Chabot College Fall, 2002 Course Outline for Business 34 INTRODUCTION TO ADVERTISING Catalog Description: 34 - Introduction to Advertising 3 units Contributions of advertising to marketing and communication, including coordination and development of sales promotion programs, media selection, copy writing, layout, research and budgeting. 3 hours. Prerequisite Skills: None Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. discuss advertising as an instrument of marketing, mass communication and as a social and economic institution; define the procedures and considerations in development of an advertising campaign from initial research to final evaluation; evaluate campaigns and individual advertisements from the standpoint of the seller, the buyer, and the creator of the advertising. Course Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The nature of advertising a. history b. social and economic aspects The psychology of advertising: a. human motivation b. mass communication Inter-relationships in advertising: a. product b. buyer and seller c. advertising departments d. media evaluation Advertising media a. printed, broadcast, and position media b. point-of-purchase media Visualization and layout a. elements of layout and design b. color vs. black and white Production of broadcast advertising a. radio b. television Advertising research a. procedures b. evaluation Advertising campaigns a. types b. prerequisites c. media decisions d. budgeting e. merchandising the advertising Chabot College Course Outline for Business 34, Page 2 Introduction to Advertising Fall 2002 Course Content: (Continued) 9. The future of advertising a. advertising, management and mass communication b. advertising as a social institution Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. Lecture Group project Case problems Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. 2. Typical Assignments: a. Homework (e.g. find websites of two to three advertising agencies and prepare a report that compares services provided by each agency) b. Term project (e.g. develop an advertisement in two different media for an assigned product) Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: a. Graded project paper/presentations b. Examinations c. Final examination Textbook(s) (Typical): INTRODUCTION TO ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION, Belch-Belch, McGraw Hill, 2001 CONTEMPORARY ADVERTISING, Arens, McGraw Hill, 2002 Special Student Materials: None mc 12/05/01 COBUS34