Summary Notes

Summary Notes
October 12, 2006
Attending: Stephen Woodhams, Barbara Worthington, Arlene DeLeon, Gloria
Meads, Dennis Chowenhill, Marcia Corcoran, Jon Traugott, Katherine Tollesfson,
Danielle Campi, Bill Johnson, Kathleen Kaser (Guest)
Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 3:09 PM in Room 1103.
Motion was made to accept the minutes. Motion was approved unanimously.
Rosie prepared an update to be distributed in her absence. Motions were made
to accept the following proposals:
a. Arlene deLeon’s request for up to $500 (for gas) for Mac OS X Support
Essentials Training Workshop on October 18-20, 2006. Approved
unanimously. To be charged to TTIP account.
b. Ming Ho’s AMATYC National Conference on November 1-5, 2006 for
$400 (presenting). Approved unanimously. It was decided that Ming
should be asked to see if this qualified for Basic Skills so that it could be
charged to the Basic Skills budget.
c. Debbie Green’s proposal for the Umoja Conference on October 26 for
$400 (presenting). Approved unanimously. There was discussion as to
how the money broke down for printing, etc. Rachel will check with
Rosie for greater clarification and to see if Debbie’s conference qualifies
as Basic Skills in regards to the Fall Daraja English class.
d. Rosie also sent a message that she has no records or papers for Diane
Zuliani’s American Art in a Global Context conference request. Rachel
stated that Diane had submitted her paperwork directly to Rachel and
that the committee had already approved it.
Rachel also presented paperwork for a November 2006 conference for Connie
Silva for a line dance instruction conference in Las Vegas. The full package
was submitted to Rachel. This conference may be Quest since Marge signed it.
Connie was asking for $300 to go. Approved unanimously. Rachel will forward
paperwork to Rosie. There was a question as to whether or not Connie’s
conference qualified for Basic Skills.
There was discussion that a non-report for TTIP account to Farhad confirms
there is money to spend/allocate as needed within guidelines. A question was
raised that SD can partner with DESC Committee with One Time Money to
support faculty development online courses. One idea issuing from Farhad is
software, classified staff training. It was decided that this topic be placed on the
Staff Development Notes
October 12, 2006
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agenda for next time. There was a question of creating a mini grant process.
Print outs for the TIP expenditure show money available out of “Faculty/Staff
Development and Other Forms of Support”. There was a discussion about
encouraging people to get Tech support to SD, and that SD would then say
“Yay/Nay” and forward on the request. It was decided to have greater
discussion on this later.
Kathleen stated that Apple is again a reseller in the Bookstore. Educational
discounts are available via Apple through the website. Custom built products
are available in the store or via online ordering. ItunesU is on 250 campuses in
the USA hosting podcasts, which are paid for by Apple. Instructers post lectures
on the web as another form of learning. Recording lectures on iTunes is called
“podcasting”. They are not real time lectures. For example, Berkeley iTunesU
has approximately 30-40 classes on the web for free. One does not need an iPod
to utilize these services, they can be achieved by simply clicking on the
computer. Students can listen in class, take notes, then listen to the lecture
online again. This will work with a Mac or PC and people can also subscribe to
specific lectures.
Apple is willing to do follow up with Chabot staff for free and explain Podcast
creating/posting. They want a laboratory on campus with Mac compatibility for
use as requested. Room 1615 was discussed as an adequate laboratory for
Apple’s purposes. College Hour was identified as a possible time. There was
discussion that Apple would need to meet with instructors more than once. It
was decided that a date needed to be set with the knowledge that Apple needed a
couple of weeks lead time. It was decided that this would take place after
Thanksgiving, but before the end of the term; approximately the first week in
There are faculty members on the Chabot campus who already do podcasts. It
was suggested that these faculty members be invited to help Apple (Cristina
Moon, Tim Dave). It was decided that Mark Shaffer should be contacted for the
lab. Rachel will email him and put Kathleen in touch with Mark. It was
discussed that Apple can do a subsequent Flex Day participation if people
Kathleen stated that the iPods in the Chabot College Bookstore sell from $149$349 depending on the memory capability. Chabot College gets a commission
on these sales. Free engraving is offered if the order is placed via the website.
