Category 1. Knowledge of Content and Skills Areas The student teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines taught; creates learning experiences to make them meaningful. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O A. Possesses Content Knowledge Inaccurate, incomplete, or confusing content knowledge, little or no effort to expand Minimal knowledge, strives for basic content knowledge competence Basic content knowledge, seeks out additional information Advanced content knowledge, seeks out additional information Extensive content knowledge, seeks out additional information B. Integrates Knowledge into Instructional Objectives and Special Activities Unable to use objectives in the development of a lesson Attempts to use objectives in the development of a lesson Uses objectives to develop an effective lesson Presents lesson objectives and strives to make them meaningful to students Presents meaningful instructional objectives and continually reinforces them C. Utilizes Teaching Resources Ineffective use of teachers' manuals, texts, curriculum guides Minimal use of teachers' manuals, texts, curriculum guides Effective use of teachers' manuals, texts, curriculum guides Creative use of supplements, manuals, texts, curriculum guides Extensive use of supplemental materials beyond manuals, text, and curriculum guides D. Extends Content Knowledge Little or no effort in class preparation Minimal effort in class preparation Strives to be relevant in class preparation Strives to be current in class preparation and researches special topics in depth Consistently current in class preparation and background research, relates ideas and information within and across content area E. Understands and Uses Key Concepts, Underlying Themes, Relationships, and Different Perspectives Related to Content Area Unable to understand and use key concepts, underlying themes, relationships, and different perspectives related to content area Minimal understanding and use of key concepts, underlying themes, relationships, and different perspectives related to content area Effective understanding and use of key concepts, underlying themes, relationships, and different perspectives related to content area Advanced understanding and use of key concepts, underlying themes, relationships, and different perspectives related to content area Extensive understanding and use of key concepts, underlying themes, relationships, and different perspectives related to content area F. Understands and Uses instructional Strategies Appropriate to Content area Ineffective use of instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area Minimal use of instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area Effective use of instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area in some lessons Advanced use of instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area in most lessons Creative use of instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area in all lessons Category 2. Knowledge of Learners and Learning Process The student teacher understands how children learn and differ in their approaches to learning; provides learning opportunities that support their development. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O A. Meets Individual Pupil Needs No interest, skill, or ability in ascertaining needs of pupils Minimal interest, skill, or ability in ascertaining needs of pupils Attention given to needs of some pupils Frequently attends to needs of all pupils Consistently attends to needs of all pupils B. Provides for Varied Learning Styles No provision for varied learning styles Minimal provision given to varied learning styles Provision given to varied learning styles of some students Frequently provides for varied learning styles of all students Consistently provides for varied learning styles of all students C. Applies Learning Theories Inaccurate or no application of learning theories Minimal application of learning theories Application given to learning theories Frequently applies learning theories Consistently applies learning theories D. Provides for Multiple Levels of Thinking and Concept Utilization No provision for multiple levels of thinking or conceptualization Minimal provision given to multiple levels of thinking or conceptualization Provision given to multiple levels of thinking and conceptualization for some students Frequently provides multiple levels of thinking and conceptualization for all students Consistently provides multiple levels of thinking and conceptualization for all students E. Communicates High Expectations for Learning for all Students No communication of expectations for learning Minimal communication of expectations for learning or has high expectations for only certain groups of students Communicates high expectations for learning for some students Communicates high expectations for learning for most students Communicates high expectations for learning for all students F. Understands and Applies Contextual Factors That Affect Learning No effort made to understand contextual factors that affect learning Minimal effort made to understand and apply contextual factors that affect learning Effort given to understand and apply contextual factors that affect learning Frequently makes an effort to understand and apply contextual factors that affect learning Consistently understands and applies contextual factors that affect learning Category 3. Instructional Planning The student teacher plans instruction based on knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O A. Plans in Advance No short- or longrange planning Minimal shortrange planning Basic short-range planning Well developed short-range planning and some long-range planning Well developed short-range and long-range planning B. Prepares High Quality Lesson Plans Unclear purpose, organization, and detail Sketchy purpose, organization, and detail Clear purpose and