Chabot College Fall 2010 Replaced Fall 2012 Course Outline for Nursing 56 ESSENTIALS OF NURSING CARE RELATED TO HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Catalog Description: 56 - Essentials of Nursing Care Related to Human Growth and Development 0.5 unit Overview of human growth and development from infancy to late adulthood with continuation throughout the nursing program. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Nursing Program, or concurrent enrollment in another nursing program, or with consent of instructor. Lecture: 1 hour lecture, 9 weeks total. [Typical contact hours: 9] Prerequisite Skills: Concurrency in NURS 55 or 70 Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. discuss the implications of nursing care as it incorporates physical characteristics of human growth and development from infancy to middle adulthood; 2. discuss the importance of cognitive maturation during childhood (Piaget); 3. discuss the application of nursing care to the several stages of emotional and psychosocial development according to Erikson and Freud; 4. discuss application of nursing care to the physiological and psychological implications of menopause and mid-life crisis. Course content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Physical characteristics of human growth and development Erikson's framework for personality development Freud's framework for personality development Piaget's framework for personality development Cognitive maturation in relation to communication Developmental screening and assessment tools Physiological and psychological implications of menopause and mid-life crisis Methods of Presentation: 1. Lecture/discussion 2. Audio-visual aids Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignments a. In a small group, analyze the priorities involved in caring for a patient with 2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Critical thinking exercises c. Written examinations d. Written final exam Textbook(s) (typical): Fundamentals of Nursing, Potter and Perry, Elsevier/Mosby, 7th edition, 2009. Special Student Materials: None