Chabot College Facilities & Sustainability Committee Campus Signage Project

Chabot College
Facilities & Sustainability Committee
Campus Signage Project
Participants: Monica Munger, Craig Shira, JoAnn Galliano, Dillon Pieters (Chabot student), Doug Horner, Janice
Golojuch, and Scott Hildreth, with additional feedback provided by Kari McAllister, Edna Rodriggs (ECD Adjunct
Faculty) and Dmitriy Kalyagin.
Initial Recommendations:
1) In most cases, signs on campus should refer to buildings by numbers, and not by discipline.
2) For some key areas & destinations, signs and maps should include specific names/titles including:
a. Student Services (or perhaps Student Services/Registration)
b. Performing Arts Center
c. Athletics Facilities (these need to be identified in some signs by specific function, like
Men’s locker room, Pool, Strength & Fitness Center, Football Field, Baseball Field, etc.)
d. Early Childhood Lab School
e. Dental Hygiene Clinic
f. Library (or perhaps for the new 100 building, Library/Learning Resource Center)
g. Planetarium
h. Art Gallery
i. (and others to be suggested as we develop actual sign contents)
3) Maps with these destinations should include the names/titles in Spanish, and at the bottom, some
reference to a phone number for assistance should be visible “For assistance, call ####” in both
English and Spanish.
4) Additional Maps and waypoint signs should be added:
a. On the west side of campus near Parking Lot C, M&O, & Building 2100
b. Parking Lot E heading towards Buildings 1400 and 3500
5) Additional signs should be added nearer to the street entrances of parking lots to help students
and visitors find convenient buildings near to those lots.
6) Brass Plaques (with Braille) at the entrances to buildings that currently reference programs and
disciplines are outdated, and need to be replaced.
7) Large golden building numbers need to be placed in more locations on many buildings, especially
700 and 3500, but generally around the campus.
8) Some existing signs are fading and need replacement (eg. Entrance to Lot E along Depot)
Student Feedback (collected by Dillon Pieters from the SSCC Student Council
School & parking lot maps at major entrances of school, including the parking lots C, D, and E.
Moving the signage closer to Depot road by the stop sign. Students tend to glance in toward
school/parking lots as they come to stop there.
Students also tend to prefer signage with maps and pictures to help them locate themselves if they
are lost on campus.
Numbers on buildings instead of wording, mostly because as students sign up for classes they
find the classroom number before the actual building name.
An electronic board that could cycle through several pages of possible current events and provide
a map view. Clubs and Student governance can utilize this area as well as the other monitors that
are currently being under utilized in buildings. This would be easier to update from year to year
instead of permanent signage that would look tacky and out of date as the classes change.
Additional References, Comments, and Resources
Specific comments and meeting notes were logged and published online at:
Pictures of the campus detailing where signs need to be changed or placed were collected and published online at: