Chabot College January, 1994 Removed Fall 2006 Course Outline for Mass Communications 2 JOURNALISM: INVESTIGATIVE NEWS WRITING Catalog Description: 2 - Journalism: Investigative News Writing 3 units News and feature writing, emphasizing investigative reporting, research techniques and story presentation. 3 hours. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. develop appropriate investigative topics and research strategies; 2. analyze investigative news stories for content and execution; 3. demonstrate standard journalistic style, including lead writing, story organization, effective use of quotes, transitional devices; 4. interview for pertinent information with professional note-taking standards and effective questioning techniques; 5. write an in-depth investigative news feature of 1,200 words; 6. identify and avoid libelous writing, invasion of privacy and unethical writing. Course Content: 1. Analysis of investigative articles, news features, and standard topics of investigative journalism, such as government coverage, consumer affairs and American capitalism 2. Practice at writing\rewriting leads, interviewing live sources, eliminating wordiness, rewriting for clarity 3. Completing at least eight major writing assignments, totalling 6,000 words 4. Critiquing examples of student writing, the daily press and preparing revisions of the student's own work 5. Completion of three special investigative projects, organized for final presentation, individually and in groups Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lecture and discussion "Live" interviewing and note-taking situations Individual\group evaluation of student and professional journalistic prose Challenging students with deadline writing situations in the Macintosh lab Instructor conferences Movies, tapes, guest speakers, reporting simulations Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Regularly scheduled writing assignments Surprise deadline writing assignments Verbal reports on research progress and interviews Participatory discussion in both large and small groups Quizzes and exams, including final exam Textbook(s) (Typical): Newswriting, Gerald Stone, Harper Collins The Search, Lauren Kessler, Duncan McDonald, Wadsworth Pub. Intrerviews That Work, Shirley Biagi, Wadsworth Pub. Chabot College Course Outline for Mass Communications 2, Page 2 January 1994 Special Student Materials: None gmc a:\wpfiles\coursoutMC2 Rev. 1/10/94