Rev. 11/12/15 1 Rev. 11/12/15 2 WHEELING CAMPUS CRN DEPT ACCOUNTING 30002 ACC 30437 ACC COURSE 123-001 222-001 30004 ACC CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR Prin of Accounting II Computerized & Payroll Accting 3 3 1000-1115a 0830-0945a MW TR 306E 415E Roper P Roper P 225-001 Inter Accounting II 3 0230-0345p TR 411E Roper P ACC 240-001 Business Taxation 3 0100-0215p MW 411E Owen S ACC 250-001 Accounting Capstone 3 TBA TBA TBA Roper P APPLIANCE REPAIR 30011 ARS 102-001 Appliance Installation 2 1100-0259p M 110A Remias J 30013 31605 33212 TITLE This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Challenge exam available. ARS 107-001 Appliance Repair/Maint II 4 0400-0959p W 110A Huff J ART ART 150-001 256-001 Art Appreciation Creat Exp Art & Design Teacher 3 3 0700-0815p 1130-0215p MW M 301B 323B Staff Hupp S BIOLOGY 30026 BIO 110-001 Prin Of Biology 4 0530-0645p TR 301B Fulton B 32980 BIO 110-041 Prin Of Biology 0 0330-0520p R 304B Fulton B BIO 114-001 Anatomy/Physiology I 3 0330-0520p R 316B Merz M BIO 114-002 Anatomy/Physiology I 3 0230-0420p T 316B Fulton B BIO 114-042 Anatomy/Physiology I 0 0600-0750p R 302B Merz M BIO 114-044 Anatomy/Physiology I 0 1230-0220p T 302B Fulton B BIO 115-001 Anatomy/Physiology II 3 0930-1120a W 301B Fulton B BIO 115-002 Anatomy/Physiology II 3 0330-0520p M 301B Merz M BIO 115-003 Anatomy/Physiology II 3 0930-1120a F 303B Merz M BIO 115-041 Anatomy/Physiology II 0 1130-0120p W 302B Fulton B BIO 115-042 Anatomy/Physiology II 0 0600-0750p M 302B Merz M BIO 115-043 Anatomy/Physiology II 0 1130-0120p F 302B Merz M BIO 117-001 Microbiology 4 0830-1115a W 313B Merz M BIO 117-042 Microbiology 0 1130-0120p W 304B Merz M 3 1130-1245p TR 407E Stokes C ART 30016 30941 30030 30766 30033 30767 30035 30036 30979 30038 30517 30980 30041 30045 Challenge exam available. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lecture - must also register for lab. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 30023 BA 241-001 Business Law II This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Rev. 11/12/15 3 WHEELING CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE 30024 BA 265-001 CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR 3 0100-0215p TR 407E Stokes C COMPUTERS & INFORMATION TECH 32693 CIT 107-001 Excel 30067 CIT 117-001 Microsoft Applications 3 3 0830-0945a 0600-0910p MW W 415E 406E Beatty A Staff 33515 33523 32474 33731 33047 30906 33669 30086 31278 32696 33516 32579 33517 33520 33721 33724 30495 30498 30910 TITLE Business Communications This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. (1/26-5/3) CIT CIT CIT CIT 117-002 117-003 117-004 121-001 Microsoft Applications Microsoft Applications Microsoft Applications Microsoft Word II 3 3 3 3 0830-0945a 0100-0215p 0100-0215p 1130-1245p TR MW TR MW 418E 415E 418E 415E Stoffel D Beatty A Stoffel D Staff CIT CIT CIT 123-001 152-001 159-001 A+ Hardware Essentials Cisco II-Router Theory/Technol Microsoft Publisher 3 4 3 0230-0345p 0830-0125p 1000-1115a MW F TR 420E 420E 418E Doolin J Staff Stokes C CIT 176-001 Visual BASIC Programming 3 1000-1115a TR 415E Stoffel D CIT 184-001 A+ Networking and Software 3 1000-1115a MW 420E Beatty A CIT 205-001 Web Development Tools 3 0100-0215p TR 415E Beatty A CIT 207-001 Computer Applications Support 3 0700-0945p T 415E Staff CIT 220-001 Unix/Linux 3 0400-0515p MW 420E Doolin J CIT 227-001 Mobile Applications Develop 3 1130-1245p MW 418E Doolin J CIT 245-001 Network Security Fundamentals 3 1130-1245p TR 420E Doolin J CIT 247-001 Windows PowerShell 3 0700-0945p M 415E Staff CIT 265-001 Virtualization Concepts 3 0700-0945p R 415E Beatty A CIT 272-001 Obj Oriented Progr/Data Struct 3 1000-1115a MW 415E Doolin J CIT 274-001 Microsoft Server Setup/Trblsht 3 0700-0945p W 420E Staff CIT 291-001 CIT 3 TBA TBA TBA Stoffel D This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Practicum This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. CRIMINAL JUSTICE 33536 CRJ 221-001 Criminal Law II 3 0600-0910p W 407E Staff 30097 30098 Intro Juvenile Justice System Problems in Criminal Justice 3 3 0530-0645p 0230-0515p TR T 404E 409E Poffenberger D Poffenberger D CULINARY ARTS 33525 CART 121-001 Food Service Sanitation/Safety 2 0930-1110a MT 405E Evans E 32026 30052 33423 31720 32029 33424 (1/27-5/4) This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. CRJ CRJ 245-001 251-001 (1/11-3/1) CART 125-002 Essentials of Dining Service 3 0400-0935p WR 215E Kefauver C CART 151-001 Meat/Poultry/Seafood Prep 3 1130-0505p MT 215E Kefauver C CART 151-002 Meat/Poultry/Seafood Prep 3 0400-0935p WR 215E Kefauver C CART 159-001 Basic Food Science 3 1130-0505p MT 215E Evans E CART 175-001 Advanced Food Science 3 0830-0205p WR 215E Evans E CART 175-002 Advanced Food Science 3 0830-0205p MT 215E Evans E (3/16-5/5) (1/11-3/1) (1/13-3/3) (1/11-3/1) (1/13-3/3) (3/14-5/3) Rev. 11/12/15 4 WHEELING CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE 30057 CART CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR 231-001 Pastry Preparation 3 0830-0205p WR 215E Grubor M 32028 CART 241-002 Classical Cuisines 3 0400-0935p WR 215E Staff CART CART 245-001 251-001 Menu/Purchasing/Cost Cont Culinary Internship 3 4 0830-1115a 1130-0215p F F 306E 215E Kefauver C Grubor M CART 275-001 Senior Seminar 1 0100-0220p F 215E Grubor/ Kefauver/Evans EARLY CHILDHOOD: CARE & EDUC 31603 ECCE 214-001 Assess Child/Design Curriculum 3 0530-0645p TR 407E Hupp S ECONOMICS 30099 ECON 105-001 Principles of Microeconomics 3 1130-1245p MW 409E Owen S ELECTRONICS 30100 EL 113-001 Industrial Electricity I 4 0830-1115a F 110B-A Remias J 30101 113-041 Industrial Electricity I 0 1130-0215p F 110B-A Remias J ENGLISH 33489 ENG 33491 ENG 30102 ENG 30103 ENG 33738 ENG 30105 ENG 097-001 097-003 101-001 101-002 101-003 101-004 College Literacy College Literacy College Composition I College Composition I College Composition I College Composition I 5 5 3 3 3 3 0930-1150a 1230-0250p 0830-0945a 1130-1245p 1000-1115a 0600-0910p MW MW MW MW MW T 330B-B 330B-B 303B 407E 303B 313B Baker C Baker C Rogerson C Harbert C Rogerson C Rogerson C 33041 30106 30107 30108 30110 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG 101-008 102-001 102-002 102-003 115-001 College Composition I College Composition II College Composition II College Composition II Technical Writing 3 3 3 3 3 1130-1245p 0100-0215p 1000-1115a 0230-0345p 0400-0515p TR MW TR TR MW 409E 303B 301B 407E 303B Harbert C Rogerson C Rogerson C Harbert C Rogerson C ENG 201-001 Amer Lit Since The Civil War 3 1000-1115a MW 409E Harbert C GENERAL SCIENCE 30116 GSC 100-001 Science/Contemp World 4 1000-1115a TR 404E Sharma P 30117 100-041 Science/Contemp World 0 1130-0120p T 202B Sharma P 205-001 World Geography 3 0530-0645p TR 411E Staff HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION 30137 HPE 105-001 Personal Fitness 1 0600-0745p R 409E Staff 30138 33265 33012 32292 (1/13-3/3) (3/16-5/5) TITLE (3/18-8/1) March 18, April 1, and April 29 are mandatory dates that students will need to meet with Chef Grubor at 11:30 am, in the culinary arts dining room. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. 33765 Lecture - must also register for a lab. EL Lab - must also register for a lecture. (1/26-5/3) Self-Paced Lecture - must also register for a lab. GSC Lab - must also register for a lecture. GEOGRAPHY 30115 GEOG This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. (3/17-5/5) HPE 110-001 CPR and First Aid 1 0400-0545p R 307E Hafer J HPE 110-002 CPR and First Aid 1 0600-0745p R 409E Hafer J HISTORY 30118 HIST 101-001 World Cultures II 3 1000-1115a TR 411E Ryan D 30119 111-001 The United States Since 1865 3 0230-0345p MW 408E Ryan D 33539 (3/17-5/5) (1/14-3/3) This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. HIST Rev. 11/12/15 5 WHEELING CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR 3 3 5 0400-0515p 0230-0345p 0700-0850p TR MW R 312B 303B 408E Hupp S Britt J Herrington K INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE TECH 30143 IMT 205-001 Welding 3 1100-1250p S 111A Remias J 30144 HUMAN SERVICES 30139 HS 150-001 30140 HS 200-001 30141 HS 204-001 TITLE Intro Substance Abuse Soc Welfare Institutions Human Serv Field Placement Before registering for Field Placement, students must apply to and be accepted by an approved social service agency. Lecture - must also register for a lab. 205-041 Welding 0 0100-0345p S 111A Remias J MARKETING 30171 MKT 230-001 Prin Of Marketing 3 0230-0345p MW 307E Owen S MATHEMATICS 33498 MATH 086-001 Dev Arithmetic Skills 3 0230-0345p MW 330A-B Gadd L 33499 MATH 086-004 Dev Arithmetic Skills 3 0230-0345p TR 330A-B Marlin M MATH 086-008 Dev Arithmetic Skills 3 1230-0220p M TBA Kriechbaum J MATH 086-011 Dev Arithmetic Skills 3 0930-1120a T 330A-B Kriechbaum J MATH 086-012 Dev Arithmetic Skills 3 0530-0720p W 330A-B Kriechbaum J MATH 086-015 Dev Arithmetic Skills 3 1230-0220p W TBA Kriechbaum J MATH 098-001 Introductory Algebra Skills 4 1230-0220p M TBA Kriechbaum J MATH 098-002 Introductory Algebra Skills 4 0930-1120a T 330A-B Kriechbaum J MATH 098-003 Introductory Algebra Skills 4 0530-0720p W 330A-B Kriechbaum J MATH 098-004 Introductory Algebra Skills 4 1230-0220p W TBA Kriechbaum J MATH 100-002 Fundamentals of Math 2 0600-0750p TR 306E Fluharty J MATH 104-001 Technical Math III 2 0930-1110a MW 404E Sharma P MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH 108-003 109-001 109-002 115-001 115-002 205-001 210-001 279-001 College Algebra w/Applications Math of Business & Finance Math of Business & Finance Math for Health Sciences Math for Health Sciences Math for Teachers II (K-9) Intro to Statistics Calculus I 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 5 0600-0750p 0400-0515p 1130-1245p 0400-0515p 1130-1245p 0330-0520p 0530-0645p 0830-0955a TR TR TR MW MW MW MW MWF 306E 330A-B 330A-B 330A-B 330A-B 312B 312B 411E Fluharty J Marlin M Marlin M Gadd L Gadd L Goldstein M Buchanan H Goldstein M Motors and Motor Controls 3 0830-1050a TR 208B-A Brown L 33147 33151 33154 33163 33492 33493 33494 33495 33278 33279 32238 33496 33744 33497 33696 30149 33784 33475 IMT Lab - must also register for a lecture. Students registering for this section of MATH 086 must also register for MATH 115, CRN 33497. Registration for this course requires the permission of Kristi Aulick who can be contacted by email: or by phone at 304-214-8921. Students registering for this section of MATH 086 must also register for MATH 109, CRN 33496 or 33744. Registration for this course requires the permission of Kristi Aulick who can be contacted by email: or by phone at 304-214-8921. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. (1/12-3/3) (1/11-3/2) This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. MECHATRONICS 33332 MEC 120-001 Rev. 11/12/15 6 WHEELING CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE 33331 MEC 122-001 33712 MEC CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR Machine Mainten/Installation I 3 1000-1050a MW 208B-A Edwards R 122-041 Machine Mainten/Installation I 0 0830-0950a MW 208A Edwards R MEC 122-042 Machine Mainten/Installation I 0 1100-1220p MW 208A Edwards R MEC MEC MEC 125-001 125-002 130-001 Introduction to Welding Introduction to Welding Fluid Power Basics 3 3 3 0430-0915p 0430-0915p 0100-0150p M W TR 111A 111A 208A Staff Staff Brown L MEC 130-041 Fluid Power Basics 0 1130-1250p TR 208B-A Brown L MEC 130-042 Fluid Power Basics 0 0200-0315p TR 208B-A Brown L MEC MEC 230-001 240-001 Fluid Power Systems Programmable Controllers II 3 3 0200-0429p 1000-1050a MW TR 208A 208A Knecht D Knecht D MEC 240-041 Programmable Controllers II 0 0830-0950a TR 208B-A Knecht D MEC 240-042 Programmable Controllers II 0 1100-1220p TR 208B-A Knecht D MEC 250-001 Problem Solving and Teamwork 3 0200-0429p TR 208A Knecht D MEDICAL ASSISTING 33197 MAS 120-001 32304 MAS 125-001 33198 MAS 150-001 32295 MAS 151-403 Medical Records Basic Diagn/Procedural Coding Intro Medical Admin Procedures Medical Financial Management 2 2 2 2 1130-0120p 1130-0120p 0930-1120a 0930-1020a W R W R 408E 408E 408E TBA Watson M Cresap D Watson M Cresap D 32857 33713 33646 33786 33333 33710 33711 33647 33648 33787 33788 33649 TITLE Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Hybrid - This class is a combination of traditional class meetings and online work. Attendance is required on Thursdays from 9:30 - 10:20 am, in room TBA. For additional information contact Michele Watson by email at or Debbie Cresap at MAS 155-401 Med Billing/Coding Application 3 0230-0345p TR 418E Cresap D MAS MAS MAS 210-001 211-041 221-401 Clinical Medical Assistant II Clinical Med Asst Practicum Medical Assisting Seminar II 3 4 2 0830-1115a 0830-0229p 1130-0150p M TBA M 325B 325B 325B Watson M Watson M Watson M NURSING 33630 NURS 112-001 Nursing Concept Care Map Const 2 0830-1020a F 409E Wycherley M 33635 NURS 112-002 Nursing Concept Care Map Const 2 1230-0220p F 308E Wycherley M NURS 142-001 Drug & Dosages Calculations II 1 1130-1220p F 409E Blatt C NURS 142-002 Drug & Dosages Calculations II 1 0830-0920a F 404E Blatt C NURS 143-001 Health Assess & Diagnostics II 1 0830-0920a M 306E Kuca A NURS 143-002 Health Assess & Diagnostics II 1 1130-1220p M 306E Kuca A NURS 144-001 Nsg Concepts Hlth & Illness I 9 1230-0320p 1230-129P 1230-220p M T R 306E 406E 306E Hans/ Shelek/ Keyser 0830-1120a 1230-0159p 0830-1020a M W R 307E 406E 409E Keyser/Hans/ Shelek/Blatt/ Tyburski 32561 32541 33266 33631 33636 33632 33637 33633 33638 (3/15-5/5) Hybrid - this class is a combination of traditional class meetings and online work. Attendance is required on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 - 3:45 pm, in room 418E. For additional information contact Michele Watson by email at or Debbie Cresap at Hybrid - This class is a combination of traditional class meetings and online work. Attendance is required on the following Mondays from 11:30 - 1:50 pm, in room 325B. The meeting dates are: Jan. 11, Feb. 1, Feb. 15, Mar. 14, Mar. 28, Apr. 4, Apr. 18 and May 2. For additional information contact Michele Watson by email at Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33631, 33632, 33633, and 33634. