TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY CBM009 - INVENTORY OF APPROVED DEGREE PROGRAMS FY 2009-2010 COLL MAJOR PROGRAMS OF STUDY CIP CODE DEGREE BACHELORS MASTERS DOCTORAL College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources (0186) AG Agriculture 01.0000.00 Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics (0131) AG Agribusiness AG Agricultural and Applied Economics MAGR 01.0101.00 01.0103.00 BS BS Department of Agricultural Education & Communications (0156) AG Agriculture - Interdisciplinary 01.0000.00 AG Agricultural Communications 01.0802.00 AG Agricultural Education 13.1301.00 BS BS MAB MS PHD MS MS EDD Department of Animal and Food Sciences (0269) AG Animal Science AG Food Science 01.0901.00 01.1001.00 BS BS MS MS Department of Landscape Architecture (1690) AG Landscape Architecture 04.0601.00 BLA MLA Department of Plant & Soil Sciences (2310) AG Horticulture AG Horticultural and Turfgrass Sciences AG Environmental Crop and Soil Sciences AG Environmental Crop and Soil Sciences - Science AG Plant and Soil Science AG Crop Science AG Soil Science AG Entomology 01.0601.00 01.0601.00 01.1102.00 01.1102.00 01.1102.00 01.1104.00 01.1201.00 26.0702.00 Department of Natural Resources Management. (2062) AG Range Management AG Range Science AG Environmental Conservation of Natural Resources AG Fisheries Science AG W&FM - Fisheries Management AG W&FM - Wildlife Management AG Wildlife and Fisheries Management AG Wildlife Science 01.1106.00 01.1106.00 03.0101.00 03.0301.00 03.0301.00 03.0601.00 03.0601.00 03.0601.00 College of Architecture (0290) AR Architecture ID Land Use Planning, Management, & Design 04.0201.00 03.0206.00 BSARCH College of Arts and Sciences (0335) AS Latin American and Iberian Studies AS Fine Arts 05.0107.00 50.0101.00 BA PHD MS BS BS BS PHD MS MS MS BS MS PHD MS PHD MS PHD BS BS BS BS MARCH/MS PHD Department of Aerospace Studies (0120) Department of Institutional Research and Information Management Source: CBM009(FY 2009-2010) - CBM92009-10.xls - Page 1 of 7 - Last Updated: 5/6/2010 PHD TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY CBM009 - INVENTORY OF APPROVED DEGREE PROGRAMS FY 2009-2010 COLL MAJOR PROGRAMS OF STUDY CIP CODE DEGREE BACHELORS MASTERS DOCTORAL Department of Biological Sciences (0430) AS Biology AS Cell and Molecular Biology AS Microbiology AS Zoology AS Biological Informatics 26.0101.00 26.0406.00 26.0502.00 26.0701.00 26.1103.00 BS BS BA/BS BA/BS Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry (0603) AS Biochemistry AS Biotechnology AS Biotechnology - Science & Agriculture Biotechnology AS Chemistry 26.0202.00 26.1201.00 26.1201.00 40.0501.00 BA/BS Department of Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures (0651) AS Russian Language and Area Studies 05.0110.00 AS Romance Languages 16.0101.00 AS Applied Linguistics 16.0102.00 AS German 16.0501.00 AS French 16.0901.00 AS Romance Languages - French 16.0901.00 AS Romance Languages - Spanish 16.0905.00 AS Spanish 16.0905.00 AS Classics 16.1200.00 BA/BS MS PHD MS MS MS PHD MS MS MS PHD BA BA BA MA MA MA MA MA BA BA MA PHD Department of Communication Studies (0674) AS Communication Studies 23.1001.00 BA MA Department of Economics & Geography (0830) AS Economics AS International Economics AS Geography 45.0601.00 45.0601.00 45.0701.00 BA/BS BSINECO BA