CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes October 5, 2004 Members Present: Desmond Chun, Rudolph Cockerham, Cindy Hicks, Diana Immisch, Bill McDonald, Lupe Ortiz, Dan Raveica, Patricia Shannon Ex-Officio Members Present: Denise Noldon, Patricia Posada, Ron Taylor Guests: Bob Johnson, Nolly Ruiz, Steve Small, Wayne Phillips I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:05 by committee chair Cindy Hicks. She introduced Lupe Ortiz, the new representative from Social Sciences, and Wayne Phillips, faculty member from Applied Technology and Business. II. Minutes of September 21, 2004 MSC (Chun/Immisch) that the minutes of September 21, 2004, be approved as presented. III. Applied Technology Presentation Cindy Hicks commented that throughout the packet, the Baccalaureate Course? column is marked as “No” or “N/A.” Some of these courses already transfer to CSU as electives. Unless the division wishes to remove that transferability, the courses should be marked as “Yes.” If the division wishes to add CSU transfer to new courses, the column should be marked “Yes” and Articulation Form #2 should be submitted. Dan Raveica presented the Welding portion of the packet. He reported that response from LPC is pending. Cindy requested that the information be updated on the rationale form as response is received. WELDING TECHNOLOGY [Note: Revised degree and certificate pages and requested content review forms and articulation requests will be distributed at the October 12 meeting for vote on October 19.] Welding Technology 63, Welding Layout and Fitting, 2 units Catalog description change. Removes WT 65B as a prerequisite; changes WT 74 to an advisory. Welding Technology 64A, Beginning Arc, Flux-Core Welding, and Blueprint Reading, 3 units Catalog description change. Adds WT 70 as an advisory. Needed: • Advisory Content Review Form for WT 70. • Textbook dates. Curriculum Committee 10-5-04, page 2 Welding Technology 64B, Advanced Arc, Flux-Core Welding, and Blueprint Reading, 3 units Catalog description change. Changes WT 64A from a prerequisite to an advisory. Adds WT 70 as an advisory. Needed: • Advisory Content Review Form for WT 70. • Textbook dates. Welding Technology 65A, Beginning TIG, MIG, and Blueprint Reading, 3 units Catalog description change. Adds WT 70 as an advisory. Needed: • Advisory Content Review Form for WT 70. • Textbook dates. Welding Technology 65B, Advanced TIG, MIG, and Blueprint Reading, 3 units Catalog description change. Changes WT 65A from a prerequisite to an advisory. Adds WT 70 as an advisory. Needed: • Advisory Content Review Form for WT 70. • Textbook dates. Welding Technology 66, Welding Inspection and Testing, 2units Catalog description change. Changes WT 65B and WT 74 from a prerequisites to an advisories. Needed: • Textbook dates. Welding Technology 67A, Welding Skills Laboratory, 2 units Catalog description change. Changes WT 64A from a prerequisite to an advisory. Needed: • Remove “or welding work experience” from catalog description and abbreviated course description. • List topics covered under Course Content. • Move “selected topics” from Course Content to Typical Assignments. • Textbook date. Welding Technology 67B, Advanced Welding Skills Laboratory, 2 units Catalog description change. Adds WT 64B and WT 65B as advisories. Needed: • List topics covered under Course Content. • Move “selected topics” from Course Content to Typical Assignments • Advisory Content Review Form for WT 64B and WT 65B. • Textbook date. Welding Technology 68, Certification Preparation, 0.5 to 2 units Catalog description change. Dan Raveica commented on the large number of students who register for this class, and stated that he is concerned that the class uses Curriculum Committee 10-5-04, page 3 a large portion of his materials budget. Many of the students are coming to Chabot to take only this class. It was suggested that WT 64B and WT 65B be added as prerequisites. Nolly Ruiz feels this is an artificial prerequisite based only on cost. Further discussion focused on a materials fee to help offset the cost of the course (this might be problematic because students do not take their projects away with them) and the possibility of offering the course under Community Education with a cost-covering fee. Dan Raveica will make a decision and bring a revised proposal to the next meeting. Needed: • Write Methods of Presentation as a list. I.e., 1. Laboratory demonstrations 2. Individualized instruction 3. Etc. • Add a typical textbook (including date). Depending on decision discussed above: • Add prerequisite skills (outcomes from WT 64B and WT 65B). • Prerequisite Content Review Form for WT 64B and WT 65B. Welding Technology 69A, Fabrication and Installing Piping Systems, 3 units Catalog description change. Adds WT 64B as a prerequisite. Needed: • Revise prerequisite skills to include outcomes from WT 64B). • Prerequisite Content Review Form for WT 64B. Welding Technology 69B, Advanced Pipe Welding, 3 units Catalog description change. It was noted that a content review for WT 69A is not necessary, as the prerequisite is preexisting. Needed: • Remove content review form for WT 69A. Welding Technology 70, Introduction to Welding, 2 units Catalog description change, including the statement “Combined credit for Welding Technology 70 and Welding Technology 71 may not exceed 3 units.” Dan explained that this limitation is because the lecture portion of the two classes is the same. Needed: • Include laboratory topics in the Expected Outcomes and Course Content. • Textbook date. Welding