organization, sufficient detail Clear purpose, organization, detail, and flexibility Clear purpose, organization, detail, flexibility: provides for individuality C. Incorporates and meets deadlines Does not meet planning or preparation deadlines Inconsistently meets planning and preparation deadlines Meets planning and preparation deadlines Occasionally plans and prepares in advance of deadlines Consistently exceeds planning and preparation deadlines D. Demonstrates Independence and Initiative Relies on C.T. to plan Needs frequent input from C.T. to plan Plans many lessons independently Usually plans independently, shares drafted plans with C.T. for feedback Consistently plans independently, shares drafted plans with C.T. for feedback E. Plans for Procedures and Management Little or no procedural management Working to learn basic classroom and school procedures Seeks help in planning some specific classroom procedures Seeks help in planning nonroutine classroom procedures Has learned to manage routine procedures, able to adjust for nonroutine needs F. Acquires and Organizes Materials Has difficulty acquiring and organizing materials Needs assistance to acquire or organize materials Is able to acquire and organize prepared materials Sometimes supplements prepared materials and organizes well Consistently supplements prepared materials and organizes well G. Aligns Instructional Planning with Learning Goals No lessons are linked to learning goals Few lessons are linked to learning goals Some lessons are linked to learning goals Most lessons are linked to learning goals All lessons are linked to learning goals H. Uses Contextual Information and Data to Design Relevant Activities, Assignments, and Resources Instruction has not been designed with reference to contextual factors and pre-assessment data Instruction has been designed with minimal reference to contextual factors and preassessment data Some instruction has been designed with reference to contextual factors and pre-assessment data Most instruction has been designed with reference to contextual factors and pre-assessment data All instruction has been designed with reference to contextual factors and pre-assessment data Category 4. Use of Instructional Strategies The student teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies; adapts teaching style and content delivery to diverse needs of students. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O A. Possesses Content Delivery Skills Unable to present content in an effective manner Strives to present content clearly Presents clearly; attempts to make content relevant to students Attempts to deliver content in a manner that facilitates active learning Delivers content in a manner that facilitates active learning B. Implements Course Goals and Objectives Goals and objectives unclear or inappropriate Works to use preestablished objectives when setting goals Makes good use of objectives in accompanying materials when setting goals Works to evaluate achievement based on course goals and objectives Evaluates achievement based on course goals and objectives C. Uses Introductory, Transitional, and Concluding Statements Uses transition statements that are inconsistent and ineffective Uses transition statements that are usually consistent, but appear mechanical Understands and attempts to use transition statements that are relevant to learning and move the lesson fluently Understands and generally evidences use of fluent, relevant transition statements Use of transition statements are fluent, relevant to learning, and appear natural D. Provides for Student Participation and Response Does not plan for or effectively use pupil participation and response Shows some effort to encourage participation and response Attempts to elicit maximum participation and response Works to encourage participation and response by all students Constructs and manages an environment that provides for maximum student participation and response E. Paces Instruction Ineffective pacing Shows some effort to pace instruction effectively Sometimes paces instruction effectively Often paces instruction effectively Consistently paces instruction effectively F. Responds to Students Often ignores students or responds inappropriately Shows some effort to respond promptly and appropriately Sometimes prompt and always appropriate in responding to students Always prompt and appropriate in responding to students Always prompt and appropriate in responding to students: anticipates questions and needs G. Implements Varied Questioning Techniques Does not demonstrate varied, basic questioning techniques Works to demonstrate varied, basic questioning techniques Demonstrates varied, basic questioning techniques Beginning to demonstrate varied, advanced questioning techniques Consistently demonstrates varied, advanced questioning techniques H. Adapts Teaching Strategies to Pupil Needs Rarely adapts strategies or relies on one strategy Working to develop teaching strategies Sometimes adjusts teaching strategies to student needs Well-developed teaching strategies: is working to adjust to student needs Well-developed teaching strategies, consistently adjusts to student needs Category 5. Learning Environment and Classroom Management The student teacher creates a well managed, safe, and orderly learning environment that is proactive, positive, and holds students accountable. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O A. Implements Diverse Classroom Management Strategies Unable to maintain or foresee adequate classroom management issues Beginning to work toward effective and proactive management strategies Sometimes foresees classroom management issues or applies effective classroom management Usually foresees classroom management issues and applies effective classroom management Consistently foresees classroom management issues and applies effective classroom management B. Responds to Discipline Problems Is unsuccessful in resolving discipline problems Is beginning to recognize when appropriate disciplinary techniques are needed Implements appropriate disciplinary techniques that produce desired results Recognizes emerging discipline problems and implements effective, appropriate disciplinary techniques Anticipates discipline problems; preventively implements effective, appropriate disciplinary techniques while maintaining emotional objectivity C. Establishes Expectations and Holds Students Accountable Rarely establishes expectations and routines, or holds students accountable Recognizes the need for establishing expectations and lacks consistency for holding students accountable Sets standards and strives to hold students accountable Usually clear in expectations and holding students accountable Consistent and clear in establishing and monitoring expectations and student accountability D. Implements Fairness and Equity Shows bias or uses statements that result in unfairness Recognizes need to be unbiased Takes an unbiased approach to classroom interactions Effectively models and is beginning to develop awareness of student bias in classroom interactions Effectively models and encourages students to exhibit fairness and equity in classroom E. Implements a Sound Classroom Climate Not yet able to implement a sound classroom climate Recognizes elements of sound classroom climate and is beginning to implement them Maintains a positive classroom climate: few instances of negativism Maintains a consistently positive classroom climate Facilitates student accountability to maintain a sound classroom climate Category 6. Use of Communication Strategies The student teacher uses knowledge of communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C A. Oral Communication Skills Weak, monotonous, or unexpressive voice Working to develop oral communication skills Pleasant, well modulated voice, adequate projection Working to effectively vary vocal cues, rate, volume, enunciation Effectively varies vocal cues, rate, volume, enunciation B. Written Communication Skills Disorganized or problems with spelling, grammar, mechanics Working toward basic competence in organization, spelling, grammar, and/or mechanics Organized: proofs carefully to correct most spelling, grammar, and mechanics Organized: accurate with spelling, grammar, and mechanics Organized: excellent spelling, grammar, mechanics, and overall style C. Non-verbal Communication Skills Negative, conflicting, or distracting nonverbal communication mannerisms Working toward basic competence regarding non-verbal communication Basic competence: non-verbal communication supports verbal cues Building on basic non-verbal competence to elicit natural, reciprocal communication Non-verbal communication elicits natural, reciprocal communication D. Standard English Proficiency Frequent errors, grammatical mistakes, or inappropriate language for school setting Working toward basic competence in standard English proficiency Demonstrates basic competence in standard English Building on standard English basics to be fluent, clear, expressive Demonstrates mastery of standard English: fluent, clear, expressive E. Interpersonal Communication with Students Lacks clarity in making explanations, fails to communicate effectively with students Working toward basic competency in communicating with students Usually communicates effectively with students Communicates effectively with students, working toward depth and subtlety Models depth and subtlety in interpersonal communication with students F. Language of Subject Matter Uses language of subject matter incorrectly and seems unaware when students do so Working toward basic competency in using and encouraging language of subject matter Encourages appropriate usage of subject matter language Encourages appropriate usage of subject matter language and strives to be a good model Consistently models and teaches appropriate usage of subject matter language G. Fosters Active Inquiry, Collaboration, and Support Does not promote discovery learning and collaboration Working toward fostering active inquiry/collaboration and supportive interaction with others Encourages active inquiry and collaboration with other students Demonstrates and models active inquiry and collaboration for student growth Consistently models, demonstrates, and encourages active inquiry and collaboration with others to enhance learning HC O Category 7. Use of Assessing/Diagnosing/Evaluating Strategies The student teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies; takes actions to determine what strengths and problems exist. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O A. Demonstrates Use of Multiple Modes Uses only preexisting assessments; limited to one mode Uses only preexisting assessments that use more than one mode Working to get beyond pre-existing assessments and reaching multiple modes Developing and utilizing progress assessments that demonstrate multiple modes of assessment and evaluation Effectively demonstrates the development and use of multiple modes of assessment and evaluation (informal, formal, formative, summative) B. Utilizes Classroom, School, District Processes for Assessment No understanding of classroom, school, and district assessment and evaluation processes Working to understand classroom, school, and district assessment and evaluation processes Generally understands and is able to utilize classroom, school, and district assessment and evaluation processes appropriately Frequently understands and is able to utilize classroom, school, and district assessment and evaluation processes appropriately Effectively understands and is able to utilize classroom, school, and district assessment and evaluation processes appropriately C. Implements Assessment to Inform Practice Ignores or is unaware of assessment and evaluation data Working to analyze assessment and evaluation data to guide some instructional