Chabot College Fall 2004 Replaced Fall 2010

Chabot College
Fall 2004
Replaced Fall 2010
Course Outline for Mathematics 40W
Catalog Description:
40W – Concepts of Mathematics Workshop
.25 - .5 units
Laboratory, study group, collaborative workshop or computer laboratory time for Concepts of
Mathematics. Corequisite: Mathematics 40. 1 - 2 hours laboratory.
[Typical contact hours: 17.5-35]
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. read and write the mathematics used in Concepts of Mathematics;
2. use technology currently used in Concepts of Mathematics;
3. solve problems on their own and with peers without having to rely on an instructor.
Course Content:
1. Applications of principles and concepts
Methods of Presentation:
1. Individual instruction
2. Collaboration
3. Computer-assisted/graphing calculator instruction
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
1. Typical Assignments
a. Some 4-dimensional person has an object. She shows you 3-dimensional cross-sectional slices
of it. The slices look like a circle in one level of 4-space with increasingly smaller circles at each
level above and below until they end at a point at the top and a point at the bottom. What is the
b. Project: The student is to create a poster or do a presentation on a mathematical topic such as
knot theory or chaos theory.
Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
a. Attendance
b. In-class assignments
The Heart of Mathematics, Edward B. Burger and Michail Starbird, Key Curriculum Press, 2000
Special Student Materials:
Revised: 9/2003