College Council Chabot College - Board Room Thursday, December 3, 2015

College Council
Chabot College - Board Room
Thursday, December 3, 2015
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Council Members Present:
Susan Sperling, President
Stacy Thompson, Vice President of Academic Services
Connie Willis, Vice President of Administrative Services
Marcia Corcoran, Dean At Large
Laurie Dockter, Academic Senate President
Andrew Pierson, Faculty Association Representative
Noell Adams, Classified Senate President
Deonne Kunkel, Planning, Review and Budget Council (PRBC) Chair
Council Members Not Present:
Karen Metcalf, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Representative
Hye Yoon Shin, Student Senate President
Carolyn Arnold, Ellen Corbett, Vanessa Cormier, Donna Gibson, Steve Lowery, Amy Mattern, Jim
Matthews, Nathan Moore, Ellen Morrison, Catherine Powell, Kirti Reddy, Carla Walter, Gordon Watt,
Chasity Whiteside, Yvonne Wu-Craig
Minute Taker:
Christine Herrera, Administrative Assistant to the Office of the President
A. Meeting called to order
President Sperling called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.
B. Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the September 30, 2015 meeting were approved by consensus
C. Reports
• Student Senate – Hye Yoon Shin, President
President Shin was not present
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Classified Senate – Noell Adams, President
President Adams reported that four governing council members (President Adams, VP Field,
Senator Metcalf, and Senator Villasana) attended the Community College League of
California (CCLC) Annual Convention in Burlingame, November 19-21. The conference
provided an opportunity to meet with our statewide Classified Senate, learn about
leadership and staff development initiatives, and hear the latest on IEPI efforts and the
future of accreditation in California.
Chancellor Jackson and Classified Senate leadership from each site (Chabot, LPC, and
District) continue the planning process for a district-wide “Classified Professional Leadership
Development Program.” On October 29th, the group visited Merced County Office of
Education and Clovis Community College to learn about their leadership development
programs. The information we received from the visits and from the CCLC sessions will help
to develop our own district-wide program.
Classified Senate approved revisions to the Classified Prioritization Process timeline this is a
one year process. Process is the same just the timeline has been revised.
Academic Senate – Laurie Dockter, President
President Dockter was not in attendance but asked Donna Gibson, Academic Senator to
reported that Academic Faculty Senate has been meeting regularly to work on the Shared
Governance documents and that senate is very close to having a rough draft to present by
the end of December or early January.
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) – Karen Metcalf, Representative
Representative Metcalf was not in attendance to due to illness, Catherine Powell let Council
no that there is no report
Faculty Association – Andrew Pierson, Representative
Representative Pierson reported that the contract is going through final edits and should be
on the website by spring semester.
Accreditation Committee – Stacy Thompson, Vice President of Academic Services
VP Thompson reported that she and Jim Matthews met yesterday to create a letter to
respond to recommendations from the team to be submitted to the ACCJC. As we all know
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) need to be worked on to get to the 100% that we said
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we will be at. She is meeting with divisions/departments who are behind. SLOC has made a
resolution to reduce courses that have less then fifteen students in this cycle. The
committee is also working on another document to share first with Faculty Senate which is
looking at what the Faculty Senates role is in the Accreditation process and being proactive.
Presenting a plan so that this is an ongoing self-assessment process. The document will be
present as a recommendation and approval from Faculty because the agreement with the
board of trustees is that Faculty senate is responsible for Accreditation even though this is a
college-wide initiative. Jim Mathews shared we need to institutionalize accreditation the
way we have never done here before. Accreditation process is now a seven year process
instead of six years. Jim Matthews will be presenting the recommendations to Faculty
Senate at the next senate meeting.
PRBC – Deonne Kunkel, Chair
Thanked Faculty Prioritization and Classified Prioritization for working with PRBC to arrange
their schedules and statements to reflect the timeline and also wanted to thank Equity for
working around the schedule to be part of prioritization.
Christine and I are working on posting all the program reviews and should have them posted by
January which is the same timeline we had last year.
Administrative Services – VP Connie Willis (absent)
No report
Academic Services – VP Stacy Thompson
Enrollment going well above where we were last time for spring enrollment. VP Thompson says
we are making our targets and we are well on our way. She shared that they will be doing
summer modules which are two five weeks sessions and a six and eight week session. The
numbers showed from the summer program that the success rate had a positive effect for our
students. The courses offered are GE requirements and we are looking at adding more courses
for summer of 2016.
Faculty Prioritization – VP Stacy Thompson
VP Thompson shared that at 11:59 votes needed to be in and felt the progress this year went
well and was a lot less stressful.
Student Services – VP Matt Kritscher
VP Kritscher shared that he visited the Raza College day last month there were about 200
students and parents that attend to find out about student enrollment and workshops it
definitely shows our commitment to the Latino community. Received a notice from the district
Business Services director that Student Services had no audit findings 2014-15. Also there are
plenty of spring class schedules if you need any they are in Student Services.
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Invitation to the Holiday Party sponsored by the President and VP offices on December 15th from
12:00 p.m. -2:00 p.m. in the Event Center.
D. Action Item: Equity Plan – Formal approval
President Sperling has asked VP Kritscher to walk council through the very important process
and issues around the approval of the Equity Plan.
