College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND, 2007 The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m. by Dr. Ron Taylor. ONE-MINUTE REPORTS Melinda Matsuda’s office serves as Chabot’s Accreditation Liaison Office. Melinda distributed the first issue of Accreditation Communique (February 2nd, 2007) which featured an introduction to the Accreditation standards (shaping the dialogue), a timeline of the accreditation process (Spring 2007 through Fall 2009), and the standards and themes. Copies of the newsletter can be obtained from the Office of Vice President of Student Services. The standards include: Standard I: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness; Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Services; Standard III: Resources; Standard IV: Leadership and Governance. The themes include: Dialogue (five points); Student Learning Outcomes (one point); Institutional Commitments (four points); Evaluation, Planning, and Improvement (three points); Organization (two points); and Institutional Integrity (eight points). Heidi Finberg stated plans for Blooming Affaire, the Foundation’s Spring fundraiser, are underway for Friday night, June 8th and Saturday, June 9th at the Hayward City Hall Rotunda. ASCC will host Student Club Day on Thursday, March 15th during College Hour. Kathleen Kaser happily announced that January was a good month for the Bookstore due to a 4% increase in sales. Apple unveiled its newest product, the Shuffle, which comes in a variety of colors and sold for $79 each. The Bookstore received its shipment of Shuffle products this morning. Russell Athletics used Chabot logo clothing on an ad campaign, and provided the Bookstore with mounted pictures of the ads for display. Classified Senate reviewed the Nike Site funds’ proposal, discussed ways of using the money, and what Senate would like in terms of art and display locations on campus. Senators will review the proposals with their departments, than report findings at the next meeting. Susan May shared copies of a new brochure created for the Music Department. The College received a good response on its billboard and marketing campaign (funded by the District’s OneTime Money). As a result, Susan shared the feedback with Dr. Cota and asked if there could be a budget to continue the marketing campaign permanently. Dr. Cota will review Susan’s request. Chabot’s Open House will be held Saturday, May 12th. Susan has been working with the new webmaster, Abdullah Yahya. Tim Steele announced that the Facilities Committee is seeking volunteers to staff the Furniture Fair (February 8th-15th in Building1800). Tim distributed a sign-up sheet for it. Marcia Corcoran is staffing the Building 100 User Group that includes Library, Learning Skills, radio station, math lab, instructional technology center, and a newly-proposed language center and communication center for teaching and learning. The group is currently writing program definitions and discussing how to integrate these areas. They will be visiting two sites in San Jose as part of information gathering. Sally Jahnke distributed a two-page there are 4240 FTES. There is also an the year, but not in enrollment. There enrollment in the evening program. enrollment update. As of January 28th increase in the number of sections over are 1046 FTES, 24% of our total Farhad Javaheripour reported that the budget cycle is starting and he has Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND, 2007 received the budget worksheet by accounts and by position budget worksheets. He will forward these documents to departments for adjustments to the budgets, than return to Business Services for processing. The District needs the final worksheets within two weeks. There will be a second opportunity to make adjustments. Purchasing due dates have been announced as follows. For purchases of $69,000 or more per unit, the deadline is Monday, March 5th, and for purchases $69,000 or below per unit, the deadline is Friday, April 27th. Farhad will soon forward this information to departments. The Technology Committee is looking at open labs as there is inconsistency on configuration, staffing, and funding of open labs campus wide. A study is being done, and findings will be used as part of a college-wide dialogue on where to go from here. Dale Wagoner reported that our Measure B dollars will be at work starting Monday, February 12th with the construction of the pool. The pool will be drained that morning, and there will be noise and trucks in and out of that area for a while. At last week’s IPBC meeting, there was discussion on unit plans and requesting unit plan summaries from the deans. The deans have been requested to give Dr. Taylor unit plan summaries by February 14th, which will be put into a form that will identify accomplishments and goals in divisions then forwarded to IPBC for review. The first California State University East Bay course to be offered at Chabot will begin April 2nd and will end June 11th. This anthropology course on child-rearing practices in multi-ethnic families will be held on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Ron Taylor reported on Spring 2007 enrollment. As of last week, there are 4240 FTES this Spring, and the College is now up to his projection of 10,145.8 FTES for the year. This will come up 100. The College has used 650.28 FTEF and that leaves our college allocations at 4.7 unused so far. There is the one-time money and FTEF represented in one-time funds projects that represent 5.88 FTEF (all together about 10 to 10.5 FTEF available to spend to hit the enrollment target of 10480). THREE MINUTE REPORTS Budget: Farhad Javaheripour gave a brief overview on how the college is doing with its finances. The District posted the November and December 2006 expenditures and can now review expenditures and budget for the first six months of the fiscal year. Academic Affairs/Student Affairs are on track with the average over the past two years. Academic Affairs has spent 55% of its budget vs. 53% two years before. Student Services has spent 47% vs. 46% in the prior two years. For administrative units like Campus Safety, the President’s Office, Institutional Research, and Business Services have already spent 75% of their budget to date. We need to review this further to ensure that their expenses and budgets are in the correct organizational code before bringing this report to a future Council meeting. At this rate, we may be short $3.5 million dollars year-end. Student Learning Outcomes: Chad Mark Glen has been working with Dr. Carolyn Arnold and Cristina Ruggiero on a time-line (nowSpring 2008) for the implementation of Student Learning Outcomes to meet accreditation standards. They resubmitted the combined Senate and Institutional Research $53,049 grant proposal funded through Basic Skills. The proposal now has specific benchmarks and a time-frame included. Flex Day: Rachel LePell reminded departments that conference requests Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND, 2007 for staff requesting