Document 11526955

Curriculum Committee Minutes
April 19, 2005
Members Present:
JoAnn Galliano, Cindy Hicks, Gayle Hunt, Diana Immisch, Bill McDonald, Lupe
Ortiz, Dan Raveica, Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Patricia Posada
Marge Maloney, Norberto Ruiz
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 by committee chair Cindy Hicks.
Approval of Minutes of April 5, 2005
MSC (Hunt/Immisch) that the minutes of April 5, 2005, be approved as presented.
Dental Hygiene Presentation
This is an early 2005-06 proposal; it will go into effect in Fall 2006.
JoAnn Galliano explained that creating separate lab courses, rather than expanding the
corequisite courses, provides more flexibility for scheduling and will have a
WSCH/FTES benefit.
Dean’s Checklist
The addition of corequisite lab courses increases faculty hiring but does not increase
faculty load.
Dental Hygiene 60L, Dental Anatomy and Morphology Lab, 1 unit
New course.
• Correct Abbreviated course description by adding a comma: “…structures of the
teeth, tooth numbering…”
• Correct title on course outline by adding “Lab.”
• Correct number in Catalog Description to read “60L.”
• Hours should read “3 hours laboratory.”
• Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: remove “including performance on
final exam” from item that begins “improved dental hygiene skills…”; add
“attendance and participation” and “final examination” as separate items.
• Corequisite Content Review Form
• CSU transfer forms.
Dental Hygiene 61L, Head and Neck Anatomy Lab, 1 unit
New course.
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4-19-05, page 2
• Hours should read “3 hours laboratory.”
• Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: remove “including performance on
final exam” from item that begins “improved dental hygiene skills…”; add “final
examination” as a separate item.
• Corequisite Content Review Form
• CSU transfer forms.
Dental Hygiene 71L, Pre-Clinical Dental Hygiene Lab, 1 unit
New course.
• Hours should read “3 hours laboratory.”
• Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: remove “including performance on
final exam” from item that begins “improved dental hygiene skills…”; add
“attendance and participation” and “final examination” as separate items.
• Corequisite Content Review Form
• CSU transfer forms.
The following course outlines contain minor changes in expected outcomes and course
content in response to annual review by the discipline.
Dental Hygiene 51, General and Oral Pathology, 4 units
• Expand Typical Assignments b. to include more detail.
Dental Hygiene 52A, Periodontics, 2 units
Dental Hygiene 52B, Advanced Periodontics, 1 unit
No changes suggested.
Dental Hygiene 55A, Dental Materials, 1 unit
Cindy suggested listing the hours in 18-week format.
• Change hours to .5 hour lecture, 1.5 hours laboratory. Remove “9 weeks.”
Dental Hygiene 60, Dental Anatomy and Morphology, 1.5 units
• Corequisite Content Review Form for 60L
Dental Hygiene 61, Head and Neck Anatomy, 2 units
• Correct punctuation in Catalog Description, “…Corequisites: Dental Hygiene
61L, 69A…”
• Change Typical Assignment a. to “identify clinical…”
• Corequisite Content Review Form for 61L
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Dental Hygiene 69A, Oral Health Care Education, 2 units
Dental Hygiene 69B, Treatment and Evaluation in Dental Hygiene, 1 unit
No changes suggested.
Dental Hygiene 71A, Pre-Clinical Dental Hygiene, 4 units
• Corequisite Content Review Form for 71L
Dental Hygiene 71B, Clinical Dental Hygiene, 4 units
• Remove Dental Hygiene 71L from corequisites.
Dental Hygiene 80A, Patient Management, 1 unit
Dental Hygiene 83, Patients With Special Needs, 1 unit
No changes suggested.
Dental Hygiene—Associate in Arts Degree
Discussion on whether to add the number of GE units to the total minimum units
required, to better reflect the degree total. It was decided not to, because the
discipline is considering adding an AS Degree option. It was decided to add a note
advising that the combined total of major units and general education units will result
in the student’s exceeding the minimum total of 60 units.
