Unit Plan: Full-Time Faculty/Adjunct Staffing Request(s) [Acct. Category 1000]

Chabot College Unit Plan, Part III(a)
Unit Plan: Full-Time Faculty/Adjunct Staffing Request(s) [Acct. Category 1000]
Unit: Learning Connection
Division or Area to Which You Report: Academic Services (Dean: Dr. Marcia Corcoran)
Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Learning Connection Coordinators and Staff
Date: 3/4/2010
Audience: Faculty Prioritization Committee and Administration
P urpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time faculty and adjuncts
I nstructions: Please justify the need for your request. Be sure to include reference to Goals/Objectives from Part II, and Strategic Planning
Priorities. Please cite any evidence or data to support your request, including enrollment management data (EM Summary by Term) for the most
recent three years, student success data (EM Success report), and any other pertinent information. For EM data, go to http://help/EMC/ (from on
campus—college intranet). If you have not worked with EM data previously, seek assistance from your division dean or CEMC rep.
1. Number of new faculty requested in this discipline: One Learning Connection Dean and the reallocation of the release
time Learning Connection Coordinator
2. Rationale for your proposal. Include such things as enrollment, persistence, FT/PT faculty ratios, SLO assessment
results, external accreditation demands, etc. Anything that led you to request this position should be included.
1. This is a new full-time academic dean position, responsible for the Library and the Learning Connection, which includes learning
support programs and the Center for Teaching and Learning. This dean reports to the vice-president of Academic Services.
The dean will be expected to carry out the Library and the Learning Connection mission and vision, the latter of which includes a
focus on faculty/counselor-initiated learning support that is closely linked to classroom instruction.
The dean will be responsible for coordinating with faculty and staff to carry out the functions of the Library and Learning Connection,
 Leading, planning, supervising, and evaluating all Library and Learning Connection programs and services in the for
effectiveness, efficiency, and student access, equity, and success (includes unit planning); budgeting; coordinating with A&R
on SARS data collection and reporting systems for purposes of WSCH, assessment, assignment of student credit.
 Maintaining the facilities and equipment.
 Maintaining tutoring programs, including online tutoring, Learning Assistants, PLTL leaders, peer workshop leaders, offcampus programs.
 Assessing Learning Connection programs (including providing leadership in the development and assessment of course,
Chabot College Unit Plan, Part III(a)
program, and institutional student learning outcomes.
Scheduling and staffing Learning Connection classes and workshops.
Hiring, scheduling, and supervising classified staff, including an administrative assistant, instructional assistant, staff
assistants, Instructional Technology Center staff.
Leading and overseeing (as both a resource and authority) faculty with reassigned time as Learning Connection liaisons, CTL
coordinator, and Tutor Training Program coordinator.
Providing leadership for learning opportunities that support effectiveness in the teaching and learning process, including
training in current and emerging educational technologies.
Coordinating with the campus community in offering Library and Learning Connection services and programs to meet the
needs of Chabot College students.
Participating in strategic and long-range instructional planning for the college.
Supervising curriculum and program reviews.
Supervises and promotes the college’s library and Learning Connection.
Specific job responsibilities will include, but are not limited to:
Chair the Learning Connection advisory committee, made up of the division liaisons, the Center for Teaching and Learning
coordinator, and the Tutor Training Program coordinator.
Oversee the management of the Learning Connection’s operational systems, including but not limited to the website, tutor
request forms, tutor report and faculty-feedback forms, tutor hiring, scheduling, and pay.
As needed, support the development of mission statements and websites of current and future Library, learning support, and
CTL programs.
Oversee pilots intended to enhance student and staff learning.
Support faculty in development of curricula that integrates learning support.
Support faculty in professional development to enhance the quality of their teaching.
Keep Learning Connection programs visible to instructors and students and responsive to their needs.
Serve (ex-officio?) on the following committees: Curriculum, Program Review, Staff Development, Enrollment Management.
Keep abreast of new developments in information technology, adult learning, and learning support.
Supervise and evaluate Library and Learning Connection faculty and staff.
Direct Title III activities
2. Learning Connection Coordinator Release Time: 7.5 CAH for Fall and if the Dean position is approved and Dean hired, this
position will be eliminated for Spring 2011.
Chabot College Unit Plan, Part III(a)
3. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate here any
information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to the proposal.
1. The Position of a Dean of the Library and Learning Connection was included in the College Strategic Plan’s Table of
Organization under the Dean of Academic Services.
4. Attachments:
• EM Summary by Term report for the appropriate discipline or cluster of disciplines.
• EM Success report for the appropriate discipline or cluster of disciplines.
