A C. M

9 Adelaide Rd., # 1
Somerville, MA 02143
(513) 549-2195
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
PhD, Physics (Theoretical & Computational Condensed Matter / Nanophysics)
Expected May 2013
University Scholars Fellow, James B. Duke Fellow, E. Bayard Halsted Fellow.
Nanoscience Interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate
M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering (Quantum Computer Architecture)
Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude, Distinction in Physics
Physics & Mathematics Majors, Classical Civilizations Minor
Physics GPA: 4.0, Overall GPA: 3.94
Angier B. Duke Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa, Dean’s List all semesters
Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom
Studied Comparative Personal Injury Law at Duke-in-Oxford Program, New College, Oxford
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Duke Physics Department, Research Assistant (Condensed Matter Physics, Adviser: Harold Baranger)
PhD Thesis Topic: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Interacting Electrons in a Quantum Wire
 Built computational models to analyze behavior of strongly interacting electrons at the nanoscale
 Devised novel analysis methods and designed software in Python, MATLAB, C and Fortran to implement these methods.
 Collaborated with researchers worldwide to extend and maintain 100,000+ line Quantum Monte Carlo software package
 Presented results in oral presentations and poster sessions at 6 national and international conferences
Duke Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, M.S. Research Assistant (Adviser: Jungsang Kim) 2008-2010
 Collaborated with an ECE research group to overhaul a Quantum Computer Architecture Simulator
 Published results in conference proceedings and peer-reviewed journal
Duke Physics Department, Senior Honors Thesis Research (Duke Presidential Research Fellow)
 Built a Path Integral Monte Carlo simulator in C++, and published results in Physical Review Letters.
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Internship, Cornell Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics
 Improved computational tool to simulate beam in Cornell’s particle accelerator
 Implemented techniques to speed up simulation in Fortran on the lab’s VMS and Linux machines.
Angier B. Duke Scholarship Selection Committee / Advisory Committee
Alumni Representative (Appointed by Dean of College of Arts & Sciences)
Undergraduate Student Representative
2005 – 2006
 Interviewed finalists and evaluated applications to select recipients of this full merit scholarship
University Scholars Program Graduate Mentor
 Organized events, mentored undergrads, and assisted Director in providing leadership for this interdisciplinary program which
includes graduate, professional, and undergrad students. Received $4000 award twice.
Duke Graduate and Professional Student Council (GPSC) Basketball Committee
2008 – 2012
Logistics Committee Chair for Campout
 Spearheaded a team of several subcommittee chairs responsible for all logistics of “Campout” - a 36 hour, 2000-person event
 Responsible for publicity, safety, food, sanitation, lighting, electrical power, parking, entertainment, site setup, and cleanup
 Coordinated with Duke Administration and Duke Police; resolved student and Administration questions and mediated disputes
Duke Physics Department Graduate Curriculum Committee, Grad Student Representative
 Addressed grad student concerns and recommended improvements leading to an overhaul of Duke Physics graduate curriculum.
Duke Physics Graduate Student Organization
Secretary-Treasurer (2007-2008), Class Representative (2008-2011)
Duke ACES Student Focus Group
 Guided design decisions and provided feedback and to help Duke fix the “New ACES” registration website
Angier B. Duke Scholarship Recruitment Committee, Chairman
 Oversaw Recruitment Weekend for finalists interviewing for a full merit scholarship at Duke
Society of Physics Students
Treasurer (2003 – 2004, 2005 – 2006), Social Chair (2004 – 2005)
Duke University Math Union, Officer
2003 – 2005
 Coordinated Duke University Math Meet, a competition for high school math students, hosted by Duke
University Scholars Fellowship Program,
2006 - Present
 Mentor undergraduate scholars one-on-one and contribute regularly to interdisciplinary seminars and symposia.
 Received “Graduate Mentor” award twice to lead and organize this program.
Teaching Assistant, Duke Physics Department
Recitation and Lab Instructor for Introductory Physics for Physics Majors (Mechanics, Electricity & Magnetism)
 Received outstanding instructor ratings and was nominated by students for a University mentoring award
Grader, Duke Math Department
Assisted with Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI) Guide Dog School Survey Website
 Organized and presented data on U.S. Guide Dog schools in a format accessible to the visually impaired for the GDUI website.
 Website serves as educational resource for those interested in training to use a guide dog and for the general public.
Organized Duke Math Meet
 Assisted in all aspects of running this math competition for high school students sponsored by the Duke University Math Union.
Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM), Lausanne, Switzerland
Continuum Quantum Monte Carlo Methods Workshop
 Awarded $1200 grant from UIUC Materials Computation Center to attend
Fourth Windsor Summer School on Condensed Matter Theory, Windsor, United Kingdom
 Selected to participate in this workshop on Quantum Transport and Dynamics in Nanostructures
September 2011
August 2007
Member of U.S. Delegation to 2010 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Interdisciplinary), Lindau, Germany
June - July, 2010
Selected as one of 80 students to represent the U.S. at this international meeting of Nobel Laureates and young researchers.