Task Force on developing criteria for Writing and Critical Thinking
(Cindy, JoAnn, Patricia, Gayle)
Cindy reported on responses she has received to the draft criteria. These included the
following suggestions: modify criteria to include the writing of fiction; expect
students to identify interpretive bias in secondary sources and take appropriate
responsibility for authorship. It was decided not to include fictional writing at this
As part of the discussion, Diana distributed a proposed revision to Title 5 containing
a definition of Information Competency. The committee agreed to use a modified
version of that definition in developing our criteria:
“Information competency” means the ability to recognize the need for
information and to find, evaluate, use, and communicate information in
all its various formats. It combines aspects of library literacy, research
methods and technological literacy, including consideration of the
ethical and legal implications of information use and requires the
application of both critical thinking and communication skills.
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Jane asked whether LPC is developing its own criteria for this area. Cindy replied
that she is coordinating with LPC, but has not heard back from them on this issue.
LPC does have our draft. Our draft will be taken to the Senate, who will recommend
an approved version to the District Task Force.
Cindy will revise the criteria based on today’s discussion and email it to the
committee for a vote at the next meeting.
Procedures and policies for choosing a new chair
Note: It has been determined that the requirement of a “faculty” chair to the
committee (as stated in the Senate regulations) refers to either contract or regular
faculty. A discussion ensued on whether, in cases of equally qualified candidates, a
regular faculty should be given preference. Consensus was that selection should be
made on the basis of individual merit.
The possible addition of a vice chair was discussed at some length. It was felt that
the creation of this office would take some of the load off of the chair and provide
experience for future chairs. The committee favors having a vice chair and in 200506 will discuss the details of a policy in order to bring this about.
JoAnn introduced the subject of term limits in order to have a realistic timeline for
someone to serve as vice chair. Discussion included:
• impact on teaching,
• needs of a changing institution,
• suggestions for limiting term of office,
• need for flexibility,
• having no minimum term of office but a definite maximum.
Cindy stated that in her opinion a first draft procedure for selecting a Curriculum
chair should include:
• a list of candidate qualifications,
• provision for a vice chair,
• maximum term of office expectations,
• release time for the chair and vice chair.
She added that she is convinced that the procedures should be written down and that
both tenured and non-tenured faculty should have the opportunity to serve. She will
give her notes to date to Chad for Senate information. The Curriculum Committee
will develop a final statement of policies and procedures in 2005-06.
Election of Curriculum Committee Chair for the 2005-06 Academic Year
Cindy called for nominations. Bill McDonald nominated Norberto Ruiz, who outlined
his qualifications and expressed his interest in the position. Diana Immisch asked
whether Patricia Shannon would accept a nomination. Patricia declined.
Norberto Ruiz was selected as next year’s chair by consensus. Cindy thanked Norberto,
Patricia, and the committee at large for a good discussion.
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4-19-05, page 5
Reports (continued)
Information on removing inactive courses/programs from the Catalog
In Ron Taylor’s absence, Marge Maloney distributed a sample page from a report run
on Banner. It listed courses by division, course number, and name, and told the last
time the course was offered and whether it was cancelled or remained active. It was
noted that if this information is available on Banner, IT could write a program
generating the information we need, such as an x-year history of courses that have
not been offered in x-number of years. Timeline for writing such a program would
be dependent on IT priorities.
Cindy requested that a motion be presented at the next meeting asking the Office of
Academic Services to review the catalog annually and remove courses that have not
been active for 5 years or more.
Timeline for implementing new or revised admission to programs
JoAnn reported that the Nursing faculty is in favor of a 6-month to one-year lead
time for changes to take effect. Cindy suggested making the timeline one year with
provision for shortening the timeline for changes mandated by accrediting boards.
She asked Bill to draft a motion for next meeting.
Defining “Transfer Major”
Tabled to next meeting.
Developing a degree based on CSU and IGETC certification
Tabled to next meeting.
Good of the Order
Jane distributed information on Chabot’s AA in Liberal Arts and the Transfer Studies
program at San Diego Mesa College to read in preparation for discussion of the two
tabled items. Cindy advised members to look at LPC’s proposal for a Transfer Degree in
preparation for the discussion.
Cindy reported that Anita Wah and the math discipline have been having scheduling
problems caused by courses that don’t fit easily within our current schedule blocks. She
hopes that when courses that don’t fit the blocks are proposed, the committee will
comment on possible difficulties. Cindy also expressed her opinion that the college
needs to revisit the block schedule, considering impacts on curriculum, pedagogy, etc.
Next (last) meeting:
May 3, 2005
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
kk 4/25/05