Document 11526935

Curriculum Committee Minutes
April 18, 2006
Members Present:
Rudolph Cockerham, Gail Johnson-Murphy, Jim Matthews, Clara McLean, Jan
Novak, Lupe Ortiz, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Jane Church, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Jessie Vernieri Amato
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz.
Minutes of April 4, 2006
MSC (Matthews/Novak) to approve the minutes of April 4, 2006, as presented.
Title III Project
Norberto introduced Grant Developer Jessie Vernieri Amato, who distributed an
overview of the Title III proposal that is being developed. She reported that the goal of
the project is to increase student success. We should hear results in August and, if
funded, the project would start in October. Ron Taylor added that part of the project
would be to rewrite course outlines to include student learning goals. Curriculum
Committee involvement would be needed to accomplish that.
Ron also explained that FIGs (Faculty Inquiry Groups) would be formed to look into
Boulder problems. Jane Church asked whether retention is included in the project.
While not directly addressed, there will be a FIG looking into the hurdles we create
through our rules and processes.
Program Introduction Process
Ron Taylor distributed a flow chart developed by LPC. He reported that the Vice
Presidents from the two colleges met with the Faculty Senate Presidents, and they expect
a new proposal from LPC soon.
Ron outlined key parts of the process as being
• appropriate Curriculum Committee involvement
• meeting state requirements for new occupational programs
o research
o faculty involvement
o industry involvement
The committee discussed the differences between occupational education and liberal arts
Curriculum Committee
4-18-06, page 2
Jane suggested that the Curriculum Committee form a subgroup to develop guidelines for
processing incoming courses from other schools and make decisions on requests for
articulation with Chabot. She stated that there is little consistency in processing these
requests, and noted that CSU accepts some courses that Chabot does not. It was noted
that we need a way to capture the approvals, so that we do not have to process the same
course more than once.
Jim summarized the needs:
1. Develop a Policy and Procedure, maybe including an appeals process for courses
denied articulation.
2. Form a group to call for help on individual proposals on an as needed basis.
Jane suggested Edna Danaher and someone from the Committee. Norberto Ruiz and
Patricia Shannon volunteered. Jim thinks the group should have one more person and
suggested contacting the Faculty Senate for a recommendation.
MSC (Shannon/Johnson-Murphy) that the committee appoint a subcommittee to
discuss questions concerning articulation, with the goal of developing a guideline
document to aid in articulation of incoming courses.
Experimental Courses
The packet of Electronics and Computer Technology experimental courses distributed on
March 29 was not acted on at the April 4 meeting due to concern that these courses had
not gone through the division approval process.
Norberto reported that at the last division meeting they spent the entire hour discussing
the Electronics program and did not make any firm decisions. It was recommended that
the Advisory Committee become involved.
Action on this proposal will remain tabled until after the Advisory Committee has met.
Distance Education Submission Deadline Dates
Jan Novak reported on today’s DECSC meeting and led a discussion on possible
deadlines for DE proposals.
MSC (Matthews/Ortiz) that the approval date for DE proposals be the first Tuesday in
October for Spring classes and the first Tuesday in March for Summer and Fall classes.
Also, that the DECSC identify a deadline for submissions.
Information Competency
Topic tabled until Keith Mehl can be present.
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4-18-06, page 3
Good of the Order
The DE Ad Hoc Group for this semester will consist of Des Chun, Jan Novak, Lupe
Ortiz, and Norberto Ruiz. Proposals are due May 1.
Patricia Shannon announced that Arts and Humanities will be making some proposals at
the May 2 meeting. Copies will be delivered to the committee ASAP. Since May 2 is the
last regular meeting, she suggested an electronic vote be taken.
Ron reported that the first reading of Administrative Rules and Procedures 2015,
covering District Curriculum Council, is going to the Board tonight. In addition to
various faculty, the Vice Presidents of Academic Services are designated as voting
The DECSC will send proposal and flow chart revisions discussed at the last meeting to
Norberto and Kaaren for inclusion in the Curriculum Handbook.
Next meetins:
May 2, 2006 (last regular meeting)
May 16, 2006 (Spring training)
The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m.
kk 4/19/06