Chabot College 55B - Intermediate Algebra B 3 units


Chabot College

Catalog Description:

55B - Intermediate Algebra B

Course Outline for Mathematics 55B


Fall 2003

3 units

Concepts covered in the second half of Mathematics 55 including parabolas and circles, function composition, inverse functions and their graphs, systems of equations, and exponential and logarithmic functions and equations. Prerequisites: Mathematics 55A ( completed with a grade of C or higher) . May not receive credit if Mathematics 55 has been completed. 3 hours lecture, 0-1 hour laboratory.

Prerequisite Skills:

Before entering the course the student should be able to:

1. perform basic operations on complex numbers;

2. solve quadratic equations by factoring, completing the square, and quadratic formula;

3. find complex roots of a quadratic equation;

4. sketch the graphs of algebraic functions, including polynomial and rational;

5. apply the properties of and perform operations with radicals;

6. apply the properties of and perform operations with rational exponents;

7. solve equations and inequalities involving absolute values;

8. solve equations involving radicals;

9. find the distance between two points;

10. find the midpoint of a line segment.

Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon the completion of the course the student should be able to:

1. sketch the graphs of functions and relations: a. logarithmic b. exponential c. circles;

2. find and sketch inverse functions;

3. perform function composition;

4. solve exponential and logarithmic equations;

5. apply the concepts of logarithmic and exponential functions;

6. solve systems of linear equations in three unknowns using elimination and substitution;

7. graph linear inequalities in two variables.

Course Content:

1. Graphing inequalities in two variables

2. Introduction to functions a. Composite b. Inverse

3. Exponential and logarithmic functions a. Definition b. Properties of logarithms c. Graphing d. Applications

4. Graphing general circles

5. Systems of linear equations using elimination and substitution a. Review two by two systems b. Three by three systems

Chabot College

Course Outline for Mathematics 55B, Page 2

Fall 2003

6. Optional topics (instructor’s choice) a. Sequences and series b. Conic sections c. Simple counting principles

Methods of Presentation:

1. Informal lectures

2. Class discussion of problems, solutions and student’s questions

3. Audio-visual materials

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

1. Typical Assignments a. Exercises from the text book

The half-life of tritium is 12.4 years. How long will it take for 25% of a sample of tritium ot decompose? b. Collaboratives

Perform an experiment with water and coffee filters and model with an exponential function.

2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Homework b. Quizzes c. Midterms d. Final Examination

Textbook(s) (Typical):

Intermediate Algebra, Gustafson/Frisk, Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., 2002

Special Student Materials:

A graphing or scientific calculator may be required

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