funding from Staff Development need to be forwarded to Rosie Mogle (Business Services) in a timely manner. Plans are underway for Flex Day scheduled for Thursday, February 15th. The printed program will be distributed Flex Day morning. This year’s theme is Talk Matters. President Carlson will greet staff at 9 a.m., followed by Katherine Tollefsen and Carmen Johnston who will speak briefly about Talk Matters and their responses to that and teaching and learning at Chabot. The film, Reading Between the Lives, will be shown followed by a panel discussion with Tom DeWit, Sean McFarland, and the student producers. Break-out sessions will include a film discussion. A catered lunch, hosted by Dr. Carlson, will start at 12:30 p.m. in the Student Center. Then there will be a panel discussion and how the film connects to the Learning Connection and Building 100 Project, and how does Talk Matter relate to future projects. Afternoon sessions will include prearranged groups (i.e., Student Learning Outcomes, curriculum renewal, program review, course revisions) that will meet and continue working on session/project work. Staff not in prearranged sessions will have four workshops they can attend that are strategy-based in terms of taking the a.m. discussion and learning how to implement in their classrooms or work stations. Classified staff will be taking a tour of the Oakland Museum with the theme Visual Literacy. All Flex Day activities will have the Talk Matters theme woven, and how it will be applied to teaching and learning at Chabot College. Dr. Carlson reminded Council that staff cannot return to their work stations and must attend Flex Day events. Because the College is closed, it is not a day to catch up on work. For those departments that must remain open (i.e., Campus Safety), on-call personnel can be brought in to staff these areas. Marcia Corcoran expressed the importance of the film and seeing the consistency of dialog across the campus and disciplines. She promised it would be an exciting day and the choices of workshops are interesting and applicable to all staff campus wide. Overview of Flex Day Workshops *Dealing With Difficult Texts *Student Confidence: How does what we say and how we say it affects their confidences and their comfort zones and asking for help *Can Reading Save Lives: Deals with relationship, real-world struggles with our students vs. how we constantly balance academics pursuits? *Dr. Carolyn Arnold will be conducting a work group on the college-wide learning goal on critical thinking in the Board Room. *Kathleen Kaser will do a pod-casting follow-up for staff that started last Fall. Some areas have submitted proposals like ECD, Dental Hygiene, math, physics, world languages, Carnegie Grant, and speech and will be doing work on Student Learning Outcomes. Dr. Carlson reported that next year there will be increased funding for Staff Development, about $24,000 in additional funding. It is good news for staff training as there will be more money to do more work with. eLumen Assessment Software: from the Academic Senate passed Chad Mark Glen distributed a resolution January 25, 2007 that reads: Although the Academic Senate has we’re not opposed to piloting the concerns include: The ongoing costs confidentiality. We suggest the not embraced the concept of SLOs, eLumen Assessment software. Our to the college, and insuring continued exploration of other Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND, 2007 Assessment software options. Although this is the closest endorsement Senate has gotten on SLOs, Chad stated there are concerns about confidentiality that Senate would like further addressed. Although the District will initially pay the costs of eLumen, Senate wants the District to review other options. The software saves voluminous paperwork and collection of data, and it will help us document more accurately. It saves on tallying raw data and tallying of SLOs (outcome data of SLOs). The power of the software is in the power to aggregate up to the college as a whole, and not to point out individual faculty. One-Time Money Initiatives: A presentation on One-Time Money Initiatives will be made at the Board of Trustees workshop Tuesday, February 6th by Dr. Carolyn Arnold, Melinda Matsuda, and Dr. Ron Taylor. Their PowerPoint presentation focused on community outreach and recruitment, student retention project, off-site course offerings, on-line initiatives, and evening and Saturday Programs. The Council gave a short critique of the presentation. Other Business Council Membership: Daniel Hinds asked about increasing attendance by ASCC members at Council. Dr. Carlson encouraged that and stated any one who participates is a member, as membership is determined by who is present. Chabot Center/San Leandro: Chabot has a 30-year agreement with the San Leandro Adult School to use two classrooms in the main building as the primary user. Chabot can badge and identify those classrooms as we want to. Chabot will create office space and will have a permanent presence for a long time. Under the new funding law passed last year, if you have a center with 250 FTEs (400 or 500 students) or more, including 500 and more, there is additional funding or a bonus to the college for maintaining that center. We will work with the state to recognize san Leandro as a center so we can get funding. Dr. Carlson’s idea is to include the apprenticeship programs to be generated through the center. The Center is being funded from a grant Dr. Carlson worked on Rich Talmo and with the Valley Foundation on an agreement to fund the partnership. The Valley Foundation gave us $800,000; $500,000 was pass-through money to go to San Leandro schools. Dr. Carlson met with the San Leandro Unified School District’s Superintendent and got an agreement to help them open their center. From the funding from the Valley Foundation, Chabot will receive $300,000 to help with funding to get the center started. Dr. Taylor stated general ed and basic skills areas are courses students need and what is planned to be offered at the San Leandro site. Chabot will also look at career-oriented offerings like a preparatory course for health careers (possibly a dedicated career track in some health profession, but not yet identified). Another is computer skills courses like CAS. The site already has a good lab set up so there is an avenue to go there. Dr. Carlson is working with Tri-Ced Recycling to operate as a Chabot site in Union City. Tri-Ced has two-thirds funding to build the site, and Chabot has agreed to help. Sites located at each end of Chabot’s service area, it will help increase future enrollments. If Tri-Ced does not work, Carabello-Conley High School has requested Chabot to open a site there, although it is slightly further south but within the service area. Dr. Carlson invited staff to attend Chabot vs. Ohlone College Basketball game Saturday night (7 p.m.) at Ohlone, the current conference leader. Dr. Carlson adjourned the meeting at 3:49 p.m. kls; 2/2/07 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545