Chabot College Fall 2006 Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 80B ADVANCED CLINICAL TOPICS Catalog Description: 80B - Advanced Clinical Topics 1 unit Development of skills and knowledge in dental hygiene therapy and disease control with emphasis on comprehensive patient care. Prerequisite: Dental Hygiene 80A (completed with a grade of C or higher). Corequisite: Dental Hygiene 81B, 82B and 83. 1 hour. Prerequisite Skills: Before entering the course the student should be able to: 1. describe and recognize characteristics of the child dental patient, the adolescent patient, the geriatric patient and patients with contagious diseases; 2. list objectives and define techniques for applying of pit and fissure sealants for dental caries control; 3. list rationale and techniques for a variety of topical fluoride applications for a variety of patients; 4. describe rationale and techniques for utilizing power scaling; 5. utilize the intra-oral and extra-oral cameras as part of a case documentation; 6. identify and describe the role of the hygienist in preventive dental caries control; 7. describe the rationale for treatment planning and the role of the hygienist in advanced periodontal therapy; 8. develop and present a case documentation for a periodontally involved patient. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. perform nutritional counseling for prevention of dental disease utilizing dietary analysis; 2. describe and utilize the team approach to preventive dentistry; 3. describe techniques of tooth desensitization; 4. describe the procedures for margination and polishing amalgam restoration, listing indications and precautions; 5. describe the types of chemotherapeutic agents used in dentistry, techniques and limitations of their uses; 6. define self-evaluation for student ergonomics and prevention of occupational risks; 7. describe systems of dental hygiene recall; 8. describe procedures, benefits and limitations of the Air-Jet and Cavi-Med in the clinical situation; 9. describe the contributing factors in disease development; 10. describe comprehensive dental hygiene therapy planning and treatment; 11. describe the techniques for the care and maintenance of dental implants; 12. develop and present a case documentation for a periodontally involved patient which involves a nutritional analysis. Course Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Nutritional counseling for caries control The team approach to preventive dentistry Tooth desensitization Margination and polishing amalgam restorations Contributing factors in disease development Use of chemotherapeutic agents Comprehensive dental hygiene therapy Ergonomics and occupational risks Chabot College Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 80B, Page 2 Fall 2006 Course Content continued: 9. Systems of Dental Hygiene recall 10. Use of the Air-Jet Polisher 11. Use of the Cavi-Med 12. Safety in the workplace 13. Care and maintenance of dental implants. Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Lecture Demonstration Discussion Guest lecturer Case studies Audiovisual aids Role playing Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignments a. Write a nutritional analysis report for a clinical patient 2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Quizzes b. Written midterm and final examination Textbook(s)(Typical): Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene, Darby & Walsh, 2003 or most recent edition Concepts, Cases, and Competencies, Daniel & Harfst, Mosby, 2002 or most current edition Davis’ Guide for Nursing, Deglin & Vallerand, FA Davis Corp, 2004 or most current edition Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice, Saunders, 2002 or most recent edition Mosby’s Dental Drug Guide Reference, Gage & Pickett, C.V. Mosby, 2004 or most current edition Periodontal Instrumentation, Pattison & Pattison, Pierson, 1992 or most current edition Special Student Materials: None jg/tsp, G:\Course Outlines\2005-2006\DH 80B Revised: 3-28-05