MA PHD Department of English (990) AS English AS Technical Communication AS Technical Communication & Rhetoric 23.0101.00 23.1101.00 23.1101.00 BA BA MA MA PHD Department of Environmental Toxicology (1073) AS Environmental Toxicology 26.1004.00 Department of Geosciences (1320) AS Atmospheric Science AS Geoscience AS Geosciences - Geology AS Geosciences - Geophysics 40.0401.00 40.0601.00 40.0601.00 40.0603.00 BA/BS BA/BS BS Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences (1429) AS Exercise and Sport Sciences AS Health 31.0501.10 51.0000.01 BS BS PHD Department of Institutional Research and Information Management Source: CBM009(FY 2009-2010) - CBM92009-10.xls - Page 2 of 7 - Last Updated: 5/6/2010 MS PHD MS MS PHD MS TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY CBM009 - INVENTORY OF APPROVED DEGREE PROGRAMS FY 2009-2010 COLL MAJOR PROGRAMS OF STUDY CIP CODE DEGREE BACHELORS MASTERS DOCTORAL Department of History ( 1450) AS History 54.0101.00 BA MA PHD Department of Mathematics and Statistics (1895) AS Mathematics AS Statistics 27.0101.00 27.0501.00 BA/BS MA/MS MS PHD Department of Philosophy (2230) AS Philosophy 38.0101.00 BA MA Department of Physics (2300) AS Physics AS Physics - Applied Physics 40.0801.00 40.0801.01 BS MS MS PHD Department of Political Science (2340) AS Political Science ID Public Administration 45.1001.00 44.0401.00 BA MA MPA PHD Department of Psychology (2380) AS Psychology AS Psychology - Clinical Psychology AS Psychology - Counseling Psychology AS Psychology - General Experimental PSY. 42.0101.00 42.0201.00 42.0601.00 42.0801.00 BA MA PHD PHD PHD PHD Department of Sociology, Anthropology, & Social Work (2612) AS Social Work AS Anthropology AS Sociology 44.0701.00 45.0201.00 45.1101.00 BA BA BA Jerry S. Rawls College of Business Administration (0500) BA Business Adm. - Telecom & Network Mgt. BA Economics BA General Business BA Business Administration BA General Business BA Energy Commerce BA International Business Administration 11.0901.00 45.0601.00 52.0101.00 52.0201.00 52.0201.00 52.0299.01 52.1101.00 Area of Accounting (0010) BA Accounting 52.0301.00 BBA Area of Finance (1110) BA Finance 52.0801.00 BBA Area of Information Systems/Quantitative Sciences (1642) BA Management Information Systems 52.1201.00 BBA Department of Military Science (2020) Department of Naval Science (2080) MA MA MA MA MS BBA BBA MS MBA BBA IMBA MSACCT Department of Institutional Research and Information Management Source: CBM009(FY 2009-2010) - CBM92009-10.xls - Page 3 of 7 - Last Updated: 5/6/2010 PHD TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY CBM009 - INVENTORY OF APPROVED DEGREE PROGRAMS FY 2009-2010 COLL MAJOR PROGRAMS OF STUDY CIP CODE DEGREE BACHELORS MASTERS DOCTORAL Area of Management (1780) BA Management 52.0201.00 BBA Area of Marketing & International Business (1846) BA International Business BA Marketing 52.1101.00 52.1401.00 BBA BBA College of Education (0850) Department of Curriculum & Instruction (0750) EDC Bilingual Education EDC Curriculum and Instruction EDC Elementary Education EDC Secondary Education EDC Language/Literacy Education EDC Multidisciplinary Science - Biology EDC Multidisciplinary Science EDC Multidisciplinary Studies EDC Multidisciplinary Science - Chemistry EDC Multidisciplinary Science - Geosciences EDC Multidisciplinary Science - Physics 13.0201.00 13.0301.00 13.1202.00 13.1205.00 13.1315.00 26.0101.00 30.0101.00 30.9999.01 40.0501.00 40.0601.00 40.0801.00 Department of Educational Psychology & Leadership (0932) EDP Educational Leadership EDP Instructional Technology - Distance Education EDP Instructional Technology EDP Higher Education - Higher Education Research EDP Higher Education EDP Special Education EDP Counselor Education EDP Educational Psychology 13.0401.00 13.0501.00 13.0501.00 13.0601.00 13.0601.00 13.1001.00 13.1101.00 42.1801.00 MED MED MED College of Engineering (0965) EN Engineering EN Bioengineering EN Engineering Physics 14.0101.00 14.0501.00 14.1201.00 MENGR MS BSEP Department of Chemical Engineering (0590) EN Chemical Engineering 14.0701.00 BSCHE MSCHE PHD Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (0622) EN Civil Engineering EN Environmental Engineering EN Environmental Technology Management 14.0801.00 14.1401.00 14.1401.00 BSCE BSENEGR MSCE MENVEGR MSETM PHD Department of Computer Science (0720) EN Computer Science EN Software Engineering 11.0101.00 14.0903.00 BS MS MS PHD MED MED MED MED MED PHD BS BS BS BS BS BS MED MED MED MED Department of Institutional Research and Information Management Source: CBM009(FY 2009-2010) - CBM92009-10.xls - Page 4 of 7 - Last Updated: 5/6/2010 EDD EDD PHD EDD EDD PHD PHD TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY CBM009 - INVENTORY OF APPROVED DEGREE PROGRAMS FY 2009-2010 COLL MAJOR PROGRAMS OF STUDY CIP CODE DEGREE BACHELORS MASTERS DOCTORAL Department of Construction Engineering and Engineering Technology (0647) EN Construction Engineering 14.3301.00 EN Engineering Technology 15.0000.00 EN Engineering Technology - Construction Technology 15.0101.00 EN Engineering Technology - Elec/Electronics Techn 15.0303.00 EN Engineering Technology - Mechanical Technology 15.0805.00 BS BSET BSET BSET BSET Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (0940) EN Computer Engineering EN Electrical Engineering 14.0901.00 14.1001.00 BS BSEE Department of Industrial Engineering (1620) EN Industrial Engineering EN Manufacturing Systems Engineering EN Systems and Engineering Management 14.3501.00 14.3601.00 14.9999.01 BSIE Department of Mechanical Engineering (1920) EN Mechanical Engineering 14.1901.00 Department of Petroleum Engineering (2210) EN Petroleum Engineering 14.2501.00 Graduate School (1368) GR Multidisciplinary Science GR Heritage Management GR Museum Science GR Wind Science and Engineering 13.1316.00 30.1201.00 30.1401.00 14.1301.00 Honors College (1518) HR Arts and Letters HR Natural History and Humanities 24.0101.00 24.0101.00 BA BA College of Human Sciences (1562) Department of Applied and Professional Studies (0273) HS Family & Consumer Sciences HS Family & Consumer Sciences Education HS Personal Financial Planning HS Personal Financial Planning HS Community, Family, and Addiction Services HS Marriage & Family Therapy 19.0101.00 13.1308.00 19.0401.00 52.0804.00 19.0707.00 51.1505.00 BSFCS Department of Design (0789) HS Interior Design HS Environmental Design HS Interior and Environmental Design HS CT&M - Apparel Design & Manufacturing 04.0501.00 19.0601.00 04.0401.00 50.0407.00 BID Department of Human Development & Family Studies (1547) HS Human Development & Family Studies HS HD&FS - Human Development 19.0701.00 19.0701.00 BS BS MSEE