VP Kritscher shared that there was a summer retreat lead by NEP to help us set the lens as to
student equity. This plan is about Chabot’s student body only. One of the biggest decisions that
had to be made was what permanent staffing positions were we putting forward and under
what parameters. District asked for us to not go above 50% of funds being used for permanent
staffing. Discussions around budgeting were on balancing so decision was made to put $50,000
towards direct student aid which can be used for books, supplies, transportation and child care,
$50,000 for professional development on how to have conversations and how to be more
effective with our practice across the college. The rest was to spend on projects targeting groups
with disproportionate impact. The Student Equity Council used institutional research to identify
these groups. Website has been updated and once approved the Student Equity Plan will be
posted for review.
VP Kritscher explained that the Equity Plan will be presented to the Board of trustees next week
on December 8th. VP Kritscher is asking for feedback 365 days a year. The work continues and
will continue. This is a living and developing on-going continues process.
President Sperling asked Council a tentative approval to go to board. VP Thompson move to
approve the plan to present to the board of trustees but knowing that this is a work in progress
and will be continually assessed. Council gives approval.
VP Kritscher thanked all those who have worked on the planning and has submitted a proposals.
E. Informational/Discussion Items
1. Introduction of Senator Corbett and discussion of new Veterans Center
President Sperling welcomed everyone and then introduced Senator Ellen Corbett who will
be working with us on the very exciting Veterans Center project. President Sperling asked
everyone to introduce themselves to Senator Corbett.
President Sperling gave an update on the Kisco Foundation Grant, check was in the mail and
has arrived which will be used for the planning of the Veterans Center. We are one of eight
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colleges across the United States to model the services, cutting edge practices in offering
services and education and combining them for Veterans.
Senator Corbett shared that as a legislator she was able to build networks, find resources
and be a strong advocate for Veterans. She mentioned that her role is to help with the
planning of the grand opening of the center on January 28th. No commits yet for speakers
but several are being contacted. Chabot has an amazing welcoming space for Veterans.
2. Equity Plan
President Sperling asked College Council to give a tentative approval of the plan with
agreeing that this is a work in progress and will continue to be assessed.
3. Classified Senate’s Campus Security Interests
Discussion item Classified senate’s recommendations on campus security will be moved to a
future meeting.
President Sperling wanted to revisit and explain what is happening with the positions in
campus security, recommendation as a college to hire permanent director and security
supervisor were submitted and all paperwork was in HR. Board President and Chancellor
Jackson are creating a taskforce to look at security on campuses so because of this taskforce
our requests have been put on hold. President Sperling is trying to get a timeline as to when
will we will be getting the recommendations from the taskforce? Due to the hold on our
requests we have had to extend our contract with Hayward PD through the end of this
academic year.
President Sperling mentioned that VP Chancellor of Academic Services who was leading the
taskforce will be leaving and this could be the reason for the delay in moving forward with
our requests. President Sperling has been trying to find out who will be taking over the
4. Accreditation Update
President Sperling asked VP Thompson and Jim Matthews in terms of responding to the final
team report and sending our comments and updates to ACCJC before January 8th, what is
the plan for this response. VP Thompson reported they are writing a letter to Kristen Johns
who is the point person with ACCJC outlining what steps we have been taking towards
meeting the recommendations from the visiting team, example; Academic Senate passed a
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resolution recommending that SLO’s should be on the syllabi’s. President Sperling suggests
that they go recommendation by recommendation and ask the particular groups for their
Jim Matthews clarified that in the confidential report the focus in on what we need to do to
meet the standards, what have we actually done to meet the standards. Jim reiterated the
letter is due by December 4th. Question was ask where the wording came from regarding
SLO’s, Jim reported quoted word for word from the contract on the website.
Deonne Kunkel wanted Academic Senate and Accreditation Committee to know that she
just came from a Division meeting and Tom DeWitt is an advocate on behalf of the union
contract lack of septicity around putting SLO’s in the syllabi’s. He strongly argued to the
division to not put their SLO’s on their syllabi’s. President Sperling suggests that VP
Thompson and Jim Matthews should meet to discuss the letter that is due December 4th to
the ACCJC.
Jim Matthews let council know that we are currently under new accreditation standards
which are much more defined in certain areas.
5. Shared Governance Update
First draft will be forwarded to President Sperling and VP’s. Shared Governance leadership
and Discuss having a 1st reading and who, a 2nd reading and who and moving forward with
corrections and additions to College Council.
6. Mid-Year Hires Update
President Sperling mentioned the State released enough monies to hire five mid-year faculty
hires. Went through the mid-year prioritization process and have determined due to the
urgent need in the math department three of the mid-year hires will be math instructors,
one in Mass Communications, one in Counseling and one for Learning Skills. Learning Skills
was replaced as the fifth position, which is no longer available resulting from a 67% law
violation in the Business Department. By no means is this the fault of the faculty member at
7. Staffing Update
President Sperling mentioned that we will be receiving information from VP Thompson as to
the Faculty Prioritization results. VP Thompson will send information out today.
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The team is still coming early spring semester and we are working on nailing down the date
of the visit.
Dr. Carla Walter will be leading us on moving forward with this effort.
F. Other Business
Equity Plan Support’s the work in the Veterans center and also the Math and Science and as a
campus we making plans to support the work for the Veterans Center.
President Sperling let College Council know that she has submitted Deonne Kunkel name to the
board to be named the Interim Dean of Arts, Humanities and Social Science. This will be a great
opportunity for the college and for Deonne.
Nate Moore thanked staff and all administrators putting the Veterans Center together, deep
appreciation for the work that has gone into the center and the acknowledgment of all
G. Meeting Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.