Friday, January 20th, 2006
2 to 3:30 p.m. • Room 3902
Dr. Ron Taylor called the meeting to order at 2 p.m. Daryl Minus,
the new Dean of Counseling, was introduced.
Academic Letters and Regalia: Student, Svend LaRose, gave a
presentation on an Academic Letters/Regalia program that would
include awarding academic and varsity letters for programs and wearing
honor stoles at Commencement. Chabot does not have a mechanism for
a letters program: V=Varsity; A=Academic; π=Forensics. Students
receiving a letter would purchase letter jackets at the Bookstore. Dale
Wagoner stated Chabot does not currently have a policy for athletic
letters, although they were once awarded. A service stole could
represent learning communities. Anthony Gutierrez invited Svend to
make a presentation to ASCC at one of their future meetings, and to
contact ASCC to be placed on the agenda.
Governance Structure: In Fall 2005, minor changes in wording were
made to the governance structure. An issue to be decided is if senates
will report to the President and/or to College Council. The current
charge includes representation on Council.
Planning for February 16 t h Flex Day: Marcia Corcoran, the coordinator
of Flex Day, stated twenty people representing various constituencies
attended the first planning meeting on Thursday, January 19 t h . This
year’s theme is Building Community - an opportunity for staff to reflect
not only on what they can do to help students achieve, but what they
can do to stimulate their own growth professionally and personally. The
formats include an all-college session, a publisher’s vendor fair, breakout sessions, hands-on workshops, lunch and conversations, and times
to interact with colleagues. We will build a community with colleagues
at Cal State University, East Bay. Topics will include Teaching and
Learning, Student Support Services and Instructional Collaborations
and Partnerships, Web-Enhanced Education and Technological
Campus Construction: Dr. Taylor stated there is a possibility
construction on Building 700 may begin sooner, and doing so would
yield a substantial cost savings. This would happen simultaneously as
Building 400 is demolished. The College has to decide where to move
affected offices, and avoid moving staff twice. The benefit would
include saving millions of dollars on the Student Access Center. With
labor and construction costs increasing 25% yearly, moving up this
project would provide a 50% savings.
Other Business.
Dr. Taylor discussed a proposed Program Introduction Process
(draft December 30 t h , 2005) that will be presented to the Board of
25555 Hesperian Boulevard  Hayward CA 94545  Office of the President  (510) 723-6640 or 723-6641  FAX (510) 723-7126
College Council
Friday, January 20th, 2006
Trustees at a future meeting. In conformance with Title 5, as well
as a generally accepted institutional good practice, the purpose of
this process is a clear and flexible process for thorough
consideration of new program possibilities from a variety of
planning perspective. Dr. Taylor asked constituencies to discuss
with their groups then provide feedback to him.
Academic/Faculty Senate, who had concerns, is currently
reviewing the document. The revised plan will be presented to the
Board at their February 21 s t meeting. The draft is posted at
http://intranet//facultysenate/miscellaneous. Chad Mark Glen will
send a link to those that express interest.
Dr. Taylor reported that current enrollments for Spring Semester
does not look favorable as reported to the State January 19 t h . An
accurate percentage will be available soon. The current prediction
is a shortfall due to the College being impacted with tuition
increase and fees from last year that may be affecting students,
as compared to students at Las Positas College or colleges in
more affluent Bay area cities. A further discussion will occur at
CEMC on Monday, January 23 r d .
Kathleen Kaser stated the Office
money that will go to student
success and student access to
Anthony Gutierrez and Nina Kiger
of Student Life has contributed
scholarships (affects student
classes). Kathleen recognized
for their assistance.
Kathleen proudly reported the Bookstore recently launched a new
website. Students can visit class web to view their class
schedules in three places and obtain a link to their book list to
order books on line.
The Bookstore launched a pilot program, University Digital
Textbooks. Only 30 bookstores nationwide will work with one
particular book company to obtain digitalized books. Ten titles are
currently available. The student will buy a code to download and
will have one download and one back up. The cost will be 40% of
the new book price. Kathleen will provide information campus
wide next week.
Dr. Taylor adjourned the meeting at 3:19 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: Friday, February 3 r d , 2 p.m., Board Room (please
submit agenda item(s) by 9 a.m., Thursday, February 2nd).
First Draft: 1/20/06
Revised: 2/2/06