Tuesday, February 09, 2016
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., Board Room 200
Meeting called to order at 2:00pm
Attendance: 11 members, 4 guests (see sign in sheet)
Welcome/Introductions (2:00)
Introductions & review of minutes.
Approval of Minutes (2:03)
Motion to approve the 01/26/2015 minutes – Maria Ochoa
Seconded – Jeff Drouin
All in favor with no abstentions.
Co-Chair Reports (2:05)
Carla Walter, Vice President of Administrative Services, has sent a request to Laurie Dockter,
Faculty Senate President, in order to identify a faculty Co-Chair that is not serving as an administrator at this time. Jeff Drouin, Athletic Director, mentioned that Faculty Senate has reached out during Division Meetings to find representatives to serve on this committee.
Regarding the facilities and bond fund discussion, we’d like to invite the Facilities Tri-Chairs to our February 23rd Meeting. We had discussed program review presentations from Academic
Services, Student Services, and/or Administrative Services on March 8th, but we need to reschedule that to March 22nd.
Action/Discussion Items a.
Grants Committee Report - Yvonne Wu-Craig, Director of Grants, and Maria
Ochoa, Executive Director for the Office of Development and the
Yvonne Wu-Craig, Director of Grants, provided a handout to the committee. (see ‘Handout
Grants Presentation’ on committee website). The Grants Development Office (GDO) applies for competitive funding, with a focus on state and federal funds. Non-competitive grants, MOUs,
Perkins, Early Childhood, among others are not managed by the GDO.
Noell Adams, Classified Senate President, asked if the GDO is aware of all non-competitive grants and funds on campus. Yvonne replied that she has an overview but not specifics, as the manager in that area is responsible for administering those grants. As the grants office grows, they would like to be a central clearinghouse for grant funding and reporting, but not necessarily managing.
The GDO supports all college programs in researching, writing, and submitting applications along with some post award technical assistance. The office may also manage select grant projects as well. The Grants Advisory Committee (GAC) approves which grants are submitted for
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the campus. The committee consists of the College President, 3 Vice Presidents, PRBC Chair,
Executive Director of The Foundation and Office of Development, and the Director of Grants
Development. The committee meets every 3rd Thursday.
See handout for specifics on current grants.
This presentation allows for conversation and dialog regarding our needs and other funding sources on campus. As the Budget Committee moves forward, we’d like to be aware of what’s occurring across campus, regarding funding.
Carla asked for feedback from the committee. She asked if we wanted to hear the information, if we would like to see different information, or if we would prefer a paper report. Pedro Reynoso,
Librarian, replied that it is helpful, as there may be a grant just mentioned that could help a student program he works with now. Carla reminded the committee that for grants already received, there may be allocations and plans for the funding. For new grants that haven’t been received however, folks could dialog with the grants office to ascertain the feasibility. Yvonne suggests that we share the grants committee meeting agendas and handouts at the budget committee meetings, so all will know what’s coming up.
Bob Buell, Fire Technology Faculty, asked about grants that have a regional appeal, like state mandated training for firefighters. Yvonne suggested that if she is provided with details on funding sources she can work with the requestor to see if the campus can support the application. It would be discussed at the GAC with the requestor in attendance, if approved, the
GDO could then move forward with grant proposals.
Office of Development and the Foundation Update - Executive Director Maria
Maria Ochoa, Executive Director for the Office of Development and the Foundation, provided two handouts to the committee. (see ‘ Handout Friends of Chabot College ’ and ‘ Handout Office of
Development & the Foundation ’ on committee website)
The first handout, Friends of Chabot College shows four ways of giving to the Friends of Chabot
In kind contributions
Vehicles, Bricks, Other items, i.e. artwork, equipment
Cash Contributions
Unrestricted, Designated, Employee Giving, Endowment, Grants
Legacy Gifts
Bequests, Real Property, Insurance, Pledges
Special Events
Annual Gala, Event #2, Sponsorships
As a public institution of higher education, we have a tax-exempt status, but we are not a
501(c)(3), so some types of gifts require a foundation in order to give to our campus. There are a
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few programs on campus now that utilize the foundation as a pass-through for a donation.
When the program needs the funds, the administrator informs the Foundation as to where the funds should be placed within the college budget.
The Foundation hopes to hold another Gala, a second event, soon. At these events you get sponsorships of all sorts. In Science & Math we’ve worked together to hold a Star Fest event, annually. We need to attract more sponsors overall.
The very first audit has occurred to assess from start to June 10, 2015. Internal controls are in place and functioning well. In the first year, it took a while to get started as the Foundation had to apply for 501(c)(3) status. They raised 53k with 23k restricted to particular things, usually scholarships. By September 2015, assets climbed in the first quarter, to 98k, and it’s on track to raise 500k in this first year. We’ve maintained our restricted funds at the same level. The
Foundation Board determines direction and priorities of the Foundation. All large gifts above 5k go to the Board for decision.
