College of Education Senate University of Northern Iowa April 27, 2009

College of Education Senate
University of Northern Iowa
April 27, 2009
Minutes #374
I. Call to Order
The meeting of the College of Education Senate was called to order by
Elana Joram, Chair, at 3:18 P.M. on Monday, April 27, 2009 in the Dean’s
Conference Room in Schindler Education Center, Room 205.
Senators in attendance [in bold]
Elana Joram, Chair [EPF]
Rod Dieser [At large]
Dave Else [ELCPE]
Chris Kliewer [SPED]
Kim Knesting [At-large]
Robin Lund [At-large]
Rick Vanderwall [At large]
Bridgette Wagoner [TCHG]
Windee Weiss [HPELS]
Leigh Zeitz [C&I]
Alternates in attendance [in bold]
Susan Hudson
Jan Bartlett
Amy Staples
Suzanne Freedman
Kevin Finn
Shelley McCumber
Becky Hawbaker
Todd Evans
Ex-Officio Members in attendance
William P. Callahan, Dean
Jan Bartlett
Suzanne Freedman
Jill Uhlenberg
II. Introduction of New Senators
Joram introduced Jan Bartlett and Suzanne Freedman, newly elected
Senators for the coming year.
III. Approval of Minutes of April 13, 2009 [#373]
It was moved by Vanderwall and seconded by Zeitz that the minutes of the
meeting of April 13, 2009 [#373] be accepted with the following
IVA7: Educational Leadership: Pace reported that there has been
some confusion with courses in the Principalship School
Superintendency program, but that the old courses have been
dropped. It was moved by Vanderwall and seconded by Weiss that
the Principalship School Superintendency proposal be accepted. All
ayes. Motion carried.
IV. Reports/Announcements
There were no reports/announcements.
V. Discussion
A. Curriculum Proposals:
1. Curriculum and Instruction: Joram distributed copies of the
―Revised text for all six of the Reading Recovery Course
Proposals‖. It was noted that the proposal now has the
changes requested by the Senate, including the word
―currently‖ with respect to Dr. Forbes being the only
professor at UNI qualified to teach the Reading Recovery
courses, and the addition of a detailed justification that the
proposed courses are at the doctoral level.
2. Curriculum and Instruction – Gifted Education: Zeitz
stated that the proposal to change a course in the Gifted M.A.
program from one in Educational Psychology and
Foundations to one in ELCPE now has the signature of Dr.
Mike Waggoner, which was formerly missing. It was moved
by Vanderwall and seconded by Kliewer to accept the
Curriculum and Instruction curriculum proposal as
amended. It was then moved by Vanderwall and seconded
by Lund to send the proposal forward to the University
Curriculum Committee. All ayes. Motion carried.
[Uhlenberg left at 3:23 P.M.]
VI. Old Business
A. Review of Goals Achieved: Joram reiterated that she was pleased
that the Senate had met three of the four goals set for 2008-09.
There was consensus to continue discussion on the fourth goal –
diversity – at the September meeting.
VII. New Business
A. Request for Faculty Emeritus Status: Joram stated that she had
received a Request for Faculty Emeritus Status from Dr. Thomas L.
Little, former faculty member in the Department of Special
Education. It was moved by Zeitz and seconded by Dieser to
approve the request. All ayes. Motion carried. Bartlett will forward
to the University Faculty Senate.
B. Committee on Elections: Vanderwall reported that he needs two
people to serve on the Committee on Elections. Zeitz and Kliewer
volunteered to serve on this committee.
C. Set 2009-2010 Senate Goals: Dean Callahan stated that he would
like to see the Senate retain their goal of diversity for the 20092010 year, perhaps on a permanent basis. He feels that the College
has made substantial progress with the work of the COE Diversity
Committee. He would encourage the Senate to determine what
their role is in this process and to develop a more specific plan to
dovetail with the COE Diversity Committee. The following
suggestions were made:
Kliewer -- a study on identifying diverse faculty in order to bring
faculty together.
Knesting – a review of the report which came out of the Herman
visit to campus. She will find this report and bring to the Senate.
Vanderwall – that the Senate move towards two goals: 1] Diversity;
and 2] Speakers series with speakers focusing on diversity. Kliewer
will send an e-mail asking for suggestions for possible speakers
around achievement gap, diversity, etc.
