Chabot College Fall 2010 – SolidWorks for Machine Shops

Chabot College
Fall 2010
Course Outline for Machine Tool Techology 81A
Catalog Description:
81A – SolidWorks for Machine Shops
(May be repeated 3 times)
3 units
The fundamentals of SolidWorks design software as it pertains to machine shop use and
requirements. Instruction includes theory and laboratory practice on the use of the SolidWorks
design software environment to create solid models, drawings, assemblies and how to interface
SolidWorks models with CAD/CAM software. PhotoWorks Cosmos Express, eDrawings, and other
third party “add-ins” will be touched on briefly. Strongly recommended: Machine Tool Technology
71A. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
[Typical contact hours: lecture 35, laboratory 52.5]
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcome for Students:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
create solid models from engineering prints;
recognize and generate extrusions, revolves, sweeps, and lofts;
create engineering drawings with cross section, auxiliary, and detail views;
edit existing sketches and features;
create customized SolidWorks templates;
create assemblies and apply mates and fits;
generate assembly exploded views and movement simulations;
create configurations of parts using equations and configuration tables;
select and insert standard hardware from the SolidWorks toolbox;
import dwg, iges, and dxf files;
create solid bodies from imported files;
create bolt holes, through holes, and threaded holes using the Hole Wizard;
Duplicate features using patterns and mirror images;
add hardware components using “Smart Fasteners” in assembly drawings;
create cosmetic simulated threads and an accurate size and shape thread on solid models;
run basic Cosmos Express finite element simulations;
print 3 dimensional ABS plastic fused deposited models (FDM) on a Dimension SST 1200
create part and assembly eDrawings complete with dimensions and mark up comments.
Course Content (Lecture):
1. Introduction to SolidWorks
a. Sketches and features
b. Extrusions
c. Extruded cuts
2. eDrawings
a. Measuring and dimensioning tools
3. SolidWorks templates
a. Customizing with company logos
b. SolidWorks data fields
4. Engineering drawings
a. Standard three view orthographic projection with an isometric view
b. Auxiliary views
5. Hole Wizard
a. Positioning
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Fall 2010
b. Linear patterns
6. Region extrusion
a. Sketch offsets
b. Entity conversion
7. Revolved bodies and cuts
a. Cosmetic threads
b. Dynamic mirror
c. Ribs
d. Section views
8. Swept bodies and cuts
a. Accurate size and shape threads (swept cut)
b. Wrap command
c. PhotoWorks
9. Lofted bodies and cuts
a. ANSI Y14.5 drawing dimension blocks
b. Circular patterns
10. Configurations
a. Design tables
b. Equations
c. Right and left hand parts
11. Assemblies
a. SolidWorks toolbox
b. Smart fasteners
c. Mates
12. Mold Assemblies
a. Gears and gear mates
b. Belt Mates
13. Machine shop fixtures and assemblies
14. 3D printing of FDM deposited models
15. Surfaces
a. Iges and DXF files
b. 2D drawing conversion to a solid model
16. Weldments and structural members
a. Bill of materials
17. Cosmos Express and finite element analysis
18. Sheet metal models
Course Content (Laboratory):
1. Techniques:
a. Create solid models from engineering part prints
b. Generate extrusions, revolves, sweeps, and lofted parts
c. Create drawings with cross section, auxiliary, and detail views
d. Edit existing sketches and features
e. Create customized part, drawing, and assembly templates
f. Generate assembly exploded views and movement simulations
g. Create assembly drawings complete with mates and fits
h. Create configurations of parts using equations, and configuration tables
i. Select and insert standard hardware using the SolidWorks toolbox
j. Import dwg, iges, and dxf files into part files
k. Create dwg, iges, and dxf files with alternate coordinate systems
l. Create parts with bolt holes, through holes, and threaded holes using the Hole Wizard
m. Create parts requiring the use of features generated with patterns and mirror images
n. Create assembly drawings with hardware components using “Smart Fasteners”
o. Generate parts with cosmetic and accurate size and shape threads
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Fall 2010
Print at least one 3D model with the Dimension SST FDM printer
Apply PhotoWorks features and attributes to solid models
Create a weldment complete with weld beads, struts, and end caps
Create a mold body from a supplied part solid model
Download and import tooling components from manufacturers web sites
Methods of Presentation:
1. Lecture, informal with student questions encouraged
2. Powerpoint presentations, videos, instructor created movies, and overhead transparencies
3. Demonstrations
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
1. Typical Assignments
a. Create a solid model and an engineering drawing for the Coffee Cup project. Use
PhotoWorks to apply your own custom decal and lighting environment. Create an STL file
and translate it to a GMZ file. Print your Coffee Cup on the Dimension 1200 SST FDM 3d
b. Create a solid model and an engineering drawing for the Rocker Arm part. Centerline
dimensioning, circular pattern, and region extrusion must be used.
c. Create an eDrawing of the Adapter Plate project. Create the required eDrawing dimensions,
mark up comments, and mass properties.
2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
a. Assigned lab projects
b. Written lab reports / drawings on each part project
c. Quizzes
d. Midterm examinations
e. Final examination
Textbook(s) (Typical):
Special Student Materials:
1. Sharp EL-531W scientific calculator
2. USB drive – 1gb minimum
3. Headphones – 1/8” stereo jack
Revised: 9/25/09
Ashley Long/Mike Absher