Document 11526942

Curriculum Committee Minutes
October 26, 2004
Members Present:
Alla Barbalat (ASCC), Desmond Chun, Cindy Hicks, Gayle Hunt, Diana
Immisch, Bill McDonald, Lupe Ortiz, Dan Raveica, Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Edna Danaher, Denise Noldon, Patricia Posada, Ron Taylor
Tim Dave, Arlene De Leon, Tom DeWit
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 by committee chair Cindy Hicks.
Approval of Minutes of October 19, 2004
MSC (Chun/Raveica) that the minutes of October 19, 2004, be approved as presented.
Health, PE, Athletics Proposal
MSC (McDonald/Raveica) to approve the Health, PE, athletics packet contingent on
changes as noted in the minutes of October 19.
Language Arts Presentation
Cindy commented that for some reason people are marking “No” in the Baccalaureate
Level column of the Dean’s Checklist. If a course transfers, or if you want it to transfer,
the answer should be “Yes.” We will try to clarify the heading of this column for the
next curriculum cycle.
English 7, Critical Thinking and Writing Across Disciplines, 3 units
Proposal to offer in Distance Ed format. The DECSC is currently reviewing the
Diana Immisch asked whether one of the two on-campus meetings would be a library
orientation. She added that the library is currently working on an online orientation
component. Arlene De Leon replied that Pam Shen, the instructor proposing this
class, is very thorough and good at training her students in use of the computer for
online research. Tom De Wit will ask Pam to contact the library to discuss the
need for an orientation.
The Curriculum Committee requested that Pam add a brief statement to her
delivery plan proposal explaining how she will address Section 3 of Expected
Outcomes for Students in the DE format so that we have a record for instructors who
need to integrate library research into their delivery plans. Cindy added that the
Expected Outcomes should be stated using measurable verbs, rather than
Curriculum Committee
10-26-04, page 2
Patricia Shannon commented on the Need/Justification statement on the DECSC
Course Proposal Form. She feels that it implies that we will be offering additional
sections of English 7, which may not be the case. Tom replied that it increases
student access by targeting a different audience than on-campus classes do.
Bill McDonald said that there is a lot of confusion among students about the
difference between English 4 and English 7. Tom replied that English 4 is literaturebased; English 7 is cross disciplinary. Bill suggested clarifying that in the catalog
• Remove DE statement from abbreviated course description for the schedule.
• Textbook dates: put an actual, recent date next to “any recent edition.”
• Rewrite the catalog description to clarify its differences from
English 4. (Bring the outline back to the December 14 meeting for review by the
• Make sure all verbs in the Expected Outcomes are “measurable.”
The Curriculum Committee approved DE format contingent on DECSC
English 115, Faculty-Student Tutorial: Writing and Reading Across the
Curriculum, .5-3 units.
Change from .5-4 units.
Tom asked whether the Methods of Evaluating Student Progress reference to a
learning plan needs to be included elsewhere in the outline. Discussion led to a
revision to Methods of Presentation (see below).
• Methods of Presentation #1: revise to read “instructor-student assessment of
learning needs and development of a learning plan.
• Typical Assignments: be more explicit in the examples.
• Update textbook dates.
Gayle Hunt noted (in writing to Cindy) that both ESL 109 and ESL 111A change faculty
load and should be so noted on the Dean’s Checklist.
ESL 109, Vocabulary Skills, 1 unit
Changes hours from 2 hours laboratory to 1 hour lecture, 1 hour laboratory. The
class remains 1 unit.
In a discussion of textbook dates, Cindy commented that a recent textbook date is one
way for the committee to see that faculty are staying current in their fields.
• Update textbook dates.
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ESL 111A, Pronunciation, 2 units
Changes title from Listening and Speaking; changes hours from 3 (unspecified) to
2 hours lecture, 1 hour laboratory.
ESL 125, Pronunciation Lab, .5 unit
New course.
• Add “laboratory” to “1.5 hours” in catalog description.
• Add publisher and date to textbook.
ESL 126, Faculty-Student Tutorial—ESL, .5-2 units
New course.