Freedman -- inviting Eva Mozes Kor, founding director of
CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center, who wrote
―Forgiving Dr. Mengele.‖
In addition to the Pallischeck monies, there are additional monies
available; e.g., incentive monies [formerly known as indirect
recovery dollars] to fund the costs of bringing speakers to campus.
Lund questioned if we could highlight ethnic activities within the
Cedar Valley that might attract diverse faculty. Dean Callahan
stated that originally he had hoped we would have more of these
types of conversations within the individual departments. He
stressed that everyone in the college needs to focus on this issue.
Lund spoke briefly on the Classic Upward Bound [CUB] program
led by Director Mickye Johnson. CUB Classic Upward Bound
(CUB) is a ―college preparatory program co-funded by the United
States Department of Education and the University of Northern
Iowa (UNI). It is designed to empower program participants with
the academic skills and motivation necessary to be successful in
high school and to ultimately complete college‖. Lund stated that it
is the most successful program involving low income youth. The
dean suggested that the Senate host a meeting there, in addition to
other areas such as the WRC, MPLS, Kids’ Café, etc.
Knesting stressed that recruiting family is equally vital to recruiting
students/faculty. Zeitz suggested that a donor could be
recruited/identified that would support the MIT program.
Weiss asked if diversity should be the targeted goal for the Senate
for 2009-10. The dean suggested that the Senate identify diversity
as their sole goal and work in partnership with the COE Committee
on Diversity. It was moved by Vanderwall and seconded by Zeitz
that the Senate set diversity as the primary goal and refine it at the
first Senate meeting in the fall. All ayes. Motion carried.
Suggestions should be forwarded via e-mail to Weiss.
VIII. Dean’s Report
Callahan thanked Joram for her years of service on the Senate and also for
her leadership this past year as Chair. She will receive her own plaque, as
well as a platelet on the Senate plaque hanging in the Dean’s Conference
Room with her name added. Weiss, the newly elected Senate Chair for
2009-10, turned the meeting over to Dean Callahan.
The dean stated that, unfortunately, he has no new budget information.
The Cabinet will meet this week, the Legislature has finished their work,
and the Board of Regents will meet on April 30th. Assuming that the
Board of Regents makes the decisions that we have anticipated, we should
hopefully get budget information at end of this week. At that time he will
be able to talk in more detail. It depends if we get stimulus money, but the
money is good for only one year. He believes that starting in Fall 2009 the
schedule will be impacted with many faculty teaching 12 hours with larger
classes, although perhaps not in Schindler Education Center. The least
impact on any department will be ELCPE because if we cut their adjuncts
we will lose considerable tuition income.
Zietz questioned the program prioritization process. Provost Lubker
continues to say the budget crisis and the prioritization process are not
connected. Freedman questioned if open lines will be filled. The dean
responded that they would not be filled at this time. Vanderwall brought
up the subject of early retirement. Dean Callahan stated that only onethird of the lines left vacant by early retirees will be eligible for re-hires—
all other lines will be gone. If economy doesn’t turn around and we use
stimulus monies this year, then 2011 will mean a massive cut.
Undergraduate and graduate classes can be put on-line. We need to
continue to build in full engagement by students, but we also need to
maintain/assure quality when we build these courses. Freedman asked
about the status of the Lab School. The dean responded that the Research
and Development School passed both the House and the Senate and is
awaiting the governor's signature. A carefully written paper will be put
together that explains what is going to happen, the fiscal impact and a
schedule. When the Governor signs the legislation, then we will make this
Also, a study will be conducted on whether or not to renovate or build a
new building, possibly a green school. Dean Callahan stressed that
anytime you have questions or hear unsubstantiated rumors that are
seriously detrimental to the college, don’t hesitate to set up a meeting with
IX. Upcoming Meeting Dates
September 14, 2009
October 12, 2009
November 9, 2009
December 14, 2009
X. Other Dates to Remember
May 9, 2009
August 24, 2009
Fall Semester Begins
XI. Adjournment
The next meeting of the COE Senate will be held on Monday, September
14, 2009 at 3:15 P.M. in the Dean’s Conference Room in Schindler
Education Center. It was moved by Freedman and seconded by Bartlett
that the meeting be adjourned. Adjournment was at 4:31 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Sue Bartlett