Technology 71, Art Welding, 2 units Catalog description change, including the statement “Combined credit for Welding Technology 70 and Welding Technology 71 may not exceed 3 units” (see discussion above). Hours and unit change. It was suggested that the Catalog Description indicate that the course is intended for artists. There was discussion on where the art instruction for this course comes from, Curriculum Committee 10-5-04, page 4 and whether it should be cross-listed with the Art discipline. The possibility of changing the title to “Welding for Artists” was discussed. Patricia Shannon will share the discussion with the Art faculty. Discussion on the similarity of the Course Content for the two courses. Needed: • Add notation in the Catalog Description and the Abbreviated Course Outline that the course is intended for artists or change the course title (see above). • Remove “introduction to blueprint reading as applied in manufacturing industry” from the Catalog Description and the Abbreviated Course Description. • Include laboratory topics in the Expected Outcomes and Course Content. • Textbook date. AS Degree, Welding Technology Certificate of Completion, Welding Certificate of Completion, Advanced Welding Skills Discussion on whether the certificates should be completion or achievement, whether there is too much overlap between them, and how the certificates and the degree interact. Dan Raveica will meet with Nolly Ruiz and Bill O’Mahoney to clarify the three components of the program. Revised program pages will be distributed at the October 12 meeting, and a vote will be taken on October 19. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY Bob Johnson distributed a matrix outlining which courses are included in each of the Automotive certificates and the three degree options. He reported that changes have been made to the program to reflect skills listed by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). The discipline has also requested to change its rubric from AUTO to ATEC. [Note: Revised degree and certificate pages and requested content review forms and articulation requests will be distributed at the October 12 meeting for vote on October 19.] [Note: Content review forms are not needed for the existing prerequisites AUTO 50 and 55; the forms should be removed from the packet.] Automotive Technology 60A, Automotive Electrics/Electronics I, 3.5 units Catalog Description change. Changes laboratory hours from 6 to 5 and units from 4 to 3.5. ATEC 61A and Industrial Tech 74 added as advisories. Ron Taylor will confirm that BANNER will allow a prerequisite to be taken concurrently. Needed: • Advisory Content Review forms for ATEC 61A and Industrial Tech 74 Automotive Technology 60B, Automotive Electrics/Electronics II, 3.5 units Changes lab hours from 6 to 5 and units from 4 to 3.5 Curriculum Committee 10-5-04, page 5 Needed: • Add to Catalog Description and Abbreviated Course Description, “May not receive credit if Automotive Technology 71 has been completed.” (See discussion below under ATEC 71.) Automotive Technology 61A, Fuel Induction Systems, 3.5 units Title change from Fuel Induction, Emission and Computer Control Systems I. Catalog Description change. Changes laboratory hours from 6 to 5 and units from 4 to 3.5 Removes ATEC 55 from prerequisite. Adds ATEC 60A as an advisory. Needed: • Advisory Content Review Form for ATEC 60A. Automotive Technology 61B, Fuel Induction, Emission and Computer Control Systems II, 3.5 units Changes laboratory hours from 6 to 5 and units from 4 to 3.5 Needed: • Remove “Evening Only” from Catalog Description and Abbreviated Course Description. • Add to Catalog Description and Abbreviated Course Description, “May not receive credit if Automotive Technology 71 has been completed.” (See discussion below under ATEC 71.) Automotive Technology 63A, Introduction to Engines and Machining Processes, 3 units Catalog Description change. Removes ATEC 55 and 60B as prerequisites; adds “(may be taken concurrently)” to the prerequisite ATEC 50. Removes Industrial Tech 61 as an advisory. Needed: • Advisory Content Review Form for Industrial Tech 74. Automotive Technology 63B, Engines, Machining, and Assembly Processes, 3 units Catalog Description Change Needed: • None Automotive Technology 64A, Manual Drive Train, and Axle Assemblies, 3 units Title change from Manual Drive Train Assemblies. Catalog Description change. Removes ATEC 55 and 60B as prerequisites; adds “(may be taken concurrently)” to the prerequisite ATEC 50. Adds Industrial Tech 74 as an advisory. Needed: • Advisory Content Review Form for Industrial Tech 74. Automotive Technology 64B, Automatic Transition/Transaxle Assemblies, 3 units Title change from Automatic Transition Assemblies. Catalog Description change. Adds ATEC 50 (may be taken concurrently) as a prerequisite. Replaces existing advisories with Industrial Tech 74. Curriculum Committee 10-5-04, page 6 Needed: • Textbook date. • Advisory Content Review Form for Industrial Tech 74. Automotive Technology 65, Automotive Braking Systems, 3 units Title change from Automotive Brake and Safety Inspection. Catalog Description change. Adds ATEC 50 (may be taken concurrently) as a prerequisite. Replaces existing advisories with Industrial Tech 74. Needed: • Advisory Content Review Form for Industrial Tech 74. Automotive Technology 66, Automotive Steering, Suspension, and Alignment Systems, 3 units Title change from Automotive Steering and Suspension Systems. Catalog Description change. Adds ATEC 50 (may be taken concurrently) as a prerequisite. Adds