Chabot College Fall 2004 Replaced Fall 2010 Course Outline for Administration of Justice 79 HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION Catalog Description: 79 – Homicide Investigation 3 units Analysis of the death case in order to arrive at the true cause and manner of the death, whether it be murder, suicide, accidental or natural. Emphasis on importance to investigation of the death scene. 3 hours. [Typical contact hours: 52.5] Prerequisite Skills: None. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. identify the signs associated with homicide, suicide, accidental death and death from natural causes; identify and list the various forms of suicide; explain the many forms of accidental death; discuss discrepancies between what the witnesses say, and what the death scene and an examination of the body reveal; list the major factors involved in victim identification; describe the differences between various wounds to the body; Course Content: 1. 2. 3. Introduction a. Assignments explained b. Basic problems of death investigation c. Death recognition d. Statistics e. Death’s time clocks Homicides a. Criminal b. Non-criminal c. Lesser degrees d. Investigative techniques e. Coroner investigation Suicides a. Hanging b. Suffocation c. Asphyxia d. Gunshot e. Others Chabot College Course Outline for Administration of Justice 79, Page 2 Fall 2004 4. 5. 6. Accidental death a. Acts of God b. Non-human culpability c. Victim initiated d. Insurance related e. Law enforcement related Deaths from a. Fire b. Arson c. Acid d. Electricity e. Water drowning f. Beatings 1) blunt force 2) narcotics 3) drugs g. Vehicles h. Stabbing and cutting i. Falls Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lecture and discussion Projects Audio-visual aids Guest Lecturers Student group projects and presentations Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. 2. Typical Assignments a. Write a report on new developments in the technology of victim identification and homicide investigation b. Prepare a written response to chapter questions in book c. Do a brief oral and written report generated from recent news stories d. Prepare written questions to be used to generate discussion for a guest lecturer Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Attendance and participation b. Quizzes c. Midterm and final exams d. Group research term project Chabot College Course Outline for Administration of Justice 79, Page 3 Fall 2004 Textbook(s) Typical: Practical Homicide Investigation, Bernon J. Geberth, Elsevier Science Company, 2000, or latest edition. Special Student Materials: None. sb:/word/AJ79 Revised: 11-6-03