College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, October 19th, 2007 The meeting was called to order at 2:04 p.m. by Dr. Robert Carlson. ONE-MINUTE REPORTS The Marketing Committee is working with Gerald Shimada and Roberto Mendez on an outreach project that will include an outreach informational packet that can be used for any one doing outreach. The Safety Committee has sent an Email alerting staff to the safety barriers that were recently installed. Mac Wright encouraged every one to do their best to help every one stay safe as there are no short cuts when it comes to safety. Lot “J” is now closed because the tennis courts are being demolished. The walkway in that area has been closed. This should not impact general parking, but may impact parking for student athletes. Classified Senate stated classified staff would like to be known as “classified professionals”. In regard to campus smoking areas, Mac Wright addressed the issue at Senate, than conducted a walk-through with his staff and Senate. The Presidential Search, along with leadership qualities classified professionals want in the next President, were discussed. An initiative to place forums on-line is another project Senate is developing. IPBC is finalizing the revisions to the unit plan. The proposed revisions will be institutionalized than implemented in a two-year process that will start in Spring Semester 2008. The unit plans will be due during the eighth week of each semester. On behalf of Academic Senate, Diane Zuliani attended a basic skills assessment workshop and learned about the accountability measure to be eligible for basic skills funds. The Curriculum Committee will be exploring software to help streamline the paperwork in the curriculum process. In regard to a recent issue raised about window coverings on faculty office doors, faculty want to comply due to security issues; however, Diane shared faculty needs for privacy. Diane felt one way to alleviate privacy issues is using a roller shade, or with a one-inch border on the window top for viewing. President Carlson stated, “It is not their life that is in danger, it’s the next person’s life that is in danger. Faculty should not have the idea about I’m not in danger, but we should consider the lives of others.” The Technology Committee is currently discussing the issue of reconciling the autonomy of individual units who order their own software and college needs as a whole. Mark invited feedback. In regard to the SLO Committee that was formed last Spring, Norma Ambriz asked why doesn’t it need to be a part of this structure? Dr. Carlson felt it was probably an oversight, and the SLO Committee is invited to report at College Council. Dr. Taylor discussed the current Chabot is well under its FTE and Chabot overshot its goal this year’s goal. Chabot will need to enrollment management process. target. 10360 was last year’s target, year. We’re currently up to next implement a plan to be on target. The Chabot College Foundation is price for staff for the Starlight Fall happy to report that a special ticket fundraiser (Saturday, November Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, October 19th, 2007 17th) will be made available at $50 a person. The Foundation is currently seeking Silent Auction donations from staff. One example of a donation includes the Chabot Dental Hygiene Program who will offer a gift basket and a free dental cleaning. President Carlson and his wife will be offering a dinner for six at their house. The Chabot Foundation has worked with Yvonne Wu, the Grant Writer, to submit a grant from AT&T in the amount of $25,000. The Foundation worked with Tammeil Gilkerson, Gene Groppetti, and Melinda Matsuda to develop an election speaker series which will be pod cast on IT University and include topics like voting in an election, immigration, and health care. The Foundation Board approved $8,000 in funding for the first quarter. They are developing a criteria for funding processes. Melinda Matsuda stated that the Chancellor’s Office has identified colleges in California that are near their accreditation year that are conducting a self-study of student services. Chabot is completing a self-study in Student Services, matriculation, EOPS, and CalWorks, and all components are being looked at like in program review, student learning outcomes, institutional effectiveness, data, and outcomes. On behalf of the Grants Program, Yvonne Wu-Craig is writing the Department of Labor grant to offer a RAD Technology program, a new program. The grant will be due October 31st. Afterward, Yvonne will be working on the Title III grant due in early 2008. Dr. Carolyn Arnold thanked staff for their support and for encouraging participation in the Accreditation student surveys. THREE-MINUTE REPORT One-Time Funds– Melinda Matsuda reported that recruitment and retention are two areas the one-time funds helped to support by increasing enrollments through student retention. The allocation of one-time monies and the development of plans for recruitment and retention have generated on-going dialogue around not only implementing new strategies, but taking a broader look at our current systems and eliminating the barriers to student access and success. Student Services focused its efforts in seven main categories that include: collaborations and partnerships; relations with schools; reaching underserved populations; community outreach database followup system; international students; support to off-site classes development; and work towards a college-wide action plan. Community outreach efforts need to be aligned with retention and supporting student success. The seven main areas of focus to improve retention include: ongoing assessment and review of Student Services delivery; student follow-up to better reach at-risk students; new activities and support to first-time students; increased support to Hispanic and Spanish-speaking students; increased support to International students; Campus Change Network “Linkages” initiative for staff and students; work towards a college-wide action plan. International student enrollments to the District Office for their part in looking and working with services for the San Leandro are planning for Spring Semester services, and identifying if these have increased by 11%, with thanks recruiting new students. We are Rosemary Delia to increase Center that opened in August. We 2008 to help increase off-site services are accessible. Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, October 19th, 2007 AGENDA ITEMS Homecoming 2007 – Homecoming Co-Chair, Steve Small, reported that Homecoming 2007 is here, just one day away, there is no rain promised for the event. Set-up for Homecoming took place this morning, and staff from Financial Aid volunteered and were of great help in setting up tables and chairs for the event (to take place at the Football Practice Field). There are over 100 vendors signed up to participate, and 50 hot rods and classic cars and trucks on display. The Dental Hygiene Program will coordinate and run the Children’s Faire that will include a bouncy house, craft tables, an array of games, sack races, pumpkin decorating, and a pumpkin patch. Steve encouraged every one to attend and participate at this family-fun event. Thanks to the Foundation and Heidi Finberg for their part in funding the complimentary tickets of the football game. Progress of the Art on Campus Committee– In response to the Board of Trustees request for a list of on-campus public art ideas (from the proceeds of the Nike funds from the sale of this site), Diane Zuliani updated the Council on the committee’s findings. The idea of purchasing permanent visual art is daunting. The committee has discussed this at great length over a period of time. We talked about how we would make this a shared decision. We have also talked with Las Positas staff about their process of the art. Selecting public art can be difficult as this is something that will become a permanent part of the campus. Public Art Committee is the new committee name. The committee felt that the best way to get ideas is to have a call for entries for a public art project. There are a lot of issues like liability, lighting, and maintenance that have to be considered in the selection process of public art. In response to Gerald Shimada’s inquiry about where there might be appropriate spaces on campus for the display of art, possible sites considered include the plaza near the proposed Gateway building, and the Grand Court. The committee is open for other suggestions for locations as well. Some ideas being considered include empowerment through education and multiculturalism. The Art Committee was originally set-up as an ad hoc committee to discuss how to spend money on public art but has now gone through a standing shared governance group. It is a responsibility that is carried out on behalf of the college. It rises to the question of a decision by this group as to where we want to go forward with it. It is more a public charge now than when originally handed over. The Council has to give seriousness on the documents and make decisions about it and make a decision as a whole. The question that lies is should we this put this in the hands of this art committee. Dr. Carlson asked the Council to review the documents Diane distributed, then discuss as an agenda item at the November 2nd Council meeting. Dr. Carlson said it is a campus decision to decide if we want this group to make this decision for us. Who makes the final decision on who decides? Melinda Matsuda recommended that we want to include public art inside the new Student Center so she is unclear if this public art is to include that in this process (Dr. Carlson will discuss this at the next Council meeting). Community Outreach– Gerald to revisit our outreach efforts in introduced Roberto Mendez, the Talent Search. The College did a Shimada stated that it is important light of two decisions. Gerald new Director of the Educational nationwide search and Roberto was Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, October 19th, 2007 the successful candidate. Roberto secured staff through one-time funds to help with outreach efforts, which will continue with a general college outreach. Gerald is working with Vice President Matsuda to provide administrative oversight on outreach efforts. A calendar will be produced showing these areas, and to give information on where we outreach is being worked on within the community. Roberto will meet with various departments that are currently doing outreach (i.e., general counseling, Foundation, Grants), which will make our efforts more efficient. Through marketing, Roberto and Gerald have attended some marketing committee meetings, and will distribute a general marketing outreach packet for those doing outreach and wanting to bring information to the community. All this is being done through one-time funds currently, and then may be outreach efforts will be institutionalized later. The calendar will be available on-line on GroupWise under “CCoutreach” then proxy. Dr. Carlson recommended we communicate to all if you are doing outreach, Gerald and Roberto are the contact people for outreach. We should look at organizing across the outreach area and should have one coordinated effort. An update report on outreach will be made at a future College Council meeting. President Carlson has met a few times with Dr. Dennis Byas, Superintendent of San Lorenzo Unified School District, to discuss bringing top junior and senior students