Chabot College Fall 2005 Replaced Fall 2006 Course Outline for Computer Applications Systems 84 DESIGNING BUSINESS GRAPHICS Catalog Description: 3 units CAS 84 – Designing Business Graphics Design professional and customized business graphics, logos, business cards, letterheads, envelopes, mailing labels and brochures quickly and easily with Microsoft Publisher ®. Use these publications to generate quality graphics for computer printers, commercial printing or web sites. Strongly recommended: Computer Application Systems 8, Computer Application Systems 50, or Computer Science 8. 2 hours lecture, 2 hours laboratory. Prerequisite Skills: None Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. develop basic desk top publishing skills using MS Word® produce simple publications using MS Publisher® create graphic images for publications edit graphic objects, with alignment, grouping and wrapping tools work with graphic objects, align and group graphics use bulleted and numbering tools to create lists and nested lists insert and edit tables create multiple columns in a newsletter design a tri-fold brochure insert photographs and images prepare packaged publications for printing services design a company and personal logo design a company and personal letterhead design a company and personal business card create a company and personal envelope design a 12 month calendar and appointment book create business forms, invoices and tax forms link a publication to an excel worksheet create a publication as a web page Course Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Brief overview of Microsoft Publisher environment Using desktop publishing skills, creating and editing a one page publication Import word art, graphic images, and photos from the internet and clipart gallery Use the design tool to align, resize, and move graphic images within a publication. Use the column tool to create and format multiple columns for newsletters and brochures Develop publication packages for commercial publishers Create a company letterhead, logo, business card, and a personal envelope Using tables create a 12 month calendar and appointment book for a business Using the company logo and graphics designed earlier, customize business forms, invoices, and various tax forms 10. Using Excel, link a publication to a worksheet and workbook 11. Develop an E-Commerce web site using HTML code fragments Chabot College Course Outline for Computer Application Systems 84, Page 2 Fall 2005 Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. Lecture and visual diagrams Class discussions and problem solving Demonstration – Overhead Projector Hands-on practice Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignments a. Edit business documents that communicate a company’s image. Edit business publications: business cards, stationery letterheads, envelopes and fax cover pages. b. Complete publications using design tools, color and font schemes c. Learn about various printer options for graphics d. Create business cards, stationery, letterhead, envelopes and fax covers. e. Create three fold brochures with complex graphics f. Download graphics from the Internet g. Create and edit Style Sheets h. Creating publications for the Web i. Open an Excel spreadsheets in a publication j. Develop a full set of professional publications for a personal business or small company 2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. b. c. d. Written work Hands on exercises Personal Projects Quizzes and final examination Textbook (Typical): Microsoft Publisher 2003, Shelly Cashman Vermaat, Course Technology, Essential Concepts & Techniques. Essential Series Special Student Materials: Removable storage disk JO 10/04, revised 11/04 CAS 84 course outline