Estates Committee Standing Committee of Council 1. Membership 1.1 Appointment of a Chair Mr Yehudi Blacher 1.2 Membership Category Member Name At least two Councillors with experience in architecture, design, planning or property development Mr Yehudi Blacher (Chairperson) Professor Rebekah Brown The Hon Simon Crean Ms Meghan Hopper Chancellor (ex officio) Mr Simon McKeon Vice-Chancellor & President Professor Margaret Gardner Two University Professors with relevant experience. Professor Shane Murray Associate Professor Diego RamirezLovering Two outside experts in architecture and planning. Ideally, one of these two experts will be the Victorian Government Architect Ms Jill Garner Adjunct Professor Shelley Penn One outside expert in property development Mr Bill Bowness In attendance: 1.3 Senior Vice-President & Chief Operating Officer Mr Peter Marshall Senior Vice-President & Chief Financial Officer Mr David Pitt Consultant University Architect TBC Secretary Professor David Copolov Duration of term For Councillors: One year or until Membership Committee and Council have considered and approved revised memberships. Each year Councillors are invited to nominate for membership of Committees of Council. Nominations are considered by Membership Committee and recommendations on membership forwarded to Council for its consideration. For Non-Council and University Members: 3 years. Given the long-term nature of master planning, the Membership Committee shall give consideration to continuity of service by members of the Estates Committee. A maximum duration of appointment of six years shall apply to the following members: Councillors – six 1-year terms. Chancellor and Vice Chancellor – duration of service on Council. Two Monash University professors – two 3-year terms. Outside architecture and property development experts – two 3-year terms. Victorian Government Architect – duration of service as Vic Government Architect. 2. Terms of reference The Estates Committee shall: VALUES AND VISION 1. Provide oversight to ensure that issues of University image and identity, sustainability, aesthetics, space requirements and financial strategy are appropriately considered in all aspects of the University’s built environment and property development. MASTERPLANS 2. Endorse or request amendment of the Campus Master Plans. 3. Undertake 5-yearly reviews of the Campus Master Plans. 4. Monitors and report to Council on University building developments as they relate to the Campus Master Plans. 5. To monitor and report to Council on issues relating to heritage listing. ARCHITECTS AND DESIGNERS 6. Endorse the policy framework for the selection of architects, planners and designers. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 7. Provide oversight to ensure that all relevant Council and management committees and activities in property management and development – for example land and property acquisitions – are undertaken in accordance with the aims and objectives of the overall campus master-planning framework. 8. Monitor policy for the environmental management of University sites. The Committee’s purview includes all domestic and international campuses, including nonuniversity buildings on University campuses. In those cases where the physical infrastructure of a University campus or off-campus site is wholly owned by third-parties, the Committee’s oversight is advisory. 3. Meetings 3.1 Frequency of meetings The Committee shall meet at least two times a year on dates to be determined and on other occasions, as deemed necessary by the Chairperson. 3.2 Quorum The quorum for the Estates Committee is a majority of the members of the committee, including at least one member of Council other than the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor. 4. Reporting to Council The Committee shall submit a written report to the next meeting of Council. The Chair shall use the report as a basis for an oral presentation to Council on major decisions and outcomes from each meeting of the Committee.