In answer to a question regarding the type of activities offered, Tom reported that
while there is an opportunity for CAI, instructors will be assisting students with their
communication needs for various subjects. It was suggested to rewrite the catalog
description to read “…academic English oral and written communication skills for
students who…”
It was suggested that the sentence “Focuses on reading, writing, speaking, listening
skills needed in college courses.” be added to the course description. Gayle Hunt
fears that this will increase enrollment beyond the capacity of the Language Lab.
Cindy suggested including the sentence in the Course Outline, but leaving it out of
the Abbreviated Course Description in the Class Schedule until more space and other
resources are available. She also suggested adding a sentence to the Proposal
Rationale about limitations to number of sections that can be offered caused by
funding and space availability.
• Add “laboratory” to “1.5-6 hours” in catalog description.
• Add language to catalog description as suggested above.
• Methods of Presentation #1: revise to read “instructor-student assessment of
language needs and development of a learning plan.
• Update textbook dates.
General Studies 115, Faculty-Student Tutorial: Writing and Reading Across the
Curriculum, .5-3 units.
Change from .5-4 units.
• Methods of Presentation #1: revise to read “instructor-student assessment of
learning needs and development of a learning plan.
• Typical Assignments: be more explicit in the examples.
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10-26-04, page 4
Update textbook dates.
General Studies 116, Gateway to Success Program—Faculty-Student-Tutorial,
.5-3 units
Tim Dave presented this new course proposal targeted at basic skills students who are
enrolled in the National Science Foundation Gateway to Success Learning
Community. In answer to a suggestion by Bill McDonald, it was decided to add
“Corequisite: enrollment in any Gateway to Success English, Mathematics, or
Physics course.” Cindy asked Tim to use the current courses for the Corequisite
Content Review form.
• Add Corequisite (see above)
• Methods of Presentation #1: revise to read “instructor-student assessment of
learning needs and development of a learning plan.
• Typical Assignments: give actual assignments as they might be listed on the
learning plan.
The college-wide IPBC forum on developing Learning Goals will be on Tuesday,
November 9, at college hour. Patricia Shannon added that there will also be
opportunity for input at the IPBC Meeting on November 5.
The college-wide Curriculum Committee/Academic Senate forum on developing
General Education Area proposals will be on November 11, at college hour
Please note: Developing Learning Goals and developing General Education Area
proposals are two separate processes. The Curriculum Committee is NOT
involved in developing the learning goals, and learning goals encompass all
campus activities, from classes to counseling to hiring to facilities, etc. The
Curriculum Committee is involved in reviewing GE Area proposals.
Good of the Order
Ron Taylor distributed a report on progress on getting state approval for pending
programs. Also, starting on page 3 of the report, is a checklist for other academic
systems areas, to be sure that all necessary approvals have been covered. Ron wants to
be sure that we are up to date on the items listed, such as TOP Codes and stand-alone
course approval.
We need to transition to Edition 6 of the TOP Code list. The state has given us suggested
new codes that will go into effect Fall 2005. Ron will check this list over the summer.
Regarding submission of “pending” programs to the state, Cindy suggested that
marketing research of new programs done in 2002-03 might no longer be relevant. Ron
wants to be sure we also catch changes such as changes in units for individual courses.
There was a question regarding why “Pending State Approval” was removed from the
Management Certificate in the Catalog Addendum. Ron will check its status.
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American Cultures. Cindy reported that in the upcoming Arts and Humanities packet
there is a course being proposed for American Cultures. This will be the first proposal
for a new American Cultures course to come forward since dissolution of the American
Cultures Subcommittee. Please review the procedures in the Curriculum Handbook and
look at some of the outlines that have been approved before we start on the Arts and
Humanities packet.
Distance Education. Cindy said that, because our Distance Education needs and
resources have changed since the DE Review and Approval Process policy was approved,
it is probably time the college revisit Distance Education and the Curriculum
Committee’s role in DE. Please look through the DE approval process in the Handbook
to inform yourselves for the discussion. Also review some of the materials on the State
Academic Senate’s website, She found the publication
Technology in Education to be particularly helpful. The Senate’s phone number is 916445-4753. The discussion will be scheduled for later this semester or in early Spring.
Next meeting: November 2, 2004—Social Sciences presentation
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
kk 10/28/04