventions when students are at risk of dropping or failing. I will post weekly announcements on Blackboard to highlight the week’s content and assignments. I will constantly send private emails to contact students and to reply to them, especially as an Page 3 of 8 Online/Hybrid Course Proposal Committee On Online Learning (COOL), Chabot College intervention method when students are at risk of dropping or failing. I will email them immediately if they miss a major assignment. I will send out reminders via Remind every other week or so to remind students of major deadlines. I will give students timely feedback (less than 5 days after the due date) for each assignment. To increase my presence, students will view my closed­captioned video lectures. I will monitor the discussion forums daily and intervene as necessary. I will monitor the VoiceThreads when assigned, and provide timely audio or video feedback. I will monitor the Q&A forum daily to respond to student questions in a timely manner. I will make myself available through online and in­person office hours, at least 5 hours per week and more hours before a major writing assignment is due. Nature and Frequency of Student­Student Interactions Describe opportunities in your course for student­to­student interaction, such as discussions, group projects, peer review, and how you will build a collaborative, student­centered environment. Participation in the 6 VoiceThreads and 6 discussion forums (online component) requires student to interact with each other by listening/reading classmates’ comments and responding to them in speaking/writing. A portion of every face­to­face meeting, students will collaborate in pairs and small groups to practice the content material and complete learning activities. Student will provide and receive feedback on each other’s writing through peer review (online component). Book clubs who have read the same book, will collaborate to discuss reading weekly and then later, prepare and deliver a group presentation to the class on their book (face­to­face component). Students are invited to post their questions on my Q&A forum, and any student who knows Page 4 of 8 Online/Hybrid Course Proposal Committee On Online Learning (COOL), Chabot College the correct answer is invited to respond (online component). Assessment of Student Learning & Academic Integrity List and describe the methods of assessments you will use to assess learning in this course. There are three major writing assignments that will be conducted at home (two essays and a short research paper) and one essay will be written in class. Students will take weekly quizzes on Blackboard due before each class meeting. At the end of each in­person class meeting, students will submit exit tickets to reflect on their learning. This is a formative assessment tool that I will use weekly. There will be two in­person presentations: the first in groups and a second individual one. There are 6 consecutive weeks of weekly journaling to demonstrate understanding of reading material. There are 6 VoiceThreads and 6 discussion forums that I will use to assess student learning. Describe the strategies you plan to use to promote academic integrity in your course. SafeAssign to check for plagiarism low­stakes/open­book quizzes with instant feedback and allow multiple attempts require students to create a thread in order to view other threads in discussion forums randomize quiz questions Technology and Accessibility Indicate the technology tools (software, web­based tools, etc.) you plan to use in your course (Examples provided include: Learning Management System (Blackboard), Presentations (examples: PowerPoint, Camtasia, etc.), Audio/Video (Examples: YouTube, 3CMedia, etc.), Web Conferencing (Example: CCCConfer), and Publisher Content (examples: Pearson, Cengage, etc.) Learning Management System (Blackboard), Presentations (examples: PowerPoint, Camtasia, etc.), Audio/Video (Examples: YouTube, 3CMedia, etc.), Web Conferencing (Example: CCCConfer) Page 5 of 8 Online/Hybrid Course Proposal Committee On Online Learning (COOL), Chabot College For the technology tools you have listed above, please describe your plan for utilization in your course. Blackboard: for posting in­class agendas, learning activities, and homework assignments, for all content materials, assessments, assignments, SafeAssign, discussion forums, VoiceThreads, and to host the grade book Presentations: PowerPoint Video: Camtasia, YouTube (all are closed captioned) Web Conferencing: Google Hangouts for online office hours and for online writing conferences (not required­­just another option for students who are unable to attend in­person) Accessibility/Accommodations for Students with Disabilities : All materials must be accessible to students with disabilities. During the development of your course, please make sure that videos are closed­captioning or a transcript is provided, audio is accompanied with a transcript, images include alternative/alt tags, detailed visuals include text descriptions, and tables are formatted to include row and column headers. For information and support for ensuring accessibility for your students (including captioning), please contact the Chabot Disabled Students Resource Center (DSRC). I acknowledge and have read the above regarding accessibility/accommodations for students with disabilities. Page 6 of 8 Online/Hybrid Course Proposal Committee On Online Learning (COOL), Chabot College Verification of Content and Approval FACULTY: DIVISION DEAN : When you are ready to share your proposal with your Division Dean for review and approval (as well as division colleagues, if required), we suggest sharing/emailing a PDF copy of your proposal (instead of this “live” document) for ease of viewing and approval. To download a PDF copy: 1. From the menu above, click File . 2. Select Download as. 3. Select PDF Document (.pdf) . You can then attach the PDF copy to an email and send it to your Division Dean and/or colleagues. Please keep the PDF copy for your records. Approvals will be automatically recorded at the end of this “live” proposal document. In the COOL’s continuous efforts to streamline the proposal process, you no longer need to save or email a copy of this proposal form to the chairs. Instead, please click on the “Approve” button/link below to be taken to a very short web form to indicate/verify your approval, which also sends a notification to the COOL Chairs. The record of your approval will automatically be recorded at the end of this document for improved record­keeping on the COOL website. Thank you! Questions or issues? Please send an email to Committee On Online Learning (COOL), Chabot College Record of Approval, Comments, & Feedback A record of approval, & comments, & feedback will be automatically recorded directly below Timestamp 10/23/2015 3:23:43 PM Name: Marcia Corcoran Division/Department: Language Arts Proposal reviewed: ENGL 102 by Maritez Apigo Approval Selection I approve this proposal as presented. Comments (optional): Good work, Marcia Page 7 of 8 Online/Hybrid Course Proposal Committee On Online Learning (COOL), Chabot College Timestamp 11/6/2015 4:45:50 PM Reviewer Role COOL Review Team Member Proposal Reviewed ENGL 102 by Maritez Apigo Recommendations Suggestions Timestamp 11/16/2015 5:38:25 PM Reviewer Role Other Proposal Reviewed ENGL 102 by Maritez Apigo Recommendations Please see specific suggestions for revision throughout the proposal. Suggestions Timestamp 12/3/2015 9:14:49 AM Reviewer Role COOL Review Team Member Proposal Reviewed ENGL 102 by Maritez Apigo Recommendations Suggestions Timestamp 12/16/2015 4:16:23 PM Reviewer Role COOL Chair Proposal Reviewed ENGL 102 by Maritez Apigo Recommendations COOL REVIEW TEAM FINAL OUTCOME: Recommend approval. Suggestions Page 8 of 8