College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, April 18th, 2008 MINUTES President Barberena called College Council to order at 2:05 p.m. Dr. Barberena thanked the Council for participating at the reception in her honor, and felt it was a good way to build a team. One Minute Reports Ming Ho indicated Academic Senate hosted the Executive Director of FACC who spoke about FACC on the state-wide level. They will host a recognition ceremony May 8th. President Barberena will discuss budget at the next Senate meeting. Diane Zuliani will be leaving in June for a one-year leave so they will have elections for a new Senate president’s replacement. Jan Novak stated Distance Education Committee has an on-line newsletter. There was the recent approval of 29 D.E. proposals for Summer and on-line teaching and training for administrators. There will be a joint meeting May 9th with LPC’s D.E. Committee to determine joint priorities with the District. They are establishing next year’s priorities. The Budget Committee is creating a more formal caucus with IPBC. They will make more formal reports and are trying to come up with a process that will fit the budget within appropriation. Sally Jahnke, CEMC Co-Chair, said we are at 4478 FTES for Spring, 773 in Summer, and 4535 in Fall 2007 that totals 9786 FTEs. We will have 200 for Summer and 9986, a goal established by DEMC which means we will be 65 off. MacGreagor Wright, College Safety Committee Chair, indicated there are two themes they devised: 1) Chemical hygiene plan for science; and 2) A comprehensive plan for chemistry and biology. Another issue involves dealing with disruptive or problematic students (dealing with problematic faculty members for students). It needs to be discussed with faculty and students. They will have a meeting with Talkaphone, a company that provides emergency connection points throughout college campuses. We will adopt them and they will manufacture a tower with a public address system built into it. The sounds goes up to 500 feet and will provide an ability to control the parameter of the campus. We are unique that we have a self-contained campus unlike other campuses. We need to have this system for an emergency system. This was adopted by the District. In May, the Hayward Police Department will be doing ISIS 300 and 400 training and those who have had the 100 and 200 training can attend this training, which is required by the Federal Government. This training will be an active shooter response and a planned political rally event. There will be basic first aid training in early June with a limited number of openings for staff to attend at no cost. Building monitors will need this training. Rachel LePell reported that Staff Development is working with IPBC on coordinating the 2nd afternoon (after Convocation Day) that will include an afternoon with discussion on strategic plans and priorities. On the afternoon of Convocation Day, there may be some meetings about Accreditation and strategic planning. We will be working on this in May and June. Celia asked for a meeting with Rachel LePell, Yvonne Wu-Craig, Cristina Ruggiero, Marcia Corcoran, and Rachel Ugale to discuss a special classified afternoon or section of workshops. Marsha recommended that staff work on the planning portion in May before summer starts so that plans are in place. SLO may need time during Convocation for discussion, and there are other big things including Accreditation and curriculum. Dr Barberena said there are other critical issues including how planning and resource allocation take place. It is important we discuss this and develop a model for how we do both at Chabot. We need to do work toward SLOs. The staff survey results are on now on the Institutional Research’s website. There was a 76% response rate. The Accreditation committees are grappling with the results and incorporating it into the Accreditation report. Regarding Grants, Dr. Carolyn Arnold developed in its first draft and reflects an institution. We will present it in is not due until May 30th or later and yet. The grant is about $300,000- said the Title III proposal is being what is most needed in this college as IPBC and at Council about what it is. It they have not announced the deadline $400,000 yearly for five years. Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, April 18th, 2008 On IPBC, Yvonne Wu Craig indicated that they will publish a year-end report that pulls together things we have talked about over the year. IPBC is getting ready for the next academic year with the strategic planning cycle which ends in 2009. May 30th is the deadline for priority objectives, along with a mini-planning retreat to set some priority objectives. Dr. Ron Taylor brought the program revitalization discontinuance process involving ISLS and electronics to the recent IPBC meeting. President Barberena asked if each committee would provide a written report to her that would include the goals and achievements that each committee has accomplished in the current year. This is needed for documentation and evidence, and should be submitted to the President’s Office. If your committee hasn’t done this before, it would be a good practice. Doing these reports gives direction to the committee for the rest of the year. The Technology Committee has been working on the technology plan. They had an interesting discussion as a result of a memo distributed by President Barberena about her charge to review its charge is and core membership. President Barberena is proposing we complete this charge and define a clear view of the committee’s charge. Since Council sets policy for the college, according to our charge, we need to establish strategies for participation and communicate the importance of committee membership and participation. It’s a serious problem if we are not attending meetings and not representing constituencies. Chairs should enforce attendance and if someone has been missing, a department could be asked to select another representative to attend. Rachel LePell recommends chairs could take roll every few months to help facilitate attendance. The committee chairs would look up each member and if they are not showing, they could firmly, kindly, and collegially, ask that missing person if they are not interested in attending, then they would work with the constituencies or departments and be asked to provide a new representative to replace them. We sign up to be on a committee because we have an interest and a passion as committee members. Mac felt people might not attend meetings because they might feel they are not listened to. Dr. Barberena asked a member of College Council to make a motion on how we could improve participation so governance would continue to exist. She charged the committee chairs to refresh the membership yearly by reviewing the current roster. Deans in leadership roles will work with the process and encourage participation. This is the time to fill slots and refresh committee membership as we have want robust participation next year. We will have next year’s chairs in place in April the year before. Reviewing the Function & Composition of College Council- A review was discussed on Board Policy #2015 which is the main policy and procedure body. Dr. Barberena stated that a form is needed to track decisions. A draft of a tracking form might include: Current Date, Committee, Subject, College Council Meeting Date, Presenter, Issue, Proposed Item(s), Thoughts, Discussion Points, Final Action, Effective at College Council Meeting, Approved, Not Approved, and Pending. A sub-committee consisting of JoAnn Galliano, Judy Jones, Mac Wright, Karen Silva, and Dr. Celia Barberena will develop a draft tracking form for review. Membership– President Barberena felt there are too many administrators on Council and we need representation that currently exists in Board Policy. Regarding committee chairs, she asked the Council to resolve this (if we opt for committee chairs, we return to the Board and ask for an amendment to Board policy). Mac Wright recommended developing a town hall format to continue an open dialog and an information sharing body. If we use Board Policy, this would include voting members. Melinda feels Council is like a reporting body and we really don’t discuss core issues. Dr. Barberena’s vision is to have Council be an equal balance with voices heard from classified, faculty, and administrators, and not too heavy with administrators. Classified Senate feels left out of decision making and might feel intimidated if a boss is sitting next to a classified professional. ADJOURNMENT The Council meeting was adjourned at 3:35 p.m. kls Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545