College Budget Committee Tuesday, April 26, 2016

College Budget Committee
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., Board Room
Meeting called to order at 2:00 pm
Attendance: 9 members, 3 guests (see sign in sheet)
1. Welcome/Introductions (2:00)
Introductions & review of minutes
2. Approval of Minutes (2:03)
Minutes from 04/12/2016 were approved with 1 abstention, all others in favor.
3. Co-Chair Reports (2:05)
Carla Walter, VP of Administrative Services, noted that Administrative Services and area managers are currently
working on the tentative budget. Tim Dave, Interim Dean of Science and Math, was not present to provide a
4. Action/Discussion Items
a. Campus Budget Committee Allocation Modeling
The committee continued the discussion regarding creating a campus Budget Allocation Model. Innovation funds
are a good example. Noell Adams, Classified Senate President, stated the Classified Senate recommended that a
process be developed for applying for such funds, or make recommendations for the expenditures. The
committee agrees that a campus Budget Allocation Model, could address some of these situations.
There was a reminder to the committee that we perform analysis and make recommendations, sent to the College
President who has purview over the final decision. It was reemphasized that everything is a recommendation that
may or may not be approved.
A discussion ensued regarding reserve levels. It was mentioned that 5% is the minimum suggested on a district
level. The committee members agreed to use 8% as a guideline for now and create criteria and structure
regarding overall reserves. We will come back to revisit this discussion. Many agreed that looking at the base
budget for each area and what percentage of the overall allocation that is for them would be a useful exercise. It
was mentioned that the Basic Skills Committee has a model that connects plans and activities with immediate
outputs, that then connects those outputs with more distant outcomes. We may want to look at a model like that
for this committee. The committee agreed to evaluate percentages we have now, so we can continue to discuss
the Budget Allocation Model.
b. Review of committee membership and purpose
Everyone present agreed there needs to be more campus representation on this committee. There was a
suggestion that we have a Dean representative assigned to the committee as is the case with College Council. One
Dean could be assigned to the committee as a voting member, to represent all Deans. Kristin Lima, Dean of
Applied Technology and Business, stated that this is her purpose of attending recently. She has been unofficially
assigned to the committee on behalf of the Deans in Academic Services.
The schedule of meetings was discussed offering a variety of perspectives regarding day of the week, month, as
well as timing of the day. The consensus was beginning in fall 2016, once a month on the second Tuesday of the
month, at 1:30-3pm, while continuing to hold the 4th Tuesday at the same time for subcommittee work if needed.
The committee sentiment overall was less is more.
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At our May 10th meeting, we will discuss the topics for our 16-17 monthly meetings. This will include looking at
the district budget development calendar, Program Review, area presentations of budget, etc.
Jeff Drouin, Faculty Athletic Director, found that the November 10th 2015 minutes reflect conversation about
adding the additional seat. There’s a Nov 11th email to Dr. Sperling, College President, with a cc to this group.
Jeff updated the committee to mention that Faculty Senate has asked faculty to go back to their divisions to name
representatives for this committee.
5. For the Good of the Order (3:00)
6. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 3:27 pm
Handouts and/or Links Provided: NA
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
May 10
Fall 2016 Meeting Dates:
1:30 – 3 p.m. August 23, September 13, October 11, November 08, December 13
HOLD – 4th Tuesday
**The meeting minutes were graciously prepared by Chasity Whiteside**
Chabot College Mission
Chabot College is a public comprehensive community college that prepares students to succeed in their education,
progress in the workplace, and engage in the civic and cultural life of the community. Our students contribute to the intellectual,
cultural, physical, and economic vitality of the region.
The college responds to the educational and workforce development needs of our regional population and economy.
As a leader in higher education, we promote excellence and equity in our academic and student support services. We are
dedicated to student learning inside and outside the classroom to support students’ achievement of their educational goals.
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