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33636, 33637, 33638, and 33639. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33630, 33632, 33633, and 33634. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33635, 33637, 33638, and 33639. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33630, 33631, 33633, and 33634. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33635, 33636, 33638, and 33639. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33630, 33631, 33632, and 33634. NURS 144-002 Nsg Concepts Hlth & Illness I 9 Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33635, 33636, 33637, and 33639. Rev. 11/12/15 7 WHEELING CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE 33634 NURS 144-041 33639 33774 33775 33776 33777 33778 33773 TITLE Nsg Concepts Hlth & Illness I CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR 0 0600-0159p 0700-1059a W R 310E/HOSP Hans/Shelek/ 310E/HOSP Keyser/Nelson 0600-0159p 0700-1059a T W 310E/HOSP Nelson/Hans/ 310E/HOSP Keyser/Tyburski 9 0730-0829a 0830-1020a 0830-1020a M M T 418E 121E 121E Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33630, 33631, 33633, and 33632. NURS 144-042 Nsg Concepts Hlth & Illness I 0 Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33635, 33636, 33637, and 33638. NURS 244-001 Synthesis of Nursing Concepts Lecture - must also register for a lab. Shelek/Berry/ Kuca/Wycherley NURS 244-041 Synthesis of Nursing Concepts 0 0630-0229p WR 310E/HOSP Berry/Wycherley NURS 244-042 Synthesis of Nursing Concepts 0 0630-0229p WR 310E/HOSP Berry/Wycherley NURS 244-043 Synthesis of Nursing Concepts 0 0630-0229p WR 310E/HOSP Berry/Wycherley NURS 244-044 Synthesis of Nursing Concepts 0 0630-0229p WR 310E/HOSP Berry/Wycherley NURS 245-001 Prof Nsg & Hlth Sys Concepts 3 1130-0215p T 121E Shelek L Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Three class hours per week with a 24 to 32 hour live NCLEX review on campus in April. ORIENTATION 33645 ORNT 090-401 First-Year Sem: Success Strat 1 1030-1150a W 201B Serig K 33741 ORNT 090-402 First-Year Sem: Success Strat 1 0300-0420p M 201B Aulick K ORNT 090-403 First-Year Sem: Success Strat 1 0100-0220p R 201B Farnsworth C PARALEGAL 32003 PAL 150-001 Civil Litigation 3 0100-0215p MW 407E Taylor M 32869 PAL 155-001 Law Office Administration 3 1000-1115a MW 407E Taylor M PAL 201-001 Legal Research & Writing II 3 0230-0345p M 407E Taylor M PAL 201-001 Legal Research & Writing II 3 0230-0345p W 418E Taylor M PAL PAL PAL 250-001 265-001 280-001 Family Law Real Estate Law Paralegal Internship 3 3 3 0700-0945p 0700-0945p TBA T R F 307E 405E TBA Taylor M Staff Taylor M PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN 33298 PCT 151-001 Patient Care Technician II 7 0830-0120p M 318E Tyburski J 33770 33742 33411 33411 32246 33530 32527 33299 33300 33301 33691 Hybrid - This class is a combination of traditional class meetings and online work. Mandatory class meetings will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 13, and Apr. 27, 10:30 - 11:50 am, in room 201B. Hybrid - This class is a combination of traditional class meetings and online work. Mandatory class meetings will be held on Monday, Jan. 11 and Apr. 25, 3:00 - 4:20 pm, in room 201B. This section is restricted to students enrolled in one or more developmental classes (ENG 097, MATH 086, or MATH 098, including FastTrack). Registration for this course requires the permission of Kristi Aulick who can be contacted by email: or by phone at 304-214-8921. Hybrid - This class is a combination of traditional class meetings and online work. Mandatory class meetings will be held on Thursday, Jan. 14, and Apr. 28, 1:00 - 2:20 pm, in room 201B. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. For additional information contact Maresa Taylor by email at Lecture - must also register for a lab. PCT 151-002 Patient Care Technician II 7 0830-0120p W 318E Tyburski J PCT 151-041 Patient Care Technician II 0 0800-0159p T 318E Newton J PCT 151-042 Patient Care Technician II 0 0800-0159p R 318E Krupinski N PCT 151-043 Patient Care Technician II 0 0800-0159p F 318E Krupinski N PCT 151-044 Patient Care Technician II 0 0800-0159p F 310E Newton J 1 0530-0845p MW 318E Staff Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. An additional hour of clinical preceptor time will be assigned weekly. Lab - must also register for a lecture. An additional hour of clinical preceptor time will be assigned weekly. Lab - must also register for a lecture. An additional hour of clinical preceptor time will be assigned weekly. Lab - must also register for a lecture. An additional hour of clinical preceptor time will be assigned weekly. PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY 33334 PTRM 105-001 First Aid/CPR Petroleum Indust Rev. 11/12/15 8 WHEELING CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE 33335 33336 PTRM PTRM 107-001 109-001 33431 PTRM CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR Rigging Land-Based Oil/Gas Op Drilling Technology 2 3 1230-0150p 0830-1020a MW T 200A 200A Edwards R Hippensteel C 109-041 Drilling Technology 0 0830-1129a F 200A Hippensteel C PTRM PTRM 113-001 115-001 Free Plunger Lift Sucker Rod Pumping 3 3 0830-1059a 0830-1020a MW R 200A 200A Hippensteel C Hippensteel C PTRM 115-041 Sucker Rod Pumping 0 1200-0259p F 200A Hippensteel C PTRM PTRM PTRM PTRM PTRM 211-001 213-001 215-001 217-001 219-001 Supervisory Level Well Control Gas Measurement Elec/Analog/Digitial App Petro Petroleum Geology Appalachia Hydraulic/Pneumatic App Petrol 3 2 3 2 3 1130-0159p 1100-1250p 0200-0429p 0500-0650p 0830-1050a MW TR MW W MW 200A 200A 200A 200A 208A Hippensteel C Hippensteel C Edwards R Staff Knecht D 200-001 Intro to Philosophy 3 0600-0910p M 407E Stover J POLITICAL SCIENCE 31340 POLS 102-001 Amer Natl Gov & Politics 3 0400-0515p TR 411E Staff PSYCHOLOGY 30210 PSYC 30211 PSYC 30212 PSYC 30214 PSYC 30215 PSYC 30217 PSYC 30219 PSYC 105-001 105-002 155-001 155-003 200-001 208-002 218-001 Intro to Psychology Intro to Psychology Human Relations Human Relations Abnormal Psychology Dev Psychology Exceptional Children 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1130-1245p 0700-0945p 1130-1245p 0530-0645p 1130-1245p 1130-1245p 0100-0215p MW M TR TR TR TR TR 316B 408E 201B 201B 404E 301B 303B Britt J Canter R Britt J Britt J Herrington K Hupp S Hupp S RADIOLOGY 33015 RAD 33016 RAD 33017 RAD 125-041 125-042 125-043 Clinical Practice I Clinical Practice I Clinical Practice I 1 1 1 0730-0159p 0730-0159p 0730-0159p TR TR TR HOSP HOSP HOSP 32954 32955 32956 RAD RAD RAD 155-001 160-001 165-001 Radiography II Rad Protection/Radiobiology II Clinical Fundamentals II 3 2 1 0830-1115a 0830-1020a 1130-1220p W M W 304E 304E 304E Stephens/Wiley Stephens M Stephens/Kahl/ Trigg Kahl M Kahl M Kahl M 32957 RAD 170-001 Radiography Procedures II 3 1130-0120p M 304E Stephens M 32958 RAD 170-041 Radiography Procedures II 0 0130-0510p M 304E Stephens M RAD 170-042 Radiography Procedures II 0 1230-0410p W 304E Stephens M RAD 225-042 Clinical Practice IV 2 0800-0429p MWF HOSP 33418 33419 RAD RAD 225-043 225-044 Clinical Practice IV Clinical Practice IV 2 2 0800-0429p 0800-0429p MWF MWF HOSP HOSP 32986 32985 RAD RAD 255-001 260-001 Radiography IV Radiography Seminar 2 3 0830-1020a 0230-0420p T T 304E 304E Stephens/Kahl/ Trigg Stephens/Kahl Stephens/Kahl/ Wiley Kahl M Kahl M 32995 RAD 260-041 Radiography Seminar 0 0830-1210p R 406E Kahl M 33267 RAD 260-042 Radiography Seminar 0 1230-0410p R 406E Kahl M 32987 32988 RAD RAD 265-001 270-001 Clinical Fundamentals IV Radiographic Procedures IV 1 3 1030-1120a 1230-0220p T T 304E 304E Stephens M Stephens M 33650 33652 33653 33657 33654 33658 33655 33656 TITLE Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. PHILOSOPHY 31346 PHIL (1/26-5/2) This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. 32959 33417 Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Rev. 11/12/15 9 WHEELING CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE 32989 RAD 270-041 32990 RAD 270-042 TITLE CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR Radiographic Procedures IV 0 0830-1210p R 304E Stephens M Radiographic Procedures IV 0 1230-0410p R 304E Stephens M REFRIGERATION/AIR/HEATING TECH 30220 RAH 101-001 Basic Refrigeration II 4 0411-0955p T 110A Remias J 30222 Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Challenge exam available. RAH 207-001 Heating Systems II 3 0500-0945p R 110A Huff J RAH 209-001 Duct Layout and Prints 3 0500-0945p M 110A Kerns P RAH 211-001 Air Conditioning 4 0400-0945p F 110A Remias J SOCIAL SCIENCE 30246 SS 255-001 The Global Community 3 0400-0515p MW 411E Staff SOCIOLOGY 30237 SOC 30238 SOC 125-001 125-002 Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology 3 3 0530-0645p 1000-1245p MW F 303B 408E Britt J Herrington K SPEECH 30239 SPCH 33665 SPCH 31168 SPCH 105-001 105-002 105-004 Fund of Speech Comm Fund of Speech Comm Fund of Speech Comm 3 3 3 0830-1115a 0700-0945p 0230-0345p F M TR 312B 201B 408E Staff Staff Herrington K SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 33752 ST 125-001 32931 ST 150-001 32932 ST 155-041 32933 ST 155-042 32992 ST 155-043 32936 ST 155-045 33247 ST 250-001 33246 ST 255-041 33273 ST 255-042 33274 ST 255-043 33275 ST 255-044 33248 ST 260-001 Anesthesia/Pharmacology for ST Surgical Technology II Clinical Practice II Clinical Practice II Clinical Practice II Clinical Practice II Surgical Technology IV Clinical Practice IV Clinical Practice IV Clinical Practice IV Clinical Practice IV Surgical Technology Seminar 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 0330-0615p 0830-1210p 0700-0259p 0700-0259p 0700-0259p 0700-0259p 0830-1210p 0700-0259p 0700-0259p 0700-0259p 0700-0259p 1230-0220p T F MT MT WR WR F WR MT MT WR F 309E 309E 307E HOSP HOSP HOSP HOSP 309E Fitzgerald D Fitzgerald D Fitzgerald D Fitzgerald D Fitzgerald D Fitzgerald D Peterman B Peterman B Peterman B Peterman B Peterman B Peterman B WELDING 33756 WELD 110-001 Intermed Shield Metal Arc Weld 3 0830-1559a TR 111A Raveaux D 33757 WELD 110-002 Intermed Shield Metal Arc Weld 3 0830-1559a MW 111A Raveaux D WELD 112-001 Advanced Shield Metal Arc Weld 6 0830-1559a TR 111A Raveaux D WELD 112-002 Advanced Shield Metal Arc Weld 6 0830-1559a MW 111A Raveaux D WELD WELD 115-001 199-001 Welding Print Reading/Symbols ST: Downhill Pipe Welding 3 1 0830-1115a 0800-0359p F MW 208A 111A Knecht D Raveaux D WELD 206-001 Beginning TIG 3 0830-1559a MW 111A Raveaux D WELD 208-001 Advanced TIG 3 0830-1559a MW 111A Raveaux D WELD 220-001 Layout and Design 3 0800-1259p F 111A Raveaux D 30224 30226 Challenge exam available. Challenge exam available. Challenge exam available. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. 33758 33759 33760 33764 33761 33762 33763 (1/12-2/11) (1/11-2/10) (2/16-4/29) (2/15-4/29) (3/28-4/27) (1/11-2/10) (2/15-3/23) Rev. 11/12/15 309E/HOSP 309E/HOSP 309E/HOSP 309E/HOSP 10 WEIRTON CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE TITLE CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR ACCOUNTING 30931 ACC 123-021 Prin of Accounting II 3 0830-0945a TR 215R Owen S 33263 ACC 222-021 Computerized & Payroll Accting 3 0830-0945a TR 134R Roper P ACC 225-021 Inter Accounting II 3 0230-0345p TR 215R Roper P ACC 240-021 Business Taxation 3 0100-0215p MW 215R Owen S ACC 250-021 Accounting Capstone 3 TBA TBA TBA Roper P ART ART 150-021 256-021 Art Appreciation Creat Exp Art & Design Teacher 3 3 1000-1115a 0830-1115a MW F 251R 242R Staff Staff BIOLOGY 31285 BIO 114-021 Anatomy/Physiology I 3 1130-0120p T 254R Merz M 31286 BIO 114-061 Anatomy/Physiology I 0 0230-0420p T 244R Merz M BIO 115-021 Anatomy/Physiology II 3 1230-0220p M 248R Fulton B BIO 115-022 Anatomy/Physiology II 3 0600-0750p T 254R Merz M BIO 115-061 Anatomy/Physiology II 0 0230-0420p M 244R Fulton B BIO 115-062 Anatomy/Physiology II 0 0800-0950p T 244R Merz M BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 30267 BA 241-021 Business Law II 3 1130-1245p TR 208R Stokes C 31526 30259 31608 33213 ART 30262 33785 30269 30270 30271 30272 This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for lecture. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. BA 265-021 Business Communications 3 0100-0215p TR 208R Stokes C BA 280-021 Internship/Capstone 3 TBA TBA TBA Stokes C COMPUTERS & INFORMATION TECH 32669 CIT 107-021 Excel 3 0230-0345p TR 142R Doolin J 30554 32331 33732 32497 33685 32430 This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Permission of the program director is required to register for this course. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. CIT CIT CIT 117-021 117-022 121-021 Microsoft Applications Microsoft Applications Microsoft Word II 3 3 3 0700-0945p 0100-0215p 1130-1245p W TR MW 142R 142R 134R Staff Staff Staff CIT 159-021 Microsoft Publisher 3 1000-1115a TR 134R Stokes C CIT 176-021 Visual BASIC Programming 3 1000-1115a TR 142R Stoffel D This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Rev. 11/12/15 11 WEIRTON CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE 31288 CIT 184-021 33222 CIT CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR A+ Networking and Software 3 1000-1115a MW 142R Beatty A 205-021 Web Development Tools 3 0100-0215p TR 134R Beatty A CIT 207-021 Computer Applications Support 3 0700-0945p T 134R Staff CIT 220-021 Unix/Linux 3 0400-0515p MW 134R Doolin J CIT 227-021 Mobile Applications Develop 3 1130-1245p MW 142R Doolin J CIT 245-021 Network Security Fundamentals 3 1130-1245p TR 134R Doolin J CIT 247-021 Windows PowerShell 3 0700-0945p M 134R Staff CIT 265-021 Virtualization Concepts 3 0700-0945p R 134R Beatty A CIT 272-022 Obj Oriented Progr/Data Struct 3 1000-1115a MW 134R Doolin J CIT 274-021 Microsoft Server