Industrial Tech 74 as an advisory. Needed: • Textbook date. • Advisory Content Review Form for Industrial Tech 74. Automotive Technology 68, California BAR Basic and Advanced Clean Air Car Course, 5 units Title change from California BAR Clean Air Car Course. Catalog Description change. After discussion, it was agreed to change the following sentence: “The BCACC includes the 2003 current update and OBDII requirements.” Needed: • Make Catalog Description correction shown above. • Textbook dates. • Rewrite second line “and (no italics) Write it Right…” to show that these are two separate books. • Remove the Prerequisite Content Review Form for ATEC 71. Automotive Technology 70, Introduction to Automotive Service, 2 units Title change from Introduction to Automotive Mechanics. Catalog Description change. Needed: • None Automotive Technology 71, Powertrain and Vehicle Performance, 7units New course. Bill McDonald noted that if the course is a combination of ATEC 60B and 61B, credit should not be awarded for all of them. It was agreed to add the statement “May not receive credit if ___ has been completed.” Note: The Library Consultation form for the whole discipline is on Page 144. Needed: • Add to Catalog Description and Abbreviated Course Description, “May not receive credit if Automotive Technology 60B and 61B have been completed.” Curriculum Committee 10-5-04, page 7 4:00 MSC (Shannon/McDonald) that we extend the meeting to finish the packet. AS Degree, Automotive Technology The degree has been revised to include three separate options, resulting in core units of from 34.5 to 42. The question of whether a student could earn three separate degrees was answered, “Yes.” Students are eligible to receive any degree they complete the requirements for. Needed: • List the courses in each option. Certificate of Achievement, Automotive Engine Performance Technology New Needed: • None Certificate of Achievement, Automotive Service Technology Revised. Title changed from Automotive Service. Units increased from 27 to 28.5 Needed: • None Certificate of Achievement, Automotive Chassis Technology New Needed: • None Certificate of Achievement, Automotive Drivetrain Technology New Needed: None Certificate of Achievement, Automotive Engine Machining New Needed: None Request to remove from catalog: • Automotive Technology 69, Automotive Testing and Diagnosis, 3 units • AS Degree, Automotive Diagnostic Technology • Certificate of Achievement, Automotive Technology Nolly Ruiz thanked Bob Johnson for the work he did on the Automotive presentation and announced that Bob is moving to Solano Community College as Dean of Trade and Technical. Curriculum Committee 10-5-04, page 8 ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY Nolly Ruiz and Wayne Phillips presented this portion of the packet. They were reminded to review the Baccalaureate Level column of the Dean’s Checklist and distribute paperwork for new requests to the committee for approval. Electronics Technology 67, Electronic Equipment Troubleshooting, 1 unit Request to offer in Distance Education. Patricia Shannon noted the statement that “Students…have difficulty taking classes” and asked what the difficulty is. It is scheduling, and offering the course in Distance Education should help. The equipment already available is adequate for start-up, but additional equipment would allow for an expanded offering. Needed: • Add a typical textbook, including date. • It was noted that the DE Tracking Form is not current. It lacks a spot for the Instructional Designer’s signature, which should be added (See Page 21 of Curriculum Handbook.) • Signatures on revised DE Tracking Form. Electronics Technology 68, Electronic Test Equipment, 1 unit Request to offer in Distance Education. Changes prerequisite from ELEC 62A and 64 to ELEC 60. Needed: • Add a typical textbook, including date. • Add a spot for the Instructional Designer’s signature (see ELEC 67, above). • Signatures on revised DE Tracking Form. Electronics Technology 74A, Cisco Networking Academy CCNA 1 and 2, 5 units New. Combines Cisco 1 and 2, which have been offered experimentally. Discussion yielded the opinion that access to the Internet and an e-mail account are not Special Student Materials because they are available to students on campus. Needed: • Revise Special Student Materials to read, “None.” • Signature on Library Consultation Form. Electronics Technology 74B, Cisco Networking Academy CCNA 3 and 4, 5 units New. Combines Cisco 3 and 4, which have been offered experimentally. Needed: • Revise the Prerequisite Skills section to exactly match the Expected Outcomes section of ELEC 74A. • Revise Special Student Materials to read, “None.” (See ELEC 74A, above) • Signature on Library Consultation Form. Electronics Technology 75, Networking Laboratory, 0.5 – 1 unit New. Requested for Distance Education. Curriculum Committee 10-5-04, page 9 Needed: • Complete the Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress section. • Add a typical textbook with date. • Signature on Library Consultation Form. • Add a spot for the Instructional Designer’s signature (see ELEC 67, above). • Signatures on revised DE Tracking Form. Request to remove from catalog: • ELEC 81, Audio Systems, 4 units • ELEC 82, Video Systems, 4 units • ELEC 84, Satellite and Cable Systems, 2 units • Certificate of Achievement, Electronics Audio/Video Technology IV. V. VI. Good of the Order None Next meeting: October 12, 2004 The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. kk 10/8/04 c:\documents\word\curric\2004-2005\10-5-04.min.doc