Chabot College Fall 2006 Replaced Fall 2011 Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 50B DENTAL HYGIENE ORIENTATION II Catalog Description: 50B – Dental Hygiene Orientation II .5 units Orientation for second year dental hygiene students focusing on patient management and scheduling as well as policies and procedures for treating periodonatlly involved patients. Prerequisite: Dental Hygiene 71B. 9 hours. [Typical contact hours: 9] Prerequisite Skills: Before entering the course the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. utilize infection control protocols for prevention of disease transmission through demonstration of proper sterilization and disinfection methods, barrier techniques and maintenance of asepsis; collect and record data from the patient interview including medical history, case history, chief complaint and history of chief complaint on all clinical patients; utilize the medical history and patient interview to collect and document information pertinent to the patient's medical and dental status on all clinical patients; obtain a complete medical history and explain the rationale and implications for each portion of the history form; describe and demonstrate the correct technique for taking vital signs (pulse, respiration, temperature, and blood pressure) on all clinical patients; demonstrate assessment skills designed to identify dental needs in order to plan treatment with the goal of delivering comprehensive dental hygiene care on all clinical patients; demonstrate techniques and proper procedure for performing a thorough periodontal assessment and examination of the teeth on all clinical patients; apply principles of instrumentation for the proper use of the explorers, mouth mirror, periodontal probe, scaling/root planing instruments and polishing instruments on all clinical patients; perform proper polishing technique with appropriate material selection and precautions for polishing natural and restored tooth surfaces and dental appliances; demonstrate technique, procedures and precautions for applying topical fluoride; apply the principles of instrument sharpening for proper sharpening of curettes and sickle scalers; demonstrate the use of the Gracey curette and explorer on a typodont and clinic patient; record complete dental restorative charting on a student partner and on all clinical patients; list and discuss post-operative procedures and instructions for the patient; identify and describe the relationship between universal curette scaler and root morphology in advanced instrumentation; list objectives of Gracey curettes in advanced instrumentation; identify and describe the relationship between the Gracey curette and root morphology in advanced instrumentation; describe procedures for preventing and reporting occupational risks; demonstrate techniques utilized in assisted dental hygiene therapy. utilize infection control protocols for prevention of disease transmission through demonstration of proper sterilization and disinfection methods, barrier techniques and maintenance of asepsis; Expected Outcomes for Students Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. develop problem solving strategies for working with client scheduling; 2. recognize the importance of scheduling strategies for successful completion of patient competencies; 3. demonstrate the ability to recognize factors on medical/dental histories that will require patient referral; Chabot College Course Outline for Dental Hygiene 50B, Page 2 Fall 2006 Expected Outcomes for Students-continued: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. identify the procedures for follow through of a medical/dental referral; identify the patient requirements that need to be met in order to successfully fulfill the clinical requirements in second year clinic; demonstrate the ability to write a treatment/care plan that identifies patient risk factors, goals interventions and evaluation mechanisms; demonstrate the ability to identify and utilize planning and organizational skills as they pertain to care planning/treatment planning; identify instruments that are used in providing dental hygiene care and articulate when each instrument would be used; identify patients that would require the use of advanced instrumentation and articulate the instruments utilized to treat these cases. Course Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Problem solving strategies Patient competencies Scheduling Medical/Dental referral Patient requirements Advanced care planning/treatment planning Advanced Instrumentation Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. Lecture Power Point presentations Group Activities Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. 2. Typical Assignments a. Make a weekly schedule for clinic. b. Evaluate the medical/dental history provided. Identify patient risk factors that would require referral prior to scheduling the patient for treatment in the clinic. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Attendance and participation b. Final Exam Textbook(s) (Typical): Mosby’s Dental Hygiene Concepts, Cases, and Competencies, Daniel and Harfst, Mosby, 2002 Periodontal Instrumentation, Pattison & Pattison, Appleton & Lange, 1992 Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office, Malamed, C.V. Mosby, 2002 or most recent edition Special Student Materials: None jg/tsp, G:\Course Outlines\2005-2006\DH 50B Revised: 11/2/05