Document 11526931

Curriculum Committee Minutes
February 21, 2006
Members Present:
Desmond Chun, Gail Johnson-Murphy, Jim Matthews, Clara McLean, Jan
Novak, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Jane Church, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz. He
introduced Gail Johnson-Murphy as the new representative from the Counseling
Minutes of January 31, 2006
MSC (Chun/McLean) that the minutes of January 31, 2006, be approved as
Course Outline: Grade/Credit No Credit/Optional
Norberto noted that our course outlines do not contain grade/credit no credit/optional
information. Jane Church reported that there was a recent discussion on the Articulation
list serve regarding this information. She has done some research, and there does not
seem to be any criteria for deciding which grading option is used for a particular course.
She noted that the assignments seem to be haphazard.
Discussion included reasons why students or instructors opt for certain grading patterns;
how the various options affect transfer; and the need for consistency.
Jane and Gail volunteered to research what other institutions in our area do:
• Who decides what the grading options are?
• Are there criteria to aid the decision?
• Where is the grading option information published?
They will report their findings at the first meeting in April.
Distance Education—Next Steps
Norberto reported that there is a flow chart on the DECSC website
( which describes
the current process. He has asked the subcommittee to produce a similar chart outlining
the proposed procedure.
Jan Novak reported that at the February 22 DECSC meeting they will be discussing:
• the flow chart,
• how hybrid courses should be treated (Ed Code says a class that is taught 50% or
more online must be approved as a DE course),
• whether courses offered in DE format must be listed in the college catalog as DE
before they can be offered.
Curriculum Committee
2-21-06, page 2
Patricia Shannon commented that she would like to see the Curriculum Committee work
with the DECSC to make the process as flexible as possible. Jim Matthews cautioned
that Accreditation requirements must be considered in addition to Title 5.
Next Year’s Schedule
Norberto expressed the opinion that there should be some rotation in how divisions/
disciplines are scheduled. Patricia Shannon suggested rotating everyone 3 positions on
the chart and using that as a starting point at the next meeting.
Regarding the question of going to a year-round schedule, Norberto will send a memo
asking if anyone would like to present in the Spring.
Committee Composition
Jim noticed that in the Governance document, the Articulation Officer is not listed as an
ex officio member. There was discussion on whether the position should be voting or ex
MSC (Matthews/Shannon) that the Committee request the Faculty Senate to change the
membership to include an ex officio Articulation Officer.
Good of the Order
Norberto thanked the committee for voting via email on the following:
• Approve Tutoring 200, Supervised Tutoring.
• Delete the Correctional Science and Security Certificates of Completion.
Both motions were carried.
Clara McLean asked about the status of the other 200’s being developed by her division.
They can be presented in the Spring and sent to the State for approval after Curriculum
Committee approval
The residency requirement was discussed at College Council. The general feeling was
that the colleges should have a common requirement, and that the District Curriculum
Council would be the proper venue for further discussion.
Jane announced that the Lower Division Transfer Project will go into effect in Fall 2007.
Next meeting: March 7, 2006
DECSC Presentation
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
kk 2/23/06