Paul Skrade Stats 406 Abstract

Paul Skrade
Stats 406
The dataset I am working with is a mapped point pattern of bird nests in Northeast
Montana. This particular bird is called the Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus) and it
exhibits a rapid multiple-clutch nesting pattern. In this case a multiple-clutch system
means that after mating the female lays a clutch of three eggs at one location, which the
male then incubates and takes care of the hatchlings. She then moves to a different
location and lays a second clutch of three eggs which she is responsible for. This is quite
uncommon in the bird world and so it is ecologically interesting. In addition, it provides
an opportunity to make comparisons between the choices, successes, and failures of the
two sexes. Mountain Plovers at this study site in Montana nest exclusively in Black-tailed
Prairie Dog colonies, which vary in size and shape as well as proximity to each other.
The close-cropped area within the colony provides a suitable habitat for feeding as well
as nesting. I am interested in examining the spatial distributions of the individuals and
sexes in comparison to each other within my study site.
The data consists of 966 points, the X/Y coordinates of which are projected to the
State Plane grid of Northern Montana. Years range from 1996 to 2004 and are in three
types Male, Female, and Unknown. No single colony has enough points for a single year
to explain patterning, however, data will be examined for the whole time period
simultaneously to provide a better understanding of arrangement. K and L functions will
be produced, along with a bi-variate K to examine both sexes simulataneously.