Someone asked if students can use the Foundation for fund raising. In the past they have worked with student groups and/or faculty members that would like to apply the tax exempt letter. They help to identify possibilities for student fund raising. A request will be sent soon, for students to apply for 27k in scholarships. There are quite a few new ones this year, in the 1k range. When donors come forward they are recognizing our student’s needs and it shows by their increased donations.
Maria mentioned that we currently have a legacy gift, at 500k per year, but the donor has a specific idea in mind. We need to pass it through our shared governance committees, to be sure their ideas are matching the college.
A question arose about seeking donors for scholarships: is there a process to make this happen?
Maria replied that there is criteria and a donor application. She would get together with staff to help work through this process. In order to establish an endowed scholarship, it requires a minimum of 10k. Donors can also keep it at 500, so they get the name but don’t have to put forward 10k at once.
Important things to remember are the distinctions between the Office of Development, and the
Foundation. The Foundation is about fund raising and the allocation of funds. Development is about relations, not necessarily targeting any one entity, but rather the building of advancement and marketing of the college.
Pedro asked if the list of student scholarships are available now. Maria said they should be back on the homepage in the following week. These scholarships are separate from the Office of
Student Life.
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Maria also added that her office hopes to be able to begin to provide other funding sources around professional development for all workers. They hope to allocate additional resources for things that may fall outside of the Professional Development Committee.
Committee feedback was that it was interesting and good information to know, a conceptual understanding of where different funds lie. Awesome to have the additional scholarships for the students. b.
Program Review Area Presentation Schedule
Carla reminded the committee that since our last meeting we’ve sent out the resource request spreadsheets to all areas on campus. They should come back corrected by the end of this week, and then our office will work to compile the information to present to the committee.
In the past this committee only looked at equipment and supplies, but now we will review all requests, not just those specifics. Carla asked the committee what they would like to see in the presentations, for transparency and collaborative work.
Jeff commented that we should hear details on larger ticket items. The question is how to highlight those things in a 10 minute presentation. Carla agreed that this is an idea to discuss.
Carla asked, if we receive 500k in one time monies, what budget allocation process do we have?
Conversation ensued and we agreed that we should develop a rubric or “budget allocation model” for unexpected or new funds coming to us.
Heather Hernandez, Library Specialist, reminded the committee that people that submit program review do not know where the request goes, if it’s not funded through this committee.
Chasity Whiteside, Executive Assistant Administrative Services, mentioned it is documented that funded requests go back to the VPs and College President, to decide what they are able to fund within their area. This is where we need to close the loop.
Bob said historically there hasn’t been any feedback to close the loop, to let the requestor know if it wasn’t funded, or that maybe there’s another avenue to pursue. This could be a great resource here to let us know of other funding sources, when we work to close that loop.
Carla mentioned that it will take some research to figure out where we are with 15-16 requests.
We can generate a list of what was approved and not requisitioned. We will post this information on our website. For 16-17, we have control, if you will, to provide clarity on requests relative to the budget received based on the Governor’s May Revised Budget. We will be closing the loop this year. That is our main goal.
Matt Kritscher, Vice President of Student Services, recapped that we are moving from a political competitive model to a co-operative model. We will look at the data and make it work in a cooperative fashion. He suggested that Student Services would make a 10-minute presentation
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with 5-10 additional minutes for questions. Matt already has ideas of what he’d like to present for Student Services, which may include current issues, trends, unmet needs, and/or strategic directions in which they’d like to go.
Pedro said he is on board with the VPs presenting information in order to see the larger picture.
Matt agreed to present on March 22.
Tim Dave, Interim Dean of Science and Math and Co-Chair of the College Budget Committee, suggested we be mindful of “the cost of doing business” and how important this is. Jeff commented that it would be good to look back on the last two years to see what was overspent and underspent, so we can assess requests according to the cost of doing business. c.
Committee Evaluation Tool
Will come back for future discussion. d.
For the Good of the Order
Meeting adjourned at 3:29pm
Handouts and/or Links Provided:
Grants Presentation
Friends of Chabot College
Office of Development & the Foundation
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
February 23, March 8, March 22, April 12, April 26, May 10
**The meeting minutes were graciously prepared by Chasity Whiteside**
Chabot College Mission:
Chabot College is a public comprehensive community college that prepares students to succeed in their education, progress in the workplace, and engage in the civic and cultural life of the community. Our students contribute to the intellectual, cultural, physical, and economic vitality of the region.
The college responds to the educational and workforce development needs of our regional population and economy. As a leader in higher education, we promote excellence and equity in our academic and student support services. We are dedicated to student learning inside and outside the classroom to support students’ achievement of their educational goals.
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