decision making Analyzes assessment and evaluation data to guide some instructional decision making Analyzes assessment and evaluation data that guides most instructional decision making Effectively analyzes assessment and evaluation data to guide instructional decision making D. Identifies Adaptations Does not identify or utilize adaptations to assessment, as needed, by individuals or small groups of students Working to identify and utilize adaptations to assessment, as needed, by individuals or small groups of students Sometimes identifies and utilizes adaptations to assessment, as needed, by individuals or small groups of students Frequently identifies and utilizes adaptations to assessment, as needed, by individuals or small groups of students Effectively identifies and utilizes adaptations to assessment, as needed, by individuals or small groups of students E. Communicates Criteria Does not communicate assessment and evaluation criteria to parents and students Working to communicate assessment or evaluation criteria to parents and students Communicates assessment and evaluation criteria to parents and students some of the time Communicates assessment and evaluation criteria to parents and students most of the time Clearly and consistently communicates assessment and evaluation criteria to parents and students F. Guides Students Provides no guidance for students to set goals in assessing own learning Working to provide guidance for students to set goals in assessing own learning Guides students to set some goals in assessing own learning Guides students to set most goals in assessing own learning Effectively guides students to set appropriate goals in assessing own learning Category 8. Use of Motivation Strategies Takes actions to arouse and sustain interest of learners. Uses devices that appeal to learners. Motivates by personal behavior. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O A. Involves Students in Classroom Activities Classes are routine, often boring Attempts to use relevant activities to engage students Generally engages students in class with relevant activities Frequently engages students in class with relevant activities Consistently engages students in class with relevant activities B. Creates a Stimulating Environment Has difficulty establishing a stimulating environment Working to establish a stimulating environment in routine circumstances Sometimes establishes a stimulating environment in routine circumstances Working to establish a stimulating environment even in challenging circumstances Establishes a stimulating environment even in challenging circumstances C. Provides Diverse Motivational Activities Unimaginative or inappropriate use of motivational activities Working to incorporate motivational activities in standard curricular materials Integrates a variety of motivational activities in standard curriculum materials Frequently integrates diverse sources of motivational activities Consistently integrates diverse sources of motivational activities D. Demonstrates Ability to Build Pupil Self-Image Does not appear to recognize importance of pupil self-image Working to demonstrate ability to promote pupil self-image in routine situations Recognizes importance of pupil self-image and provides positive feedback to selected students Recognizes importance of pupil self-image; working to make appropriate procedural changes and provides positive feedback to most students Recognizes importance of pupil self-image and makes appropriate procedural changes and provides positive feedback to all students E. Recognizes Importance of Pupil Motivational Underestimates importance of pupil motivation Neutral approach to pupil motivation Positive influence on pupil motivation, accurate recognition in most cases Pro-active influence on pupil motivation, gaining awareness of the teachable moment Pro-active influence on pupil motivation, recognizes and uses the teachable moment F. Maintains Pupil Interest Inadequate; discipline problems result Working to maintain interest and decrease discipline problems in routine circumstances Maintains interest, few discipline problems in routine circumstances Working to maintain interest, few discipline problems even in challenging circumstances Maintains interest, few or no discipline problems even in challenging circumstances Category 9. Use of Problem-Solving/Decision-Making Strategies The student teacher reflects on teaching in order to solve problems and make decisions; examines situations from various perspectives and is appropriately decisive. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O A. Arrives at Decisions Demonstrates little independent thinking or strength of own opinion in problem solving; relies on C.T. for decisions Working to develop independent thinking and problem solving skills; relies on C.T. for decisions Developing independent thinking, reflection, and problem solving skills; makes decisions through discussion with C.T. Uses independent thinking, reflection, and problem solving skills; provides C.T. with needs or resources to aid in making joint decisions Uses advanced independent thinking, reflection, and problem solving skills; thoroughly examines needs and resources available and shares decision/rationale with C.T. if necessary B. Demonstrates Open Mindedness Reluctant to consider viewpoints of others before making final decisions Occasionally willing to consider viewpoints of others before making final decisions Often considers viewpoints of others before making final decisions Is beginning to welcome viewpoints of others and knows when to elicit them; considers them before making final decisions Welcomes viewpoints of others, knows when to elicit them, and considers them before making final decisions C. Follows Up on Decisions Overly dependent; relies on others to follow up on decisions or does not follow up Working to become self-reliant in collecting and organizing