Staff Development Thursday, April 14, 2005, 1:30-3pm Room 1103 Members in attendance: Carol Baumann, Arlene DeLeon, Miyo Harvey, Marge Maloney, Naoma Mize, Rosie Mogle, Mark Schaeffer, Michelle Sherry, Judy Young, Kip Waldo 1. Ron Taylor, joined by Carolyn Arnold – conversation with the committee regarding Flex Day and development of a Staff Development Plan that would align with other aspects of College priorities. It was emphasized that the activities of the Staff Development Committee on campus have been in line with college objectives and priorities. The coordinators will get information to Dr. Taylor regarding the activities of the Committee this year and what is expected to be continued next year. What is on the horizon are the activities surrounding the next round of the accreditation cycle – SLOs. What the role of Staff Development along these lines is unclear as these initiatives have been conducted through other committees and those committees are more aware of the needs and demands. The conversations will be continued. Carolyn shared 2 handouts with the committee: Annual Strategic Plan Priority Objectives and Priority goals from the IPBC. 2. Conference Proposals – all approved a. Joseph Kuwabara; The 15th Annual ACCUPLACER/WritePlacer Plus National Conference; Las Vegas, Nevada; 6/16-6/18/05; estimated cost: $500; requested: $500. $300 approved (not technology training) b. Barbara Ogman; NAEYC’s 14th National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development; Miami, Florida; 6/4-6/8/05; estimated cost: $745; requested: $300. $300 approved c. Diane Premeau; California Health Information Association Annual Convention; Monterey, CA; 5/21-5/25/05; estimated cost: $772; requested: $500. $300 approved (not technology training) d. Lenore Gilbert; California Health Information Association Annual Convention; Monterey, CA; 5/21-5/25/05; estimated cost: $772; requested: $500. $300 approved (not technology training) e. Guadalupe Ortiz; Summer Institute “@one Project”; Fremont, CA; 6/8/05; estimated cost: $55; requested: $55. $55 approved f. Joel Hagedorn; Administering Macromedia Contribute 3; San Francisco, CA; 5/31/05; estimated cost: $504.64; requested: $500.00. $500 approved, contingent on adoption of this technology g. Ken Grace; Functional Training Summit; Los Angeles, CA; 4/29-5/1/05; estimated cost: $359; requested: $300. $300 approved Passed in the last virtual meeting(s) 1) Burnirose L.Wilson; Ensuring Transfer Success 2005; Foster City, CA; $84.18; $84.18 2) James Culp; DreamWeaver I Workshop; San Francisco; $499.28; $499.28 3) Tram Vo-Kumamoto; 2005 CA Community College Banner User’s Group; $244.48; $244.48 4) Martha Hausmann; Top Notch Bottom Line Real Life Dental Hygiene; Oakland, CA; $85; $85 5) Joann Galliano; Top Notch Bottom Line Real Life Dental Hygiene; Oakland, CA; $85; $85 6) Lynn S. Rex; Assessing Achievement in Adults with Learning Disabilities; Sacramento, CA; $890.77; $300 7) Steve Siroy, Commission on Athletics Convention; Reno NV; April 7-9, Cost $450, requested $300 8) Ashley Long, Westec Advanced Productivity Exposition; Los Angeles; April 6 & 7, Cost $450, requested $300. 9) Nancy Olson; California Association for the Education of Young Children; 3/4-6; Oakland; Request $300 3. Our budget – an accounting of current expenditures was shared with the committee. We still have about $4000 (this does not include printing costs and other costs we have no way of recording directly). Those who have attended conferences and not yet claimed will be contacted. 4. Ongoing Spring Activities – reports etc. Discussion about continuing them will be taken up next meeting New Faculty Learning Community Adjunct Group Book Group Author Series @ONE workshops Great Teachers 5. Spring Activities – to consider a. Others? This month or next. None proposed 6. Activities for the Fall Kip discussed the possibility of partnering with the ASCC next year in the development of the a series that would bring speakers on campus. They have allocated around $10,000 for this. The committee agreed that this would be a good use of coordination time. Eyes on the World Events – video and discussion for next year. In partnership with ASCC. This would include the Centennial of Einstein and the Special Theory of Relativity event or events. (postponed from Spring) 7. Additional items - None Next Meeting: Thursday, May 14, 1:30-3pm Room 1103 Last Meeting of the Year