Unit Plan: Description of the Unit

Chabot College Unit Plan, Part I
Unit Plan: Description of the Unit
Unit: The Learning Connection
Division or Area to Which You Report: Academic Services (Dean: Dr. Marcia Corcoran)
Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Cindy Hicks, Learning Connection Project Development Coordinator
Date: 3/13/09
Audience: To be read and responded to primarily by Marketing and Outreach
P urpose: Used for public relations, used in catalog and/or brochures, grant applications. Marketing & recruiting materials
I nstructions: Write about one paragraph which should include the unit’s mission statement. You may include an image or picture, if you wish.
You may use last year’s description with updates or revisions as needed.
Please use this text box to write your description. Expand if necessary.
The Learning Connection is a cross-curricular, learning support collaboration among students, faculty, and
staff. Programs currently making up the Learning Connection include:
Center For Teaching and Learning, Language Center
Math Lab
WRAC Center
World Languages
Center Chabot Communication Coaches
Peer-Led Team Learning
Learning Assistants
Tutor Training Programs
Affiliate Scholars (with CSUEB)
Tutoring Support for Chabot classes offered at the Dowe Center, Fremont
Learning support pilots: Online tutoring (in pilot planning phase; pilot to begin Fall 2009)
Chabot College Unit Plan, Part I