materials to support decisions Collects and organizes materials to support decisions Working to fit materials and actions to situations and communicates decisions to others involved Easily fits materials and actions to situations, communicates decisions to others involved, and follows up independently when appropriate D. Actively Models Logical Thinking for Students Lacks demonstrated ability to lead pupils toward logical thinking or decision making Sometimes models logical thinking and alerts pupils to importance of logical thinking and decision making Consistently models logical thinking and alerts pupils to importance of logical thinking and decision making Developing ability to implement reflection and logical thinking and decision making with students Inspires pupils to reflect and think logically and reserve decisions until all evidence has been examined E. Employs Inquiry Approaches to Problems Reluctant to investigate or seek solutions to problems Beginning to question merits of various solutions to problems Raises questions about the merit of various solutions to problems and may attempt to research alternatives Often reflects and raises questions about merits of various solutions and is beginning to research alternatives to solve instructional problems or find answers to educational questions Consistently reflects and raises questions and actively researches alternatives to solve instructional problems or to find answers to educational questions Category 10. Home-School-Community Relations The student teacher fosters relationships with colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O A. Demonstrates Knowledge of Community, School, and Classroom Factors Displays no knowledge, or biased knowledge, of the characteristics of the community, school, and classroom Displays minimal knowledge, or biased knowledge, of the characteristics of the community, school, and classroom Displays some knowledge of the characteristics of the community, school, and classroom that may affect learning Displays a good understanding of the characteristics of the community, school, and classroom that may affect learning Displays a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of the community, school, and classroom that may affect learning B. Recognizes and Respects That Learning Occurs Throughout Life, Both Inside and Outside of School Shows no value/respect for home/school/community influences Shows minimal respect for home/school/community influences Understands that schools can use a number of strategies to strengthen relationships with the larger community Understands and appreciates the relationship of the school to the larger community Understands, appreciates, and works to incorporate community engagement strategies C. Uses Home/ School/ Community Knowledge to Provide Implications for Planning and Assessment Provides no instructional implications based on home/school/ community knowledge Provides minimal instructional implications based on home/school/ community knowledge Provides general implications for instruction based on home/school/ community knowledge; may contact parents/guardians Provides specific implications for instruction based on home/school/ community knowledge; may contact parents/guardians Participates in and contributes to a school culture that focuses on improved student learning; may contact parents/guardians/use community resources D. Works with Colleagues Avoids working with colleagues Works with colleagues only when absolutely necessary Works with colleagues on a routine basis Takes initiative to become involved and be a part of a school team Becomes an integral part of the entire school staff by sharing information and responsibilities Category 11. Use of Technology Understands and uses technology for student learning and professional decision making. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O Technology Operations and Concepts Demonstrates no ability to use any devices, operating systems, or software applications with or without outside assistance Demonstrates ability to use a limited number of devices, operating systems, and software applications only with outside assistance Demonstrates ability to use some devices, operating systems, and software applications with some outside assistance Demonstrates proficiency and flexibility with some devices, operating systems, and software applications with occasional outside assistance Demonstrates proficiency and flexibility with multiple devices, operating systems, and software applications with no outside assistance Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences Unable to design developmentally appropriate technology-enhanced learning environments that are based on current research or support diverse learning needs Designs learning environments that support diverse learning needs but integrates limited technology resources Designs developmentally appropriate learning environments that are based on current research and support diverse learning needs but integrates limited technology resources Designs developmentally appropriate technology-enhanced learning environments that support diverse learning needs Designs effective, developmentally appropriate technology-enhanced learning environments that are based on current research and support diverse learning needs Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum Unable to implement standards-based, technology-supported curriculum plans that include learnercentered strategies and promote higher order thinking and creativity Implements technology-supported curriculum plans that include strategies that may be learnercentered but do not promote higher order thinking or creativity Implements technology-supported curriculum plans that include strategies that may be learnercentered or may promote higher order thinking and creativity Implements and manages standardsbased, technologysupported curriculum plans using learnercentered