PHD MSIE MSMSE MSSEM PHD PHD BSME MSME PHD BSPE MSPE PHD MS MS MA PHD BS MS MS PHD PHD BS MS PHD MS PHD BS Department of Institutional Research and Information Management Source: CBM009(FY 2009-2010) - CBM92009-10.xls - Page 5 of 7 - Last Updated: 5/6/2010 MS PHD TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY CBM009 - INVENTORY OF APPROVED DEGREE PROGRAMS FY 2009-2010 COLL HS HS HS MAJOR PROGRAMS OF STUDY HD&FS - Gerontology HD&FS - Family Studies HD&FS - Early Childhood CIP CODE 19.0701.00 19.0704.00 19.0706.00 DEGREE BACHELORS MASTERS DOCTORAL MS BS BS Department of Nutrition, Hospitality and Retailing (2122) HS Nutritional Sciences HS Clothing, Textiles, & Merchandising HS Nutritional Sciences - General Dietetics HS Hospitality Administration HS Restaurant, Hotel, & Institutional Mgnt. HS CT&M - Retailing 19.0501.00 19.0901.00 51.3101.00 52.0901.00 52.0904.00 52.1902.00 BS BS BS MS BSRHIM BS MS Interdisciplinary (1655) ID Interdisciplinary Studies ID University Studies 30.9999.01 30.9999.31 BA/BS School of Law (1710) LW Law 22.0101.00 JD College of Mass Communications (1830) MC Mass Communication MC Mass Communication 09.0102.00 09.0401.00 PHD Department of Adverstising (0090) MC Advertising 09.0903.00 BA Department of Electronic Media and Communication (0942) MC Electronic Media and Communications MC Photocommunication (will be Phased Out 2010 ) 09.0701.00 09.0404.00 BA BA Department of Journalism (1670) MC Journalism MC Journalism - News/Editorial MC Journalism - Broadcast Journalism 09.0401.00 09.0401.00 09.0701.00 BA BA BA Department of Public Relations (2418) MC Public Relations 09.0902.00 BA University College (2855) UC General Studies 24.0102.00 BGS College of Visual & Performing Arts (2936) School of Art (0310) VP Art Education VP Communication Design VP Art VP Fine Arts - Art VP Visual Studies VP Studio Art VP Art History 13.1302.00 50.0409.00 50.0701.00 50.0701.00 50.0701.00 50.0702.00 50.0703.00 PHD PHD MA/MS MA MAE BFA MFA PHD BFA BFA BA Department of Institutional Research and Information Management Source: CBM009(FY 2009-2010) - CBM92009-10.xls - Page 6 of 7 - Last Updated: 5/6/2010 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY CBM009 - INVENTORY OF APPROVED DEGREE PROGRAMS FY 2009-2010 COLL MAJOR PROGRAMS OF STUDY CIP CODE School of Music (2060) VP Fine Arts - Music VP Music Education VP Music VP Musicology VP Performance VP Composition VP Music Composition VP Music Theory VP Conducting VP Piano Pedagogy VP Pedagogy 50.0901.00 13.1312.00 50.0901.00 50.0905.00 50.0903.00 50.0904.00 50.0904.00 50.0904.00 50.0906.00 50.0907.00 50.0912.00 Department of Theatre & Dance (2833) VP Dance VP Fine Arts - Theatre Arts VP Theatre Arts VP Theatre Arts - Design/Technology VP Theatre Arts - Design VP Theatre Arts - Playwriting VP Theatre Arts - Acting VP Theatre Arts - Performance & Pedagogy VP Theatre Arts - Theatre Management 50.0301.00 50.0501.00 50.0501.00 50.0502.00 50.0502.00 50.0504.00 50.0506.00 50.0506.00 50.0508.00 Total degree programs offered Total majors offered DEGREE BACHELORS MASTERS DOCTORAL PHD MMED BA/BM MM MM MM BM BM BM DMA DMA MM DMA DMA MM BA PHD BA/BFA BFA MA/MFA MFA MFA BFA MFA MFA 115 196 Department of Institutional Research and Information Management Source: CBM009(FY 2009-2010) - CBM92009-10.xls - Page 7 of 7 - Last Updated: 5/6/2010 107 60