Setup/Trblsht 3 0700-0945p W 134R Staff CIT 291-022 CIT Practicum 3 TBA TBA TBA Stoffel D CRIMINAL JUSTICE 33288 CRJ 221-021 Criminal Law II 3 0600-0910p W 208R Staff 30541 Intro Juvenile Justice System 3 0700-0945p R 215R Staff EARLY CHILDHOOD: CARE & EDUC 32670 ECCE 214-021 Assess Child/Design Curriculum 3 0530-0645p TR 208R Hupp S ECONOMICS 30290 ECON 105-021 Principles of Microeconomics 3 1000-1115a TR 208R Owen S ENGLISH 33488 ENG 30291 ENG 30728 ENG 30293 ENG 33143 ENG 33767 ENG 097-021 101-021 101-024 102-021 102-022 225-021 College Literacy College Composition I College Composition I College Composition II College Composition II Shakespeare-Comedies 5 3 3 3 3 3 0930-1150a 0230-0345p 1130-1245p 0830-0945a 0230-0345p 1000-1115a TR TR MW MW MW TR 109R 243R 249R 242R 242R 242R Baker C Winland G Winland G Winland G Winland G Winland G GENERAL SCIENCE 30297 GSC 100-021 Science/Contemp World 4 0530-0645p MW 254R Staff 30299 100-061 Science/Contemp World 0 0700-0850p M 248R Staff 205-021 World Geography 3 0830-0945a MW 249R Staff HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION 33408 HPE 100-022 Bowling 1 0230-0520p F STBL Edwards R 33409 33727 33719 33519 33521 33722 33725 32429 33729 32431 TITLE This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. (1/27-5/4) This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. CRJ 245-021 This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Lecture - must also register for a lab. GSC Lab - must also register for a lecture. GEOGRAPHY 30932 GEOG 30305 30306 (4/1-4/29) HPE 101-022 Bowling 1 0230-0520p F STBL Edwards R HPE 105-021 Personal Fitness 1 1130-0115p F 242R Teaff C HPE 110-021 CPR and First Aid 1 0600-0745p W 209A-R Wise M (4/1-4/29) (1/15-3/4) (3/1-5/4) Rev. 11/12/15 12 WEIRTON CAMPUS CRN DEPT CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR World Cultures II The United States Since 1865 3 3 1000-1115a 1130-1245p TR MW 249R 254R DeCaria F DeCaria F HUMAN SERVICES 33739 HS 150-021 Intro Substance Abuse 3 1130-1245p TR 215R Canter R 32671 200-021 Soc Welfare Institutions 3 0230-0345p MW 215R Ferrell D MARKETING 33531 MKT 230-021 Prin of Marketing 3 0400-0515p TR 208R Owen S MATHEMATICS 33506 MATH 086-021 Dev Arithmetic Skills 3 0230-0345p MW 243R Marlin M 32863 MATH 086-022 Dev Arithmetic Skills 3 1130-0120p M 115R Six E MATH 086-023 Dev Arithmetic Skills 3 1230-0220p T 115R Six E MATH 098-021 Introductory Algebra Skills 4 1130-0120p M 115R Six E MATH 098-022 Introductory Algebra Skills 4 1230-0220p T 115R Six E MATH 100-021 Fundamentals of Math 2 0600-0750p TR 243R Buchanan H MATH 104-021 Technical Math III 2 0830-1010a MW 243R Buchanan H MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH 108-021 109-021 115-021 205-021 210-022 279-021 College Algebra w/Applications Math of Business & Finance Math for Health Sciences Math for Teachers II (K-9) Intro to Statistics Calculus I 4 3 3 4 3 5 0600-0750p 1000-1115a 0400-0515p 0230-0420p 1130-1245p 0830-0955a TR MW MW TR MW MWF 243R 242R 209B-R 254R 243R 215R Buchanan H Marlin M Marlin M Buchanan H Buchanan H Goldstein M 120-021 122-021 125-021 130-021 230-021 240-021 250-021 Motors and Motor Controls Machine Mainten/Installation I Introduction to Welding Fluid Power Basics Fluid Power Systems Programmable Controllers II Problem Solving and Teamwork 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 0600-2029a 0830-1050a 0330-0559p 1130-0229p 0800-1029a 0330-0559p 1100-0129p TR TR MW TR TR TR TR 117B-R 117B-R 117B-R 117B-R 115R 117B-R 115R Lawson M Edwards R Jones L Grysko G Grysko G Lawson M Copenhaver J MEDICAL ASSISTING 33750 MAS 151-421 Medical Financial Management 2 0530-0620p R 142R Quick S 33751 Med Billing/Coding Application 3 0700p-0945p R 249R Quick S HISTORY 30301 HIST 30558 HIST COURSE 101-021 111-021 TITLE This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. HS This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. 33317 33500 33501 30309 32979 30310 33504 33505 30472 30312 33476 Students registering for this section of MATH 086 must also register for either MATH 109, CRN 33504 or MATH 115, CRN 33505. Registration for this course requires the permission of Lisa Soly who can be contacted by email: or by phone at 304-723-7515. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. (1/12-3/3) (1/11-3/2) This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. MECHATRONICS 33050 MEC 33051 MEC 33053 MEC 33052 MEC 33054 MEC 33056 MEC 33055 MEC Hybrid - This class is a combination of traditional class meetings and online work. Attendance is required on Thursdays from 5:30 - 6:20 pm, in room 142R. For additional information contact Michele Watson by email at or Sierra Quick at MAS Rev. 11/12/15 155-021 13 WEIRTON CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE TITLE CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR NURSING 33620 NURS 112-021 Nursing Concept Care Map Const 2 1030-1220p F 214R Wycherley M 33621 NURS 142-021 Drug & Dosages Calculations II 1 0930-1020a F 214R Blatt C NURS 142-022 Drug & Dosages Calculations II 1 0930-1020a F TBA Staff NURS 143-021 Health Assess & Diagnostics II 1 1230-0120p M 214R Van Fossan J NURS 144-021 Nsg Concepts Hlth & Illness I 9 0830-1120a 1230-0120P 1230-0220P M W R 214R TBA 214R Van Fossan J 0600-0159p 0700-1059A T W 213R/HOSP Nelson L 213R/HOSP 9 0730-0829a 0830-1020a 0830-1020a M M T 134R 254R 254R 33628 33622 33623 33624 33780 33781 Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33621, 33622, 33623, and 33624. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33620, 33622, 33623, and 33624. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33627, 33629, 33625, and 33626. This course utilizes a multi-campus interactive video clasroom. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33620, 33621, 33623, and 33624. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33620, 33621, 33622, and 33624. NURS 144-061 Nsg Concepts Hlth & Illness I 0 Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33620, 33621, 33622, and 33623. NURS 244-021 Synthesis of Nursing Concepts Lecture - must also register for a lab. Staff NURS 244-061 Synthesis of Nursing Concepts 0 0630-0229p WR 213R/HOSP Van Fossan J NURS 244-062 Synthesis of Nursing Concepts 0 0630-0229p WR 213R/HOSP Van Fossan J NURS 244-063 Synthesis of Nursing Concepts 0 0630-0229p WR 213R/HOSP Van Fossan J NURS 245-021 Prof Nsg & Hlth Sys Concepts 3 1130-0220p M 242R Shelek L ORIENTATION 33749 ORNT 090-421 First-Year Sem: Success Strat 1 0100-0220p W 242R Staff PARALEGAL 33734 PAL 150-021 Civil Litigation 3 0100-0215p MW 208R Taylor M 33754 PAL 155-021 Law Office Administration 3 1000-1115a TR TBA Taylor M PAL 201-021 Legal Research & Writing II 3 0230-0345p 0230-0345p W M 134R 208R Taylor M Taylor M 33782 33783 33779 Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Three class hours per week with a 24 to 32 hour live NCLEX review on campus in April. Hybrid - This class is a combination of traditional class meetings and online