Document 11530069

NECE Focus Group Meeting
„Exchange between Europe and North Africa“
20 - 23 May 2015
Your Background
I am a… 47% 53% I am a Focus Group Member Guest to the Focus Group Mee7ng Previously, I have participated in the following NECE Events or related event(s):
NECE Conference in Córdoba (Spain), November 2012 10% Kick-­‐off Mee7ng of the focus group at the NECE Conference Córdoba, 2012 13% NECE Conference The Hague (The Netherlands), November 2013 10% 13% Focus Group Mee7ng and Workshop in The Hague, November 2013 NECE Conference in The Hague (The Netherlands), November 2013 11% 10% Civic Educa7on Conference (CEC) in Alexandria (Egypt), December 2013 Focus Group Mee7ng in Alexandria (Egypt), December 2013 13% 10% 10% NECE Conference in Vienna (Austria), October 2014 Focus Group Mee7ng aWer the NECE Conference in Vienna (Austria), 2014 Evaluating the NECE Focus Group Meeting in Tunis
1. What is your overall impression of the Focus Group Meeting?
Well organised, stimulating,forward looking
It is very good It's my first time great impression for what we did, can't be more thankfull
Actually it was the first of ist kind to maintain following up with a focus of coming up with results/ projects reacting the citizens
very positive impression
Inspiring, open and friendly, welcoming atmosphere
forum of collected ideas, which still be in progress
interesting topics and contributions by guest speakers
It was good to have an opportunity to exchange; But it was not enough time to focus on the Focus Group work, we need to set/ plan specific meetings where we can exchange/plan next steps aside or apart from being with or in a bigger group with guests and presenters
Could have been better
A neutral one. This was my first focus group meeting an I felt I was unable to keep up with the rythm of those familiar with the group
Supportive 2 important for further cooperation 2 was good
very intense exchange of experts highly motivated and engaged people convey strong messages
Good and interesting
Good outputs, still need more profiles and more diversity
2. Were the aims and objectives of the workshop clearly communicated…
…prior to the Focus Group Meeting
20% 33% very much fairly partly 47% … at the Focus Group Meeting
very much 20% fairly 33% partly not at all I don't know 47% 3. What did you like best?
The composi7on of the group 32% 32% Impulse and presenta7ons Presenta7on of prac7cal examples 13% Other:
Debates 23% Working on country profiles for the first time
exchanging ideas from both sides of the river to have an integrated perspektive
work in groups for the content of the next conference
quantitave sessions of the focus group
4. What can be improved for the next meeting?
More European Participants, more practical examples
working on products an activities, more work in exchange and networking
more focused agenda on exchanging projects, more focused topics covering cuvent affairs e.g. ISIS
see 9.
Prasentations of practical examples (more visual like they are)
get a translator for non-­‐ english speaking guest speakers so as to take the burden from the facilitator
sharing the specific objectives before hand (maybe check if someone from the focus group wants to add more obj.); ask ppl. To prepare interventions/brainstorm on the specific topic before coming to the meeting; having smaller working groups for debates and for more informal setting.
less presentations , more diverse speakers than the one used to
Best practices+ presentations
Just more interactive activities
more structured rooms for networking. Choosy guest speakers. Focus on political project to b unplemented cooperatingly
give more room to practice presentations and interactive methods. Explain the structure more clearly: focus group members (permanents)-­‐ guests (transitionaries)
more interactive from the beginning of the focus group
Add more members to the focus group. Engage guests in "meeting agenda" drafting. Give participants more background before conferences.
5. Have you received new ideas or inspiration for your work / activities?
13% 6% very much 44% fairly partly 37% not at all 6. Have you gained more knowledge about situations, people and discourses across the Mediterrranean?
19% 31% very much fairly partly 50% 7. Have you got to know new initiatives, projects, approaches, people etc.?
19% 44% very much fairly 37% partly 8. Have you met people with whom you wpould possibly etasblish contact later (for cooperation projects, meetings, conferences etc)?
13% yes no I don't know yet 87% 9.How do you evaluate the working method and the moderation of the workshop?
6% 31% excellent fair insufficient 63% Comments:
more small group discussions please
high engagement by all (many thanks)
more interactive sessions, more time for the introduction of participants in the 1st session
more informal setting&smaller working groups
faciliation for such content; was really good however the problem with the content resolved coul have been better
very intergrative and sensitive (Welly)
10.Anything you would like to add: I just want to say that NECE is the only Network of organisation that built a network and a database for CE in Northafrica better than the arab league and any other network that worked within the last five years.
Thank you for the great organization of the meeting-­‐>lab-­‐ concepts
more public marketing of the project to get mor famous
Maybe some of the presentaions can be done in smaller working groups to give time/space for questions and interaction with presenter; maybe focus group members would like to propose a chat/debate group on a specific topic related to their work/ interest/ challengers
In my opinion if we add other countries influenced by Gopolitics can be added value to help and exchange with best practices especially in the field of peacebuilding and citizenship education
Your personal information for statistical analysis
Country of Redidence/Activity
Egypt/Trainer and project manager
Cairo/ Media producer and documentary researches
Egypt/ project coordinator
40% Male Female 60% Age
7% 33% 20% 20-­‐ 30 30-­‐50 50-­‐60 over 60 40% How did you first get to know about the NECE Network? NECE website 10% Website of 25% 15% 5% 15% Mailing NECE Blog Colleagues 30% Friends Others: others
direct email from Cordoba
been invited to Cordoba conference
Participating in a NECE conference
direct contact
You are representative of NGO/ Associa7on 11% Founda7on Science and Research 10% 47% 16% School Cultural Ins7tu7on Administra7on Business/ Educa7on 16% Poli7cs Media What is your main professional background?
A: Formal/Non-­‐formal Educa]on 10% 20% Formal educa7on non-­‐ formal educa7on other 70% B: Ci]zenship/Cultural Educa]on 42% Ci7zenship educa7on 58% cultural educa7on C: You are representa]ve of Administra7on/officer NGO 33% 42% educa7onal prac7ce polity science/research 25% other D: Adult/Youth Educa]on 29% adult educa7on youth educa7on 71% 