Role of Ideograms in Polyscopic Modeling


Role of Ideograms in Polyscopic


Dino Karabeg

Alfredo Barbuti

Department of Informatics (Ifi),

University of Oslo (UiO)

1999 IVSA Conference, July 14-18 in Antwerpen



Two views are presented:

Information design as broadened science

Use of ideograms in polyscopic modeling

( Polyscopic modeling is a general-purpose information design methodology developed at Ifi, see: )


Ideograms in Traditional Science

Science uses ideograms to represent results.

Science defines, proves and predicts.

Classical science viewed matter as the reality.

It aimed to model all reality in mechanistic terms (in terms of causal relationships).

Modern science views matter as an aspect of reality, as one of many possible points of view.

We can now broaden science far beyond its traditional limits.

Information design is the design of information.


Information Design as Broadened


The traditional “cake diagram” here conveys a qualitative information.

Science illuminates only a small fraction of the relevant issues.

Ideograms are to information design as mathematical formulas are to physics.


Why We Need to Design


Culture is the context in which any approach to information & informing can be evaluated.

Traditional automatic inheritance

Modern understanding and design evolution of culture

In traditional cultures the most relevant information is implicit in the customs, beliefs, recipes, household objects etc. The styles of thinking and informing we have inherited no longer work. Modern culture requires wholistic thinking . It requires explicit information.

Information needs to be designed to suit its role.


An Appropriate Gestalt

An ideogram may represent an appropriate gestalt result.

The foundations of modern culture are failing.

The foundations of culture is what the value judgement is based on.

Information design can help us understand the modern culture and our situation in it.


A Qualitative Law of Change

In traditional science law-of-change results are expressed as mathematical functions of time: h = h



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In polyscopic modeling an ideogram may express a qualitative law of change.

The foundations of culture (also art and science) evolve according to the Return to Wholeness pattern.

When we understand how the foundations of culture evolve we are able to construct new foundations.

Information design can help us resolve the present lt l f d ti i


Explanation of the Return to

Wholeness Pattern by Physical

Analogy (Goethe’s Pattern)


A Prominent Pattern

An ideogram can represent a prominent pattern

— a generalized “natural law”.

The Convenience Paradox ideogram tells that convenience may lead to inconvenience.

Technology which pursues convenience damages well-being.

Polyscopic modeling results can help us evaluate our values and choose our goals.


A Definition

Ideograms can be used for defining concepts.

Addiction is false well-being.

The traditional cultures recognized the use of opiates and the prostitution as addictions. But the modern culture created a myriad new ones.

Information design can help us see the illusions created by our senses.


Explanation of the Addiction

Pattern by Physical Analogy


A New Academic Discipline

In information design an ideogram can represent almost anything, including information design itself.

Information Design is the key to culture change

Metaculture is to culture as architecture is to house building.

Information design can guide us through the culture change.


A New Cultural Paradigm

An ideogram can picture a whole new cultural paradigm.

Our task is to design the paradigm of a culture which cultivates well-being.

Information design can help us create a well-functioning culture.