work. Mandatory class meetings will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 13, and Apr. 27, 1:00 - 2:20 pm, in room 242R. 33736 This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN 33642 PCT 151-021 Patient Care Technician II 7 0830-0120p M 209A-R Krupinski N 33643 33644 Lecture - must also register for a lab. PCT 151-061 Patient Care Technician II 0 0800-0159p T 218H-R Krupinski N PCT 151-062 Patient Care Technician II 0 0800-0159p W 218H-R Krupinski N Lab - must also register for a lecture. An additional hour of clinical preceptor time will be assigned weekly. Lab - must also register for a lecture. An additional hour of clinical preceptor time will be assigned weekly. PHILOSOPHY 33031 PHIL 200-021 Intro to Philosophy 3 0600-0910p (1/26-5/2) This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. POLITICAL SCIENCE 30343 POLS 102-021 Rev. 11/12/15 Amer Natl Gov & Politics 3 1000-1115a M MW 208R 249R Stover J DeCaria F 14 WEIRTON CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE TITLE CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR PSYCHOLOGY 30344 PSYC 30977 PSYC 30345 PSYC 105-021 105-022 155-021 Intro to Psychology Intro to Psychology Human Relations 3 3 3 0700-0945p 1000-1245p 0530-0645p R F MW 254R 254R 215R Canter R Canter R Ferrell D 31878 30346 33252 200-021 208-021 218-021 Abnormal Psychology Dev Psychology Exceptional Children 3 3 3 0100-0215p 0230-0345p 0700-0945p TR TR T 249R 249R 249R Ferrell D Canter R Staff SOCIAL SCIENCE 30355 SS 255-021 The Global Community 3 0230-0345p TR 209A-R DeCaria F SOCIOLOGY 31882 SOC 125-022 Intro to Sociology 3 1130-0215p F 249R Staff SPEECH 30350 SPCH 105-021 Fund of Speech Comm 3 0230-0515p MW 254R Reho J 32556 105-022 Fund of Speech Comm 3 0600-0910p R 242R Reho J Anesthesia/Pharmacology for ST Surgical Technology II Clinical Practice II Clinical Practice II Surgical Technology IV Clinical Practice IV Clinical Practice IV Surgical Technology Seminar 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 0330-0615p 0830-1210p 0700-0259p 0700-0259p 0830-1210p 0700-0259p 0700-0259p 1230-0220p R F MT WR M TW RF M 218D-R 218E-R HOSP HOSP 218D-R HOSP HOSP 218D-R Brinkley R Staff Brinkley R Staff Peterman B Peterman B Peterman B Peterman B This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. PSYC PSYC PSYC (1/11-3/2) SPCH (1/28-5/5) SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 33753 ST 125-021 32938 ST 150-021 33268 ST 155-061 32941 ST 155-063 33280 ST 250-021 33281 ST 255-061 33283 ST 255-063 33271 ST 260-021 Rev. 11/12/15 15 NEW MARTINSVILLE CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE TITLE CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR ACCOUNTING 30359 ACC 123-031 Prin of Accounting II 3 0830-0945a TR 111N Owen S 33264 ACC 222-031 Computerized & Payroll Accting 3 0830-0945a TR 113N Roper P ACC 225-031 Inter Accounting II 3 0230-0345p TR 111N Roper P ACC 240-031 Business Taxation 3 0100-0215p MW 111N Owen S ACC 250-031 Accounting Capstone 3 TBA TBA TBA Roper P ART 256-031 Creat Exp Art & Design Teacher 3 0700-0945p T 201N Staff BIOLOGY 32332 BIO 114-032 Anatomy/Physiology I 3 0930-1120a R 204N Fulton B 32333 BIO 114-072 Anatomy/Physiology I 0 TBA TBA TBA Fulton B BIO 115-031 Anatomy/Physiology II 3 0830-1020a T 204N Staff BIO 115-071 Anatomy/Physiology II 0 TBA TBA TBA Staff BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 30368 BA 241-031 Business Law II 3 1130-1245p TR 207N Stokes C 30369 30361 31609 33214 ART 30960 30371 30372 This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Technology Enhanced - no scheduled meeting times, instructions will be given in lecture. Lecture - must also register for a lab. Lab - must also register for a lecture. Technology Enhanced - no scheduled meeting times, instructions will be given in lecture. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. BA 265-031 Business Communications 3 0100-0215p TR 207N Stokes C BA 280-031 Internship/Capstone 3 TBA TBA TBA Stokes C COMPUTERS & INFORMATION TECH 32674 CIT 107-031 Excel 3 0230-0345p TR 113N Doolin J 33790 33733 32253 33686 31913 33524 33315 33728 33720 This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Permission of the program director is required. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. CIT CIT 117-031 121-031 Microsoft Applications Microsoft Word II 3 3 1130-1245p 1130-1245p MW MW TBA 210N Stokes C Staff CIT 159-031 Microsoft Publisher 3 1000-1115a TR 210N Stokes C CIT 176-031 Visual BASIC Programming 3 1000-1115a TR 113N Stoffel D CIT 184-031 A+ Networking and Software 3 1000-1115a MW 210N Beatty A CIT 205-031 Web Development Tools 3 0100-0215p TR 113N Beatty A CIT 207-031 Computer Applications Support 3 0700-0945p T 210N Staff CIT 220-031 Unix/Linux 3 0400-0515p MW 210N Doolin J This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Rev. 11/12/15 16 NEW MARTINSVILLE CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE 33518 CIT 227-031 33522 CIT CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR Mobile Applications Develop 3 1130-1245p MW 113N Doolin J 245-031 Network Security Fundamentals 3 1130-1245p TR 113N Doolin J CIT 247-031 Windows PowerShell 3 0700-0945p M 210N Staff CIT 265-031 Virtualization Concepts 3 0700-0945p R 210N Beatty A CIT 272-031 Obj Oriented Progr/Data Struct 3 1000-1115a MW 113N Doolin J CIT 274-031 Microsoft Server Setup/Trblsht 3 0700-0945p W 210N Staff CIT 291-031 CIT Practicum 3 TBA TBA TBA Stoffel D CRIMINAL JUSTICE 33537 CRJ 221-031 Criminal Law II 3 0600-0910p W 207N Staff 31630 33723 33726 33314 33730 32428 TITLE This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a mutli-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. (1/27-5/4) This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. CRJ 245-031 Intro Juvenile Justice System 3 0700-0945p R 111N Staff CRJ 251-031 Problems in Criminal Justice 3 0230-0515p R 201N Poffenberger D EARLY CHILDHOOD: CARE & EDUC 31622 ECCE 214-031 Assess Child/Design Curriculum 3 0530-0645p TR 207N Hupp S ECONOMICS 30384 ECON 105-031 Principles of Microeconomics 3 1000-1115a TR 207N Owen S ENGLISH 33747 ENG 33040 ENG 30388 ENG 097-031 101-036 102-032 College Literacy College Composition I College Composition II 5 3 3 1130-0150p 1130-1245p 1000-1115a MW TR TR 204N 212N 212N Staff Baker C Baker C GENERAL SCIENCE 30393 GSC 100-031 Science/Contemp World 4 0830-1115a R 201N Staff 30394 100-071 Science/Contemp World 0 1130-0120p R 202N Staff 205-031 World Geography 3 0530-0645p TR 111N Staff HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION 30540 HPE 105-031 Personal Fitness 1 1130-0115p F PWC Shepherd S 30399 31334 This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Lecture - must also register for a lab. GSC Lab - must also register for a lecture. GEOGRAPHY 30968 GEOG This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. (1/15-3/4) HPE 110-031 CPR and First Aid 1 0700-0845p W 209N Staff HISTORY 30395 HIST 101-031 World Cultures II 3 1000-1115a