University Scholars Fellowship (Full tuition + stipend graduate fellowship)
Awarded to top six incoming graduate students in Arts and Sciences each year based on merit and interdisciplinary interests.
University Scholars Program Graduate Mentor Award ($4000/year award)
Angier B. Duke Memorial Scholarship (Duke’s premier four-year, full-tuition, undergrad merit scholarship)
James B. Duke Fellowship ($20,000 graduate fellowship)
E. Bayard Halsted Scholarship in Science, History, and Journalism (Full tuition + stipend fellowship)
Duke Research Travel Grant ($500/year fellowship for travel to present original research at conferences)
Duke University Presidential Research Fellowship
First Prize, Duke University Einstein Week Undergraduate Relativity Competition
William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, Ranked in top 10% of over 3000 competitors
National Merit Scholarship, (Achieved perfect score on 2000 PSAT/NMSQT)
Coca-Cola National Scholarship
Mensa Educational Research Fund Kuhnel Scholarship,
2002, 2003
Elks Club Most Valuable Student Scholarship
MathCounts National Finalist
Expertise in Quantum Monte Carlo algorithms
Expertise in computational modeling of nanoscale systems
Deep knowledge of mathematical and physical techniques for analysis and modeling of many-body systems.
Extensive experience with high performance computing using Beowulf, Condor, and DOE Open Science Grid clusters.
 Recognized as departmental “expert” on Condor by Physics Department computing staff
Experience in Quantum Computing and Quantum Information.
Familiar with statistical mechanics, physics of materials, electronic interactions in low dimensional systems
Familiarity with Linux, UNIX, Windows, Mac OS, VMS, MS Office, OpenOffice, LaTeX, Vi, Condor, SVN
Computer Languages: C, C++, Fortran, Python, REXX, BASIC. Experience with MATLAB, Mathematica, Maple
Foreign Languages: Beginner Spanish (Studied 1 year), Beginner Russian, Latin (Studied 5 years)
Abhijit C. Mehta, C. J. Umrigar, H. U. Baranger . "Quantum Zigzag Phase Transition in Quantum Wires", In preparation
Abhijit C. Mehta, C. J. Umrigar, A. D. Guclu, H. U. Baranger, “Electron Localization in Quantum Point Contacts,” In preparation
A. Van Rynbach, A Muhammad, Abhijit C. Mehta, J. Hussman, J. Kim. “A Quantum Performance Simulator based on Fidelity and
Fault-path Counting”, Submitted to Journal of Quantum Information and Computation.
Jungsang Kim, Peter Maunz, Taehyun Kim, Jeffrey Hussman, Rachel Noek, Abhijit Mehta and Christopher Monroe, “Modular
Universal Scalable Ion-trap Quantum Computer (MUSIQC),” The Proceedings of Quantum Communication, Measurement, and
Computation, 2010. AIP Conf. Proc. 1363, 190 (2011)
S. Chandrasekharan and Abhijit C. Mehta, “Effects of the Anomaly on the Two-Flavor QCD Chiral Phase Transition,” Phys. Rev.
Lett. 99 142004 (2007)
S. Chandrasekharan, Abhijit C. Mehta. “Effects of the anomaly on the QCD chiral phase transition.” XXIV International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2006, Tucson, AZ). PoS (LAT2006) 128. arXiv:hep-lat/0611025.
Abhijit C. Mehta, C. J. Umrigar, H. U. Baranger . "Quantum Zigzag Phase Transition in Quantum Wires", Poster Presented at 2012
Gordon Research Seminar on Correlated Electron Systems, Mount Holyoke College, MA, June 2012
Abhijit C. Mehta, C. J. Umrigar, H. U. Baranger . "Quantum Zigzag Phase Transition in Quantum Wires", Talk Presented at 2012
American Physical Society March Meeting, Boston, MA, March 1, 2012
Abhijit C. Mehta, C. J. Umrigar, A. D. Guclu, H. U. Baranger, “Electron Localization in the Inhomogeneous Electron Gas: Quantum
Point Contacts,” Poster Presented at 2011 Electronic Properties of 2D Electron Systems (EP2DS/MSS), Tallahassee, FL. July, 2011
Abhijit C. Mehta, C. J. Umrigar, A. D. Guclu, H. U. Baranger, “Electron Localization in the Inhomogeneous Electron Gas: Quantum
Point Contacts,” Talk Presented at 2011 American Physical Society March Meeting, Dallas,TX, March 25, 2009.
Abhijit C. Mehta, S. Chandrasekharan, and H. U. Baranger, “Worm Algorithm Study of the 1D Electron Gas,” Presented at 2010
American Physical Society March Meeting, Portland, OR, March 2010.
Abhijit C. Mehta, C. J. Umrigar, A. D. Guclu, K. A. Matveev, H. U. Baranger, “Quantum Phase Transition to a Zigzag Wigner
Crystal,” Talk Presented at 2009 American Physical Society March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 17, 2009.