from San Lorenzo high schools to Chabot to take classes. Dr. Byas wants a package of classes to offer the top students in their schools that would be a challenge to them and bring the students to Chabot. Gerald Shimada is working with San Lorenzo Unified on a process that would include bringing these students to Chabot to take regular college courses. The San Lorenzo Unified School District faculty want to partner and attend noncollege meetings or trainings with Chabot faculty to see how we do things. Melinda Matsuda stated that one class in particular, is the psych-counseling course strictly for San Lorenzo faculty. It’s in the discussion stage. Union City and San Leandro superintendents are interested in a similar pilot program like the one being discussed with San Lorenzo Unified School District. Dialogue About the Dialogue– Dr. Carolyn Arnold reported on behalf of Standard I (Institutional Effectiveness). The standards encourage us to be self-reflective all the time and not just while we are going through the accreditation process. Standard I require us to self-reflect, and to see if we are reflective all the time and during an on-going basis. The main question is do we have a college-wide dialogue going on all the time about improvement, and do we need a dialogue on whether we are having a dialogue. Dr. Arnold has been discussing these topics during Standard I meetings known as “Conversations With Carolyn”. Dr. Arnold stated that the initial question is to reflect how many times you have been involved in the last year in a dialogue about improving student learning (this would include any dialogue). A secondary question is when have you been involved in a dialogue about improving the institution as a whole? Dr. Carlson recommended that Dr. Arnold schedule a period of time at the November 2nd Council meeting to further discuss this question. To help better prepare for the November 2nd discussion, Norma Ambriz recommended to staff who want to include responses to the above could Email (anonymously, if needed) to Dr. Carolyn Arnold by Wednesday, October 31st. To have more effective College appropriate time for discussions Council meetings and to allow for requiring decision making, President Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY, October 19th, 2007 Carlson recommended that individuals who want to schedule meeting time at Council meetings in advance (to discuss and review special topics requiring great detail/discussion) (i.e., Dialogue About the Dialogue and Public Art topics), we will need to schedule appropriate time during College Council meetings for discussion or breakout groups. Budget Update – Farhad Javaheripour stated that the aim this year in budget is to maintain the budgets in tact as they were last year, including the supplies and services lines which are the 4,000 and 5,000 lines. We do not have additional funds this year, but may be next year we will have more additional funds. Dr. Ron Taylor created a rubric that would help calculate FTEs and assist with the budget more efficiently. Farhad stated that we need to further watch our 4,000 and 5,000 expensive lines, namely Corporate Express requisitions, as he is putting them on hold due to questions about over-ordering a multiple of items. A better watch on budgets is the goal for this year and how to decrease the deficit. Buying supplies as you go is important, and it sounds small. Careful ordering and managing the budgets is the key to helping decrease the deficit and balance the budget. Dr. Kinnamon wants a tight budget. Dr. Carlson stated budgets are tight and there is no room for error or overspending. He asked for staff feedback if they felt budgets are not maintained quickly enough at a higher level which causes interference in the ability to manage budgets. He encouraged staff not to use shadow systems to maintain budgets, but to rely on the current system (i.e., Banner). He asked staff to advise him on what are the issues and delays involved in not making this budget work because knowing this will help us to better balance the budget. Feedback included that the budget is often two to three months behind and not always the most effective means to knowing the current budgetary state. Farhad referred to Controller John Nahlen’s Email today about the August and September 2007 budget was just posted but not to rely on the postings. The 4,000 and 5,000 lines reflect what we spent and what was entered onto Banner at the District Office. Judy Jones felt one problem involves grant money within the Children’s Center. If grant money is not used within a specified time frame (determined by the grantor) and the account number(s) are not yet assigned but we have to hire staff in accordance with the grant (within that time frame), whatever unused funds not spent in that time period will get charged to the District or to the bottom-line within the division. Dr. Carlson reiterated that current problems involving the budget process include: a) It is about three months before items are posted to the budget; b) Account numbers are not being assigned to grants in a timely process; c) Annual rollover assigned to funds are still not complete; and d) Because of the timeliness issue there is a problem with the accuracy of numbers within budgets (thus the need for a shadow system within each department, but which is a duplication of work). Dr. Carlson asked for comments via Email, with a copy made to Farhad Javaheripour. Gene Groppetti announced that the Fall Theater Production, “Curse of the Starving Class”, a play directed by Rachel LePell, will open tonight. He encouraged everyone to attend this worthwhile event. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. kls; 10/30/07 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545