Chabot College Fall 2006 Replaced Fall 2011 Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 83 PATIENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Catalog Description: 83 - Patients With Special Needs 1 unit Dental Hygiene therapy with emphasis on patients with special needs. Prerequisite: Dental Hygiene 80A (completed with a grade of C or higher). Corequisites: Dental Hygiene 80B and 81B. 1 hour. [Typical contact hours: 17.5] Prerequisite Skills: Before entering the course the student should be able to: 1. describe and recognize characteristics of the child dental patient, the adolescent patient, the geriatric patient and patients with contagious diseases; 2. list objectives and define techniques for applying of pit and fissure sealants for dental caries control; 3. list rationale and techniques for a variety of topical fluoride applications for a variety of patients; 4. describe rationale and techniques for utilizing power scaling; 5. utilize the intra-oral and extra-oral cameras as part of a case documentation; 6. identify and describe the role of the hygienist in preventive dental caries control; 7. describe the rationale for treatment planning and the role of the hygienist in advanced periodontal therapy; 8. develop and present a case documentation for a periodontally involved patient. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. define disability; 2. use appropriate terminology and communication in regards to clients with special needs; 3. list barriers to oral health care for individuals with special needs; 4. identify clients with special needs by using the DH care form and critical information from the medical history review; 5. describe causes and types of physically limited conditions; 6. describe causes and types of hearing impaired conditions; 7. describe causes and types of visually impaired conditions; 8. describe causes and types of mentally impaired conditions; 9. define dental care needs and treatments for patients with the above special needs; 10. identify the classification of the salivary glands; 11. identify patients with decreased salivary function; 12. manage oral health problem directly caused by salivary gland dysfunction; 13 describe the prevalence, incidence, and distribution of selected neurological and sensory impairments in specific populations; 14. describe some of the more common causal agents that lead to neurological and sensory impairment(s); 15. list and describe the specific impairments that are characteristic of each neurological and sensory disorder; 16. demonstrate a basic understanding of the classifications of severity for selected impairments; 17. describe the conventional treatment modalities for each selected condition; 18. articulate the behaviors associated with the major classification of mental illness; 19. identify specific mental disorders and their relevance to dental treatment; 20. develop treatment plans for patients with mental illness; 21. compare and contrast two forms of immunity; Chabot College Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 83, Page 2 Fall 2006 Expected Outcomes for Students – continued: 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. define immune system dysfunction including: diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, pernicious anemia, myasthemia gravis, multiple sclerosis, chron’s disease, psoriasis, scleroderma, thyroid disease, addison’s disease; describe diseases and conditions from which an acquired immune system dysfunction can result; identify incidence, risk factors, and treatment of cancer; articulate the oral complications common for a chemotherapy patient, and articulate the prevention and care associated with each complication; develop a care plan for a patient undergoing chemotherapy; articulate the five roles of the dental hygienist in caring for an immunocompromised patient; identify the etiology, incidence, risk factors and treatment of HIV and AIDS; compare and contrast the clinical characteristics of HIV and AIDS; develop a care plan for a patient with HIV and AIDS; identify causes and symptoms of cancers of the head and neck; demonstrate the various methods of evaluating lesions; describe the types of oral complications associated with head and neck cancer treatment; outline an oral care protocol for patients before, during and after radiation therapy; define substance abuse and describe the multiple causes of it; develop treatment plans for the following medical conditions, disabilities, or life stage: a. Pregnant client; b. Toddler and/or adolescent; c. Down Syndrome Client; d. Client with cleft palate; e. Client who uses a wheelchair. Course Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Physically limited patients Hearing impaired patients Visually impaired patients Mentally impaired patients Dental needs and treatments for special needs patients Salivary dysfunction Neurological and sensory impairment Hormonal imbalances Mental and emotional disturbances Immune system dysfunction Head and neck cancer and radiation Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lecture Demonstration Discussion Guest lecturers Audiovisual aids Chabot College Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 83, Page 3 Fall 2006 Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignments a. Do a written evaluation for each of the classroom presentations 2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Presentations b. Evaluations c. Written final examinations d. Quizzes Textbook(s)(Typical): Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice, Saunders, 2002 or most recent edition Mosby’s Dental Hygiene Concepts, Cases, and Competencies, Daniel and Harfst, Mosby, 2002 or most recent edition Special Student Materials: None jg/tsp, G:\Course Outlines\2005-2006\DH 83 Revised: 4/15/05