COLLEGE COUNCIL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH, 2009 – 10 A.M., BOARD ROOM MINUTES ORDER OF BUSINESS The meeting was called to order by President Barberena at 10:09 a.m. Review of Meeting Minutes of May 8th, 2009: The minutes with revised changes were moved and approved. AGENDA ITEMS Changing College Council Meeting Time- It was approved to move College Council to a 10 a.m. time slot. The President’s Office will review upcoming dates for possible conflicts, especially conflicts with Friday morning meetings like DEMC and DCC. Council will be adjusted so as not to conflict with DEMC meetings. Future of Chabot College Marketing Committee- President Barberena discussed removing the Marketing Committee from the current shared governance structure. The charges of the Marketing Committee are the tasks of a marketing director, along with creating and promoting the college and community. The Marketing Committee would be more effective if the College had a Marketing Director. A recommendation was made to invite Laura Weaver to visit Chabot to discuss marketing with College Council and Administrative Staff, in addition to sharing what she does and what her resources are. It was recommended and approved that the website link for Marketing should indicate why this committee no longer exists. This item will be discussed at a future Council meeting with Senate reports. Action to be taken: Eliminate and discontinue the Marketing Committee from the Shared Governance structure, and provide a statement at the link why this committee no longer exists. The link will include a statement about gratitude to the Marketing Committee for their efforts and thank them for their contributions. The link will include where marketing will be going. Formally, the recommendation to eliminate this committee will be forwarded to the Faculty, Classified, and Student Senates for review and approval. Approval of Measure B Funds Requested Through Unit Plans- Approval of Measure B Funds Requested Through Unit Plans- Mr. Yulian Ligioso, Budget Committee Co-Chair, presented to the Council. Co-Chair, Tim Dave, who was teaching class, apologized for his absence. Mr. Ligioso began the report stating that his review of Measure B allocations showed that Chabot College actually had a total of $14.5 million set aside for the college’s Instructional Equipment needs over the 10-year span of the bond. As of the end of June 2009, five years into the capital improvement bond, Chabot had allocated and spent approximately $5 million of such funds. In light of this new information the Budget Committee discussed and assessed current funding amounts, an appraisal which included reviewing historic levels of requests versus allotted funding and also discussed the merits of a prospective contingency set aside to cover funding of instructional equipment in the case of potential shortfalls in Building Project funds. Thus the Budget Committee recommends setting aside a $3 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 COLLEGE COUNCIL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH, 2009 – 10 A.M., BOARD ROOM million contingency and increasing the annual instructional equipment allocation from $1 million to $1.5 million from hence on. FY 2009-2010 requests outstripped available funding by about 3 to 1, thus the Budget Committee requested deans, faculty, and budget managers to update their respective unit plans and include timelines as well as prioritizations, as follows: - Priority 1; must have to effectively conduct my program for this academic year. Priority 2; would be nice to have, but not necessary to run my program this year. Priority 3; will need in the future. The resubmitted Priority 1 needs resulted in the Budget Committee thus far allocating $877,000 toward instructional equipment, and $100,000 for Library books and subscriptions. Mr. Ligioso provided clarification on Instructional Equipment criteria, that neither supplies nor services are covered out of this bond allocation. He added that the Budget Committee will review and fund supply requests to the extent of available allocations from the Prop. 20 Lottery Funds. Gary Carter made a motion to approve the proposal for funding requests presented by the Budget Committee to College Council, Jim Matthews seconded the motion. One abstention. Action: Motion approved. COMMITTEE REPORTS Accreditation- Jim Matthews and Chad Mark Glen have been serving as the Accreditation CoChairs under President Barberena’s guidance. There are currently nine Accreditation team members. The Accrediting Team Chair is Mr. Robert Dees, retired President from Orange Coast College, and his administrative assistant is from the Accrediting Commission. The chair and his assistant will be on campus September 28th for a pre-visit. The team will arrive October 19th. We are working jointly to schedule staff they will want to interview. The team has begun reviewing our documents, the Self-Study Report, and preparing questions. There will be two open forums for staff and students to ask questions about the Accreditation process. Health & Safety- Sergeant Ruben Pola reported that the Committee last met May 14th and implemented the smoking change and putting marketing and signage around campus along with smoking reciprocals. We Emailed Chabot about the change, and created a circular flyer and card that were put into packets for students that purchased parking permits. The change has brought less complaints about second-hand smoke. In regard to monitoring Chabot’s cameras, the infrastructure has been done and we are in the programming stages. Chabot has received physical technology from the City of Hayward. Money was awarded to Chabot to provide more access points to the School of the Arts that will make it easier for staff to enter into the building after hours. Near the Butler Building and Children’s Center there is a desolate and unsafe walkway that is heavily used. The committee passed a resolution to fence off this area so it will be a temporary, closed area. A walkway by the Performing Arts Center is an area of concern so cameras have been positioned on that area. Public Art: Diane Zuliani reported Convocation Day. The project description, campus that the Public Art project went live on site was posted. A full photos, and campus plan are on the site. Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545 COLLEGE COUNCIL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH, 2009 – 10 A.M., BOARD ROOM Artists can apply on line to the call for entries. A request for qualifications began August 14th and ends November 20th (the deadline to submit a current resume, one page statement of interest, and images representing the art work they do). In Spring we will review the artists’ submissions. The purchase will be something that will be made expressly for Chabot. Technology- The Technology Committee’s new Co-Chairs are Abdullah Yahya and Lisa Ulibarri. Renovations are being made to Buildings 800 and 900, and there is currently a review of technology underway. The Technology Plan that was created the previous year was recently addressed and it is evolving. Revisions will be made to the processes and procedures related to technology. Other issues to be reviewed will include an increased need for publicized processes and procedures. The Committee’s involvement with requests in the unit plans will be addressed. We reexamined our charge and committee’s role and taking on a new direction. Things being worked on include: demonstrating the new faculty website builder; doing a demonstration on faculty door cards in October (will make it easier for students to find faculty office hours); staff want to stream video from their websites. Chabot Notify will allow faculty to send notices to students regarding canceled classes. A Chabot survey will allow surveys to be done without paying outside companies to send surveys. Chabot remote desktop support allows key staff to provide tech support remotely. All things being planned will support both web-based PC and MAC platforms. Chabot Classified will be like a Craigslist and will be used for Chabot students for room rentals, buying used books, etc. These stem from various discussions from the tech committees and we are responding to their inquiries. Abdullah Yahya was recognized and commended for his expertise and response to technology needs. IPBC- Co-Chair, Yvonne Wu Craig introduced Classified Senate Vice President Gordon Watt, and Senator, Cheryl Sannebeck. A hand-out titled, IPBC 2008-2009 Accomplishment and 2009-2010 Goals was distributed. The Strategic Plan is actively being used. IPBC is reviewing the faculty prioritization process. IPBC reviewed the priority objectives assigned in May, and is assigning objectives to administrators. Administrators can provide the reporting and benchmarking of what they have accomplished. IPBC is looking for things that are measurable with dates to accomplish things by. OTHER BUSINESS ASCC is working with Student Services and Social Sciences to coordinate a budget crisis forum. Russell City Energy Center- A task force is being resurrected to keep Chabot apprised of what is changing. CLOSE OF MEETING Meeting Adjournment College Council was adjourned at 12:06 p.m. kls Office of the President (510) 723-6640 FAX (510) 723-7126 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545