strategies that may promote higher order thinking and creativity Implements and manages standardsbased, technologysupported curriculum plans using learnercentered strategies, higher order thinking, and creativity Assessment and Evaluation Does not use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, or communicate findings to improve instructional practice or maximize student learning Uses only one technology resource to collect data that might indicate a need to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning Uses at least two different technology resources to collect and analyze data indicating a need to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning Uses multiple technology resources to collect and analyze data and communicate a need to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning Uses multiple technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning Productivity and Professional Practice Does not evaluate or reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding technologysupported student learning or professional communication with peers and community Occasionally makes decisions regarding technology-supported student learning Periodically evaluates professional practice to make informed decisions regarding technology-supported student learning Regularly evaluates and reflects on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding technology-supported student learning and professional communication with peers and community Continually evaluates and reflects on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding technology-supported student learning and professional communication with peers and community Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues Does not model or teach the legal and ethical use of technology nor promotes diversity, safety, or equitable access Teaches the legal use of technology Teaches the legal and ethical use of technology and may promote diversity, safety, or equitable access Models and teaches the legal and ethical use of technology and may promote diversity, safety, or equitable access Models and teaches the legal and ethical use of technology and promotes diversity, safety, and equitable access Category 12. Use of Multicultural Gender Fair (MCGF) Strategies The student teacher demonstrates sensitivity to community diversity and cultural identity; infuses MCGF strategies into instruction. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC A. Recognizes Multifaceted Cultural Identity Does not demonstrate respect for students and community cultural practices Selective respect for students, beginning to recognize importance of community culture B. Infuses MCGF Elements Lacks sufficient knowledge, skill, or commitment to infuse MCGF elements C. Responds to Diversity C HC O Respects most students and promotes culturally responsive teaching and learning Respects all students, working to recognize importance of race, ethnic background, gender, age, class, religion, language, or exceptionality to community culture Respect all students, recognizes importance of race, ethnic background, gender, age, class, religion, language, or exceptionality to community culture Working to improve insufficient knowledge and skills to infuse MCGF elements Infuses MCGF elements into selected classes/subject areas appropriately Infuses MCGF elements into most classes/subject areas appropriately Infuses MCGF elements into all classes, subject areas appropriately Denies diversity Tolerates diversity Accepts diversity Values diversity Celebrates diversity D. Functions in Cross-Cultural Settings Comfortable in own culture(s); oblivious or resistant to different cultures Comfortable in own culture(s); recognizes differences but avoids immersion Comfortable in own culture(s); accepts vulnerability in a different culture; accepts invitations to cross-cultural experience(s) Comfortable in culture(s); reaches out for cross-cultural experiences as a learner Able to function effectively in crosscultural situations E. Listens and Is Perceptive with Regard to Perspective of Students, Parents, and Others Does not listen; oblivious or denies perspectives Beginning to listen to other perspectives Listens and identifies different perspectives Listens and responds to different perspectives Initiates communication with regard to different perspectives Category 13. Human Relations Skills The student teacher implements sound human relations and communication skills in order to foster productive, positive, learning communities. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O A. Promotes SelfConfidence in Others Rarely promotes self-confidence in others Working to promote selfconfidence in some students in some situations Working to promote selfconfidence in most students in most situations Promotes selfconfidence in most students in most situations Promotes selfconfidence in most students even in challenging situations B. Establishes Relationships and Rapport Has difficulty initiating and/or maintaining comfortable relationships and rapport Working to respond positively to overtures of others, attempts to establish productive relationships and rapport in routine situations Able to respond positively to overtures of others and establish rapport and productive relationships in routine situations Reaches out to students and professionals to establish productive, interactive relationships and rapport Consistently reaches out to students and professionals to establish productive, interactive relationships and rapport even in challenging situations C. Uses Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication to Promote a Caring Learning Environment Limited basic skills in verbal and nonverbal communication Working to develop effective skills in both areas Good skills in one area, working to develop the other Strong skills in one area, good skills in the other Consistently strong, effective, congruent verbal