TR 111N Ryan D 33469 111-031 The United States Since 1865 3 0530-0645p MW 204N Ryan D HUMAN SERVICES 33740 HS 150-031 Intro Substance Abuse 3 1130-1245p TR 111N Canter R 32513 Soc Welfare Institutions 3 0230-0345p MW 111N Ferrell D (3/15-5/4) This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. HIST This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. HS 200-031 This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Rev. 11/12/15 17 NEW MARTINSVILLE CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE TITLE CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR MARKETING 33532 MKT 230-031 Prin Of Marketing 3 0400-0515p TR 207N Owen S MATHEMATICS 33508 MATH 086-031 Dev Arithmetic Skills 3 0930-1120a W 115B-N Lantz J 30408 MATH 086-032 Dev Arithmetic Skills 3 1000-1115a TR 211N Lantz J MATH 098-031 Introductory Algebra Skills 4 0930-1120a W 115B-N Lantz J MATH 100-031 Fundamentals of Math 2 0230-0420p TR 209N Goldstein M MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH 108-031 109-031 115-031 205-031 210-032 279-031 College Algebra w/Applications Math of Business & Finance Math for Health Sciences Math for Teachers II (K-9) Intro to Statistics Calculus I 4 3 3 4 3 5 0230-0420p 0100-0215p 0230-0345p 0930-1120a 0530-0645p 0830-0955a TR TR TR TR TR MWF 209N 211N 211N 209N 209N 111N Goldstein M Lantz J Lantz J Goldstein M Goldstein M Goldstein M NURSING 33575 NURS 112-031 Nursing Concept Care Map Const 2 1230-0220p F 201N Wycherley M 33576 NURS 142-031 Drug & Dosages Calculations II 1 1030-1120a T 201N Blatt C NURS 143-031 Health Assess & Diagnostics II 1 1130-1220p M 201N Blatt C NURS 144-031 Nsg Concepts Hlth & Illness I 9 0730-0829a 0830-1020a 1130-0220p M M T 210N 201N 201N Blatt C 0600-0159p 0700-1059a W R 200N/HOSP Blatt C 200N/HOSP This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. 33507 30402 30403 33509 33510 30478 30405 33477 33577 33578 33587 In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. Students registering for this section of MATH 086 must also register for either MATH 109, CRN 33509 or MATH 115, CRN 33510. Registration for this course requires the permission of Ina Robinson who can be reached by email: or by phone at 304-510-8769. In addition to the FIXED classroom time, students are required to complete additional FLEX hours in the technology enhanced classroom each week. (1/12-3/3) This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33576, 33577, 33578, and 33587. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33575, 33577, 33578, and 33587. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33575, 33576, 33578, and 33587. Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33575, 33576, 33577, and 33587. NURS 144-071 Nsg Concepts Hlth & Illness I 0 Students registering for this class are also required to register for CRN's 33575, 33576, 33577, and 33578. ORIENTATION 33748 ORNT 090-431 First-Year Sem: Success Strat 1 1000-1120a M 209N Staff PARALEGAL 33735 PAL 150-031 Civil Litigation 3 0100-0215p MW 207N Taylor M 33755 PAL 155-031 Law Office Administration 3 1000-1115a TR TBA Taylor M PAL 201-031 Legal Research & Writing II 3 0230-0345p 0230-0345p M W 207N 210N Taylor M Hybrid - This class is a combination of traditional class meetings and online work. Mandatory class meetings will be held on Monday, Jan. 11, and Apr. 25, 10:00 - 11:20 am, in room 209N. 33737 This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN 33771 PCT 151-031 Patient Care Technician II 7 0230-0920p T 204N Shepler S 33772 Lecture - must also register for a lab. PCT 151-071 Patient Care Technician II 0 0800-0159p F 200N Pell S 200-031 Intro to Philosophy 3 0600-0910p M 207N Stover J Lab - must also register for a lecture. An additional hour of clinical preceptor time will be assigned weekly. PHILOSOPHY 31345 PHIL (1/25-5/2) This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Rev. 11/12/15 18 NEW MARTINSVILLE CAMPUS CRN DEPT COURSE TITLE CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR POLITICAL SCIENCE 31347 POLS 102-031 Amer Natl Gov & Politics 3 0400-0515p TR 111N Staff PSYCHOLOGY 30426 PSYC 30428 PSYC 105-031 155-032 Intro to Psychology Human Relations 3 3 0700-0945p 0530-0645p T MW 212N 111N Ferrell D Ferrell D 33768 30429 31885 200-031 208-031 218-031 Abnormal Psychology Dev Psychology Exceptional Children 3 3 3 0100-0215p 0400-0515p 0400-0515p TR TR MW 212N 212N 207N Staff Ferrell D Hass M SOCIAL SCIENCE 30436 SS 255-031 The Global Community 3 0400-0515p MW 111N Staff SOCIOLOGY 30432 SOC 125-031 Intro to Sociology 3 0700-0945p W 212N Ferrell D SPEECH 30433 SPCH 31001 SPCH 105-031 105-032 Fund of Speech Comm Fund of Speech Comm 3 3 0700-0945p 1000-1115a M MW 204N 212N Stokes C Stokes C This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. PSYC PSYC PSYC This class utilizes a multi-campus interactive video classroom. Rev. 11/12/15 19 DISTANCE EDUCATION CRN DEPT COURSE TITLE CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR ACCOUNTING 33479 ACC 123-401 Prin of Accounting II 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Roper P 33528 222-401 Computerized & Payroll Accting 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Roper P ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES 32964 AHS 102-401 Electronic Health Records 1 TBA TBA ONLINE Quick S 32817 Distance Education - For additional information contact Patricia Roper by email at ACC Distance Education - For additional information contact Patricia Roper by email at (1/11-3/13) Distance Education - For additional information contact Sierra Quick by email at or Kim Patterson at AHS 103-401 Medical Terminology 1 TBA TBA ONLINE Silvestri K AHS 103-402 Medical Terminology 1 TBA TBA ONLINE Silvestri K AHS 108-401 Disease Process Applications 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Silvestri K AHS 110-401 Medical Legal/Ethical Issues 1 TBA TBA ONLINE Watson M AHS 110-402 Medical Legal/Ethical Issues 1 TBA TBA ONLINE Quick S ART 150-401 Art Appreciation 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Lannis A ASTRONOMY 33527 ASTR 125-401 Introduction to Astronomy 4 TBA TBA ONLINE Sharma P BIOLOGY 33714 BIO 112-401 Plant Biology 4 TBA TBA ONLINE Fulton B BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 32945 BA 241-401 Business Law II 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Knox K 33482 33284 32965 32617 33215 ART 32618 Distance Education - For additional information contact Korene Silvestri by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Korene Silvestri by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Korene Silvestri by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Michele Watson by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Sierra Quick by email at or Kim Patterson at Distance Education - For additional information contact Aimee Lannis by email at or Kim Patterson at Distance Education - For additional information contact Pam Sharma by email at Distance Education - SREC Electronic