Rachel emphasized that the divisions need to know that this will be happening.
It was also discussed that this is not just a marketplace for selling goods, and
that the focus is on student learning via iPods vs. selling tools for Apple be
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October 12, 2006
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The Female Brain. Kathleen also suggested that SD get the author of The
Female Brain, Louann Brizendine, MD, on campus to discuss the role of
hormones on the female brain. She can be contacted via her website:
Forms Committee
Katherine’s form for Attending a Conference/Workshop is being tested
online from software, but she is having difficulty. The form is not yet
complete. Instructions have been added to the form as well as some other
changes. The form is up for review by the committee at this time. Katherine
will be working on the layout of the form. There are plans to make it an
online form via Adobe Reader, which will allow the user to also fill it out
online. It was decided that the form needs to have a page that provides the
SD mission statement. There was discussion about creating a package for
conference request/Planning an Event. There was discussion about
including the words “Staff Development has a focus to student learning, this
year” on top of the form. There was discussion that this may discourage
people from applying. There was discussion about including a quote like
“Think about reading” on the form.
It was decided that the front page of the package will have the SD Mission
Statement. A motion was made to creat a package that includes all
paperwork needed to get started. There will also be instructions also on
website with the goal of having the web and hardcopies be approximately
the same. The package information will mirror that on the website. Users
may either fill out the forms online or complete a hard copy. This motion
was approved unanimously.
Flier. Katherine presented the video production flier. She stated that they
will be distributed in mailboxes next week.
Partnership Grant. Marcia and Judy are asking other deans if they are
interested. Outcome is to go forward with the grant. The focus is on film
production due to the partnership with ROP. This is designed to create new
pathways for students interested in theater and/or entertainment. Partnership
with local film Mark Schaffer, Bill Shannon, and Doug. Timeline is by
December 2006. One outcome is to develop apprenticeship/internships.
Mission Statement. Dennis stated that he wants SD to be comfortable with
discussion on changes to the Mission Statement. Dennis will do the final
draft and Rachel will send it to all to get feedback before the next meeting.
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October 12, 2006
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Marcia stated that the template for activities and action plans is due. Marcia
passed out the form that requires SD’s written expected outcome(s) and
objectives. Specific information is requested. Rachel volunteered to fill it
out and send it in to Laurie Dockter. Dennis asked to have a copy sent
around to the SD committee.
Rachel has secured space and talked to Sean about the video. The video might be
done in its entirety, an hour-long production, in time for the event. Fliers will be
distributed. Judy will provide the food. After the video presentation, people will
have a chance to discuss it. If the group is small, they can stay in the Little Theatre.
If the group is large, they can go to the green room. Three different reminders about
the event will be sent out via the Hotsheet, a flier, and email. The film may also be
shown again on Division Day.
One of Bill’s students is affiliated with Homeland Security. This student can
provide an update on Homeland Security in the Little Theatre during College Hour.
Bill also knows another student whose husband is affiliated with airport security.
Students, faculty, and staff can participate in the presentation. Bill will check with
Roger Noyes about having the event on November 16. A blurb will be put into the
paper and fliers will be distributed.
Discussion followed regarding new criteria/allocations for SD with the question
“Should criteria be shifting to fund activities?” and a focus on changing the current
forms. There was a vote to revise the form and plans to produce drafts of the
proposed changes. Approved unanimously. There was also discussion on including
a cover letter for a future streamline package of forms and information for
conference requests/activity planning forms. January/February was the chosen date
for the new cover letter. There was also discussion about putting information on the
SD homepage. This topic was tabled for later and it was decided that there was a
need to have a hardcopy package of information in the meantime.
There was discussion of inviting Yvonne Wu, Chabot’s new Grant Writer, to the
next meeting. It was also stated that Shoshanna Tenn will be coming to the next
meeting to give her proposal.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 26, 2006.
Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 5:11 PM.
Respectfully submitted by D.M. Campi