CHABOT-LAS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT· POSITION Supervisor: (3-Mo; S-Mo; 9-Mo; Annual; Special; Fmal) Date of Change if new Supervisor since last evaluation: NAME •.••• 2. 3. 4. A.D liB' The Human Resources Office will provide the supervisor with the Performance Evaluation Report in triplicate. Supervisor and employee must sigo/date all copies. (If additional space is required, attach a second sheet) Distribution: . a. Third copy; Supervisor should give 3nl copy to employee at time of evaluation conference; b. Second and original copies; Supervisor send 2nd and original copies to next higher person in the administrative channel for review (sigo/date all copies); c. Reviewer send second copy and original, signed and dated, to the Human Resources Director for processing and forwarding to the Chancellor for appropriate action. Original is for permanent retention in employee's personnel file. Prior to completion of Performance Evaluation Report, it is recommended that supervisor and reviewers review Article 9, Evaluation Procedures, of the SEIU Local 790lDistrict Agreement for unit members. SPECIAL EVALUATION: Special evaluation reports may be made at other than the specified times when such are deemed necessary by the supervisor or designated Manager. End of 3·Month recommendation B.D A1.6 Period Covered: Type of Report 1. III Date Issued: #wxxxx Employee Name: NAME Position: CLASSIFIED Standard End of 5·Month recommendation Probationary Period. This employee should continue probationary employment or, if applicable, subject to Period. This employee should continue probationary employment or, if applicable, subject to Period. This employee is recommended for REGULAR STATUS at the end of probationary period of 365 days. (Note: Evaluation report must indicate satisfactory job performance in order for the employee to successfully complete the probationary period and to achieve permanent status in the position) in Item E below. Probationary in Item E below. c.D End of 9·Month D.D ___ See Paragraph F below; Dismissal recommended Annual Evaluation. Employee (is) (is not) performing in a satisfactory Probationary or advancement E·D Employee should continue employment subject to improvement follow-up appraisal will be made by supervisor on F.D Employee is recommended G·D Special Evaluation: a. b. 0 0 A. Employee: or better manner. I (do) (do not) recommend this employee for service increment on hislher anniversary date (if applicable). in unsatisfactory and/or needs improvement areas on the reverse side of this page. If applicable, , 20 __ (See Special Evaluation below) for dismissal, effective , 20__ . (May be given at any time) Employee is recommended for SPECIAL COMMENDATION Employee is recommended for SPECIAL EVALUATION because of outstanding job performance because of unsatisfactory job performance (See attached written justification.) (See attached written justification.) I have read and received a copy of this Performance Evaluation Report. In signing this report I acknowledge that I have read it and understand the contents. My signature does not necessarily indicate agreement. I understand that I have five (5) working days, after signing this evaluation, to file an appeal. See SEIU Local 7901District Agreement. Dare Signatwe - Employee B. Supervisor: I have discussed this evaluation with the employee on date indicated. Dare . Signature - Supervisor C. Reviewed by: _ Reviewer Signature Dale Reviewer Supervisor Dare Reviewer Supervisor Dare D. For Appropriate Action: P'J£§idsp' Human Resources Office Revised 12106 (please initial R@Vi & date) Q'pS';J'w Parn ijuwpp Re:P"wm Pam JOIl RELATED PERFORMANCE AREAS (Check one Iating for each lierfonnance Area) I~ttJ ...., ..out. acontribution .. of work., standards IAbscQt to Undcpendab1e extra<:Ompeteutin District holdthcjoh of cOncem.. meat asset to the District. Amount of work is ~.Doesnot .More than occasional Has to be led. Does not IndiistrioDsDeSsof Almost ~ athe iource aor 0010 do that little bit reasonable beCome amount needed enough to be left almost quality than most An Quality late only with iood tt? Skilled wod= DOW. more waste at en:ors ...No prodded Should be able be supeMscd. Conscientious.. Diligent. ~ow ~ effort unless SQmCtimes A always pOsitive above factor' upsets av~ ~ KnoWS the job well pt'Ogre.$S further. consistently meet Consistently bctler completely independent Does just enough to get Justenoilgh know1cdgc .'not.Qf or rejects Work can be Respected wait forhU1Dlll1 levels, othcn. morale..~ c»-worleers, Needs improvoup with that little bit Self-.stattCF.Does along we11l1tall to by get ..AImost by..Must never always comes Much imProvement e~detaiI.. A top level worlcer. loo abaences, Job has toto be chec:bd Marginal emp19Yee. reWionships. .amount job. llIr'lIiness. b~job and virtually Couip~y~ needs be supervised. ~ws in a usigDluenti. top present Potential Careless about Does not the wode. know job to Worlc euoJlgh make amost Gets cbance.. pmscientious.. A liIrdy wit4 Always ·Thorough knowiedge of experience !U!drraining,. An~wbo~ ~ C8J1didatefor assigument. iO.ini than.shOWDby as an example most fOf Doesn't ity. consistently turn work consistently but Knows details, mast~fthe but needs more ~level~ extri. to Show'fuIl effort ~plc. N"osignificant high~··~wais Il:8SOIIIIb~~i1Does average· amount of problems. Can always'!le Counied Quantity Reasonably reliab~e. beyond pcescutjob. AdeQwlII!l paI~ crformaIu:c. Initiative surely go beyond waste .Only r.= Has amany Ie!ISOlllible Ordinaly, average, Does woc:king no more bard. than is . . group mQIJ1e. *UusatistactoryD *UlJSatistactory" A negative f~ in PERFORMANCE Unreliable. ExceSsive Satisfactory Probably Sa&ractory Sa&ractot1 Satlsfactory will not be D N~ Improyement Needs Good Improvement G~D .ExcelientO Exc:e1lent ExceI1~tD . *Unsatisfactory '. . 1II Excellent Satfsfacto~ ImJ)roT~en~ :.1 GoodD Neeps. ExceDenfD "1 Neecls ~D Jmpro't;lJlent *~nsatlsfaetlil1 Needs Improv~ent'O ~tO Needs ~UDSatis.ractoI1 Improvement.0D *UDS8~etory ~tisfactory *Unsatfsfaetorv SatisCactorvD dNOT r ... ", .. 00000. 00 0 00 q " !Xl ., 1 .. . others prod~on. imd~.· , . .. . " .. - . ju$tificatiOD. " COMMENIS: IMPORTANT: . *UNSA TISFACfORY Iatings must be accompanied by a WIittea statement from the supervisor indicating specific ~on(sj for the~atisfactoIY rating(s).··