Chabot College Fall 2010 Course Outline for Mathematics 35W STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS MAJORS WORKSHOP Catalog Description: 35W – Statistics For Business Majors Workshop .25 - .5 unit Laboratory, study group, collaborative workshop or computer laboratory time for Statistics For Business Majors. Corequisite: Mathematics 35. 1 - 2 hours laboratory. [Typical contact hours: 17.5-35] Prerequisite Skills: None Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. read and write the mathematics used in Statistics For Business Majors; 2. use technology currently used in Statistics For Business Majors; 3. solve problems on their own and with peers without having to rely on an instructor. Course Content: 1. Applications of principles and concepts Methods of Presentation: 1. Individual instruction 2. Collaboration 3. Computer-assisted/graphing calculator instruction Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignments a. Grandma’s Jam Company is a maker of premium preserves and very few of its 16-oz jars should contain less than 16 oz of product. Management decides that 16.1 oz (on the average) will be put in the jars so that very few will be underweight. Listed below are the weights of 25 jars (one chosen every 15 min) filled by one machine during one day’s shift. The data are in order by row. (Data is given.) Construct a run chart and determine whether the process is statistically stable. Construct a boxplot of the weights. Construct a histogram of the weights. Does the process appear to result in values with a bellshaped distribution? b. Suppose you want to predict the amount of nicotine in a cigarette based on the amount of carbon monoxide using Data Set 8. Determine whether a regression analysis is appropriate in this case. If it is, perform a complete regression analysis. (Computer exercise.) 2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Attendance b. In-class assignments Textbook(s)(typical) Statistics for Management & Economics, Gerald Keller, Cengage Publishing 2009 Special Student Materials: None CS:al revised: 9/2003 Updated by dh: 9/2009