Common Market Course offering - For additional information contact Ben Fulton by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Ken Knox by email at or Kim Patterson at BA 265-401 Business Communications 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Lantry D 109-401 General Chemistry II 4 TBA TBA ONLINE Vance S 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Stoffel D Distance Education - For additional information contact Dorothy Lantry by email at or Kim Patterson at CHEMISTRY 33715 CHEM Distance Education - For additional information contact Stephanie Vance by email at or Kim Patterson at COMPUTERS & INFORMATION TECH 33484 CIT 107-401 Excel Distance Education - For additional information contact Dave Stoffel by email at Rev. 11/12/15 20 DISTANCE EDUCATION CRN DEPT COURSE 30555 CIT 117-401 32672 CIT CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR Microsoft Applications 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Stoffel D 117-402 Microsoft Applications 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Staff CIT 182-401 PowerPoint Presentations 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Patterson K CRIMINAL JUSTICE 33478 CRJ 115-401 Cyber Crimes Against Children 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Poffenberger D 30096 235-401 Field Service 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Poffenberger D ECONOMICS 30443 ECON 105-401 Principles of Microeconomics 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Bergan N ENGLISH 32547 ENG 101-401 College Composition I 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Reho J 32548 ENG 102-401 College Composition II 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Harbert C ENG 102-402 College Composition II 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Reho J ENG 211-401 Eng Lit After 18th Century 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Harbert C GENERAL SCIENCE 30446 GSC 100-401 Science/Contemp World 4 TBA TBA ONLINE Sharma P GEOGRAPHY 32620 GEOG World Geography 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Staff HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 33291 HIT 110-401 Alternative Care Records 1 TBA TBA ONLINE Staff 33289 32546 TITLE Distance Education - For additional information contact Dave Stoffel by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Kim Patterson by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Kim Patterson by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Don Poffenberger by email at CRJ Distance education - For additional information contact Don Poffenberger by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Nicholas Bergan by email at or Kim Patterson at 30484 33769 Distance Education - SREC Electronic Common Market Course offering - For additional information contact John Reho by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Crystal Harbert by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact John Reho by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Crystal Harbert by email at Distance Education - SREC Electronic Common Market Course offering - For additional information contact Pam Sharma by email at 205-401 Distance Education - For additional information contact Kim Patterson by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Kim Patterson by email at HIT 125-401 Medical Coding I 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Silvestri K HIT 145-401 HIT Prof Pract Experience I 2 TBA TBA ONLINE Loy L HIT 257-401 Indexes/Registries 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Staff HIT 260-401 Medical Coding III 2 TBA TBA ONLINE Silvestri K HIT 263-401 H.I.T. Seminar 1 TBA TBA ONLINE Silvestri K HIT 265-401 HIT Prof Pract Experience II 4 TBA TBA ONLINE Silvestri K HISTORY 32069 HIST 101-401 World Cultures II 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Ryan D 30447 HIST 111-401 The United States Since 1865 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Ryan D MARKETING 33483 MKT 230-401 Prin Of Marketing 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Owen S 33290 33513 33512 33514 33511 Distance Education - For additional information contact Korene Silvestri by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Lolita Loy by email at or Kim Patterson at Distance Education - For additional information contact Kim Patterson by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Korene Silvestri by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Korene Silvestri by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Korene Silvestri by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Delilah Ryan by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Delilah Ryan by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Scott Owen by email at Rev. 11/12/15 21 DISTANCE EDUCATION CRN DEPT COURSE TITLE CR TIME DAY ROOM INSTRUCTOR MATHEMATICS 33480 MATH 109-401 Math of Business & Finance 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Patterson K 32070 210-401 Intro to Statistics 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Staff MEDICAL ASSISTING 32296 MAS 153-401 Med Insur/Reimburse Methods 2 TBA TBA ONLINE Cresap D POLITICAL SCIENCE 32045 POLS 102-401 Amer Natl Gov & Politics 3 TBA TBA ONLINE DeCaria F PSYCHOLOGY 30455 PSYC 105-401 Intro to Psychology 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Riley V 33481 PSYC 155-401 Human Relations 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Fuentes C PSYC 208-401 Dev Psychology 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Herrington K SOCIAL SCIENCE 33529 SS 255-401 The Global Community 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Monroe T SOCIOLOGY 32313 SOC 125-401 Intro to Sociology 3 TBA TBA ONLINE DeCaria F 32885 125-402 Intro to Sociology 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Poffenberger D 105-401 Fund of Speech Comm 3 TBA TBA ONLINE Kefauver L Distance Education - For additional information contact Kim Patterson by email at MATH Distance Education - For additional information contact Kim Patterson by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Michele Watson by email at or Debbie Cresap at Distance Education - SREC Electronic Common Market Course offering - For additional information contact Frank DeCaria by email at 32621 Distance Education - For additional information contact Vicki Riley by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Candice Fuentes by email at or Kim Patterson at Distance Education - For additional information contact Kathy Herrington by email at Distance Education - For additional information contact Terrence Monroe by email at or Kim Patterson at Distance Education - SREC Electronic Common Market Course offering - For additional information contact Frank DeCaria at SOC Distance Education - For additional information contact Don Poffenberger by email at SPEECH 30351 SPCH Distance Education - For additional information contact Lucy Kefauver by email at Rev. 11/12/15 22