and nonverbal communication D. Provides Student Assistance Rarely accessible for student assistance Working to be accessible for student assistance Accessible for assistance during scheduled times Working to provide appropriate student encouragement and assistance throughout the work day Provides appropriate student encouragement and assistance throughout the work day E. Promotes Classroom Cohesiveness and Respect Fails to recognize a lack of classroom cohesiveness and respect Recognizes but fails to address lack of classroom cohesiveness and respect Recognizes and attempts to address classroom cohesiveness and respect In most situations, facilitates classroom cohesiveness and respect by example and direction Even in conflicted situations, facilitates classroom cohesiveness and respect by example and direction F. Demonstrates Ability to Build Pupil SelfConcepts Attributes little apparent importance to developing student self-concept Working to demonstrate ability to promote student self-concept in routine situations Demonstrates ability to promote student selfconcept in routine situations Working to develop diverse, growing repertoire of ways to develop student self-concept Has a diverse and expanding repertoire of strategies to develop positive student selfconcept that is informed by culture, home, school, and community Category 14. Professional Characteristics/Personal Qualities The student teacher exhibits high-quality characteristics in professional and personal demeanor; professional behavior exemplifies role awareness and ethical conduct. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O A. Approaches Teaching Proactively Demonstrates minimal drive and enthusiasm Beginning to demonstrate drive and enthusiasm Strives to demonstrate drive, industrious work ethic, and enthusiasm Demonstrates drive and enthusiasm Consistently demonstrates drive, industrious work ethic, and enthusiasm B. Learns from Experience Repeats mistakes, evidences difficulty with experiencebased learning Occasionally able to learn from experience when experience is dramatic Able to learn from teaching experiences Learns from teaching experiences, demonstrates some insights into teaching Learns from teaching experiences, demonstrates deeper insight into teaching C. Responds to Constructive Criticism and Feedback Avoids or is unreceptive to constructive criticism; changes subject, shifts blame, and rarely implements feedback Beginning to accept constructive criticism; still offers excuses; sometimes implements feedback Accepts constructive criticism; implements feedback Beginning to elicit constructive criticism; implements feedback Elicits specific constructive criticism; implements feedback D. Demonstrates Dependability Limited dependability and/or follow through even with reminders Working to be responsible and follow through, with reminders Usually dependable and follows through; with occasional reminders Working to be dependable and follow through without reminders Consistently dependable and follows through without reminders E. Demonstrates Ethical Conduct Difficulty verbalizing and evidencing high ethical standards Verbalizes high ethical standards but rarely evidences them Verbalizes high ethical standards and works to evidence them Verbalizes and evidences high ethical standards in routine circumstances Verbalizes and evidences high ethical standards even in difficult situations F. Projects a Positive Demeanor Has difficulty appearing congenial and positive Attempts to be congenial and positive in routine circumstances Usually congenial and positive in routine circumstances Working to be congenial and positive even in stressful circumstances Congenial and positive even in stressful circumstances Category 14. Professional Characteristics/Personal Qualities The student teacher exhibits high-quality characteristics in professional and personal demeanor; professional behavior exemplifies role awareness and ethical conduct. Demonstrated Characteristics U LC C HC O G. Demonstrates a Sense of Humor Undeveloped or inappropriate sense of humor Working to develop appropriate sense of humor Well developed sense of humor Well developed sense of humor; working to implement in classroom interactions Well developed sense of humor; implements it appropriately in daily practice H. Demonstrates Poise and Self-Confidence Difficulty demonstrating poise and selfconfidence even in routine situations Working to demonstrate poise and selfconfidence in routine situations Demonstrates poise and selfconfidence in routine situations Working to demonstrate poise and selfconfidence in routine and stressful situations Consistently demonstrates poise and selfconfidence in routine and stressful situations I. Demonstrates Flexibility Difficulty demonstrating flexibility even in routine situations Working to demonstrate flexibility in routine situations Demonstrates flexibility in routine situations Working to demonstrate flexibility in routine or new situations Demonstrates flexibility in routine or new situations J. Demonstrates Approachability; Has a Caring Attitude Pupils tend to avoid student teacher; shows no caring attitude Beginning to be sought out by students in classroom settings; shows little caring attitude Sought out by students in classroom settings; shows some caring attitude Seen by some students as a caring and trusting adult; beginning to be sought out as confidant and classroom advisor and is caring and approachable Seen by many students as a caring and trusting adult; often sought outside the classroom as confidant and advisor K. Demonstrates Ability to SelfReflect and Self-Evaluate Unrealistic or inaccurate selfreflections and self-evaluations Sometimes able to self-reflect and self-evaluate accurately Usually able to self-reflect and self-evaluate accurately Working toward insightful reflection and evaluation of performance Demonstrates insightful reflection and self-evaluation of performance