Chabot College Unit Plan, Part III(b)
Unit Plan: Classified Staffing Request(s) [Acct. Category 2000]
Unit: Learning Connection
Division or Area to Which You Report: Language Arts
Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Learning Connection Staff
Date: 4/1/10
Audience: Administrative Staff
P urpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and part-time regular (permanent) classified
positions (New, augmented and replacement positions)
I nstructions: Please justify the need for your request. Be sure to include reference to Goals/Objectives from Part II, and Strategic Planning
Priorities. Please cite any evidence or data to support your request. I f this position is categorically funded, include and designate the
funding source of new categorically-funded position w here continuation is contingent upon available funding.
Justifications should include rationale for requesting the position. Rationale should include specific reference to, where
necessary and appropriate:
Data from student learning and service area outcomes
Connection to program review
Relationship to institutional priorities
Impact on enrollment and revenue
Workload distribution (impact on other’s work)
1. Rationale for your proposal. Please include the rationale from your program review and unit plan. Rationale should
include things such as student learning and service area data and outcomes, difficulty in serving students, health and
safety concerns and/or any other information that speaks to the criteria listed previously.
1. Increase a current 20-hour per week staff assistant position to 40 hours per week. This is not a request for another half-time
position. We need one of the current half-time positions increased to full-time since our full-time Instructional Assistant II transferred
to Student Services in Fall 2009. For data from student learning and service area outcomes Please see Learning Connection Annual
Report usage data from PATH and from Math Lab at www.chabotcollege.edu/learningconnection.
The PATH data indicate that in Spring 2009, students spent 6,500 hours in PATH. Over the 2008-09, students spent over 26,000
Chabot College Unit Plan, Part III(b)
hours in the Math Lab.
Without the increase in hours for this classified position, PATH must close two days per week (Fri/Sat) and is only open afternoons
(from 3-7) on Mondays resulting in the loss of approximately 64 tutoring appointments. Furthermore, support for other Learning
Connection programs, including the Learning Assistant program, the WRAC Center, Math Lab, World Languages Lab, Language
Center, Life Sciences tutoring support and workshops have been negatively impacted by the currently insufficient staff hours.
Impact on enrollment and revenue:
With fewer staff to keep the Centers open, we lose enrollment. Increasing the staff assistant’s hours by 20 hours keeps us still 20
fewer hours of staff time from prior to the full-time IAIIs transfer, but will allow us to offer tutoring an additional 12 hours per week,
which translates into approximately 250-300 students served each week.
At most hours of the day, PATH and other Centers are full of students and tutors. It is vital to the safety of the students that a staff
person be available at all times.
The Learning Connection supports the learning-centered college we are striving to be. Closing centers or providing inadequate
supervision of centers because of insufficient staff hours impacts our ability to provide this support.
Workload distribution (impact on other’s work)
Because we are understaffed, the Learning Connection’s administrative assistant regularly covers the front desk in PATH and finds
substitutes for coverage in other Centers. As a result, the administrative assistant’s work is compromised, including the regular budget
reports, student assistant hiring and payroll, and learning outcomes data. Additionally, the staff assistants are overwhelmed and
unable to thoroughly track tutor and student attendance and effectiveness of tutoring.
2. Institutionalize funding of Student Tutors: Currently (2009-2010) Title III has funded student tutors. In order to institutionalize
this funding as planned in the Title III project, 50% of th tutor funding should now come from college sources.
2. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate here any information
from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to the proposal.
Connection to program review:
Because the Learning Connection is insufficiently staffed, we are unable to fully respond to learning support, administrative support,
etc., requests that come from program review studies across the curriculum.
Chabot College Unit Plan, Part III(b)
Title III Grant requires that the college institutionalize projects and funding and the tutor project is part of institutionalization
Relationship to institutional priorities:
The staff assistants support the tutoring programs which provide support for student learning, and, as a result contribute to
accomplishing all institutional values:
Learning and Teaching• Supporting a variety of teaching philosophies and learning modalities.
• Providing an environment conducive to intellectual curiosity and innovation. • Encouraging collaboration that fosters learning.
• Engaging in ongoing reflection on learning by students and by staff. • Cultivating critical thinking in various contexts.
• Supporting the development of the whole person.
Community and Diversity• Building a safe and supportive campus community.
• Treating one another with respect, dignity, and integrity. • Practicing our work in an ethical and reflective manner.
• Honoring and respecting cultural diversity. • Encouraging diversity in our curriculum and community of learners.
Individual and Collective Learning
• Taking individual responsibility for our own learning. • Cultivating a sense of social and individual responsibility.
• Developing reflective, responsible, and compassionate citizens. • Playing a leadership role in the larger community.
• Embracing thoughtful change and innovation.