COLLEGE COUNCIL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23RD, 2009 – 10 A.M., BOARD ROOM MINUTES Order of Business The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. by President Barberena. Meeting Attendance Rachel Maldonado-Aziminia, Jessica Gutierrez, Nancy Soto, Gordon Watt, Gary Carter, Yulian Ligioso, George Railey, Yvonne Wu Craig, Cheryl Sannebeck, Kathy Linzmeyer, Rajinder Samra, Carolyn Arnold, Vanessa Cormier, Chad Mark Glen, Mike Absher, Marcia Corcoran, Catherine Powell, and Ming Ho. Review of Meeting Minutes The Council reviewed the meeting minutes from the September 4th, 2009 meeting. Mike Absher made a motion to approve the minutes and to add the names of all meeting attendees to all minutes, Vanessa Cormier seconded the motion, and the Council approved the motion. Agenda Items Accreditation The meeting started with a thoughtful debriefing/presentation by each individual present who attended the Accreditation exit interview. There was an upbeat feeling about the various areas that received commendations. The team found that Chabot was a student-centered institution that provided a very supportive environment for students. Many areas received commendations. Chabot met six of the seven recommendations made on the previous mid-term report. It was also discussed that the team was not able to validate the Chabot College selfstudy assertion in the area of program review. The team’s Chair reported that in this area, the program review model at the college was in its developmental stages and not in its sustainable stages. This is a serious situation because there was a prior recommendation made about the need for the college to develop a systematic program review process. In this context, the following was discussed: since 2002, the Accreditation Standards have emphasized the whole area of assessment of student learning. The Federal government has increased its Accreditation regulations on Accrediting commissions. As a result, more California community colleges have been placed on warning status when a prior recommendation on program review has been found lacking by a visiting team. New recommendations were presented by the visiting team Chair indicating that Chabot did not meet Standard I completely or Standard IV. There is a new major recommendation asking the college to tie the whole institutional assessment cycle from Program Review, SLO’s through planning, resource allocation and facility development. There is also a need to improve a college-wide dialogue and communication. It was mentioned that there are a few people doing the work. There are few people who understand the processes. It was recommended that there be an orientation for new governance committee members. We need to ask all new staff and faculty to join committees. One manager prints a list of all committee members and distributes to her division so staff can find out about what committee they might want to join. It’s written into the faculty contract that faculty participate in five hours a week of committee participation. How do we reach out to others and motivate and encourage them to participate in college leadership and to help design processes? A preliminary report will be coming to the college in the next two weeks to ask for the President’s input on “errors of fact.” The President will share this report with various leaders on campus to check for “errors of fact. However, the final written report from the Accrediting Commission will be sent to Chabot by February 2010. Those present felt that the college needs to get started on the work yet to be done and not wait until February 2010 for the written, final report. Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 COLLEGE COUNCIL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23RD, 2009 – 10 A.M., BOARD ROOM Committee Reports Basic Skills Basic Skills Co-chairs, Dr. Carolyn Arnold and Rachel Maldonado Aziminia, updated the Council on the accomplishments in 2008-2009 on the Basic Skills Committee and distributed a handout on plans for 2009-2010. Rachel and Carolyn attended the recent Student Success Conference. A representative from the Bay Area Learning Network will visit Chabot on November 10th to tell the committee about the statewide network. Committee plans for this year include: 1) monitor the Fall 2009 Jumpstart results; 2) study, discuss, and publicize the results from all Basic Skills Initiative and Title 3 Faculty Inquiry Groups; 3) refine or add to policy recommendations for Chabot based on research; and 4) work with the Center for Teaching and Learning to share what we learn. The next Basic Skills committee meeting will be held Tuesday, November 10th which will include a FIG presentation by Professor Dhruv Joshi on Chemistry: Study Skills, and Anniqua Rana from the Bay Area Learning Network will discuss this networking organization. The last Fall meeting will be held Tuesday, December 8th. Ideas For Flex Day At Chancellor’s Council, Mike Absher said Chancellor Kinnamon has asked the Colleges to initiate with College Council a discussion on how we look at and analyze how the two colleges looks at curriculum issues differently how are programs different; do we have a different cohort of students? The Board is asking why there are differences and is the same rubric being used. The Chancellor wants this to be an on-going topic that can be discussed so we can define the differences of the two colleges. This could be an upcoming Flex Day activity with breakout sessions so we can discuss why and how we are different. Vice President George Railey will take this into consideration for a Spring Flex Day 2010 activity. Mike spoke with Frank Ramos about reviewing the SEMS/NIMS training and how it might be incorporated as a Spring Flex Day activity. They are now proposing it as doing two, 2-3 hour training sessions. George Railey, Vanessa Cormier, and Kathy Linzmeyer volunteered to serve on the Flex Day Spring 2010 Planning Committee. The group will meet monthly on the third Thursday at noon. Budget Crisis Forum Jessica Gutierrez informed the Council about an upcoming Candlelight Vigil for Education being held at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco on Friday evening, November 6th. The Vigil, being hosted by the Student Senate for California Community Colleges, will focus on the budget crisis affecting California community colleges. Jessica is working to create informational meetings and forums on-campus with one focusing on the budget crisis. She will also work with the SPECTATOR to have a weekly article series about the impact of the budget crisis and how it personally affects Chabot students. The series will first feature Chabot speakers then global speakers. Yulian Ligioso offered to talk about the budget at the first forum set for Thursday, November 19th. Mike Absher also volunteered to speak at the forum. Vanessa Cormier felt the forums should focus on the positive side and seek to find positive outcomes for our students during this budget crisis. Catherine Powell recommended looking at ways that business and community members could provide real life experiences in a positive light. Nancy Soto wants to see discussion focused on why some things are not the same as they used to be while letting students know that Chabot is still your best choice. Close of Meeting Meeting Adjournment The Council meeting was adjourned at 12:07 p.m. Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545